Reverse Dependencies of pandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on pandas:
- zinfoexport — Package to extract data from z-info (historian)
- zinv-analysis — AlphaTwirl + uproot for the Z inv. width analysis
- zipcode-coordinates-tz — A Python package for querying US Zipcodes, and converting to coordinates and timezones
- ZipDAS — no summary
- zipdist — Tidy saving and loading of Numpy and Pandas object attributes
- zipind — zipind - From a folder, make a splitted ZIP with INDependent parts
- zipline-live2 — A backtester and live trader for financial algorithms.
- zipline-live2-vk — A backtester and live trader for financial algorithms. [VK branch]
- zipline-polygon-bundle — A zipline-reloaded data provider bundle for
- zipline-reloaded — A Pythonic backtester for trading algorithms
- zipline-tej — A Pythonic backtester for trading algorithms
- zipline-trader — A backtester for financial algorithms.
- zipminator — Zipminator is a lightweight Python package for compressing, encrypting, and deleting password-protected Pandas DataFrames.
- zipml — A simple AutoML tool for small datasets with useful helper functions
- zipndel — Zipndel is a lightweight python package equipped with two main functionalities; Zipndel or Unzipndel The Zipndel class provides automatic functionality for zipping or unzipping a password-protected pandas DataFrame file, and then deleting the original file.
- zippyform — Streamline form development in Django effortlessly with this quick and code-free package. Create dynamic forms without writing code, making form development a breeze.
- zipvehicle — no summary
- zit — ZitySpace CLI tool
- ziva — Library for communicating with DMS-ziva based devices
- zizou — Python package to detect anomalies in geoscience time series data
- zjwbox — a box for package
- zkml — A transpiler for Python machine learning models to Leo for zero-knowledge inference
- zkyutils — 自用python工具类
- zla-class — zla_class for get wholesale and retails sale
- zla-forecast — zla_fcst for get picture
- zlai — A LLM Agent Python package.
- zmapio — Python library for reading and writing map gridded data using ZMAP Plus ASCII Grid format
- zmctools — tools
- zmq-plugin — A spoke-hub plugin framework, using 0MQ backend.
- zndraw — Display and Edit Molecular Structures and Trajectories in the Browser.
- zntrack — Create, Run and Benchmark DVC Pipelines in Python
- zod — Zenseact Open Dataset
- zoDIAq — Bioinformatics software package for identifying peptides and proteins in DIA and DISPA mass spectrometry data files.
- zohencel-ai — World's first 'Text to ML model' support library. Also comes with an analysis chart bot that plots graphs from your data through queries and a completely customizable AI voice assistant.
- zoish — Zoish is a Python package that streamlines machine learning by leveraging SHAP values for feature selection and interpretability, making model development more efficient and user-friendly.
- zolltools — A collection of tools for working with NEMSIS data
- zomato — Zomato restaurants Scraper
- zomato-scrape — A package for scraping Zomato restaurant data
- zonarPy — Read and process Zooglider Zonar data
- zoo-animal-classification — classification of zoo animals using machine learning models
- zoobot — Galaxy morphology classifiers
- zooniverse-dump — Panoptes Export Reader/Converter
- zora — no summary
- zospy — A Python package used to communicate with Zemax OpticStudio through the API
- zotero-utils — Tools to locally analyze a Zotero library.
- zoviz — Unaffiliated visualization helper for Zotero data
- zp-velodata — Download and process data from the zwift_power_com api.
- zpca — PCA analysis for genes or transcripts.
- zqdl — A package for deep learning and data science
- zqyTestFunction — no summary
- zr-web-scraper — A simple Web scraper package
- zrxp — ZRXP File Reader and Writer
- zscore-anomaly-detector — A Python package to detect anomalies using Z-Scores
- ZScoreCalculator — A package for calculating peptide and protein z scores.
- ZSeeker — ZSeeker is a cli tool to find the propensity of B-DNA to form Z-DNA structures.
- zsmash — Cythonized Libraires of ZeD Code
- zsx-Neighbor-joining — Facile & flexible heatmap plotting
- zsx-Phylogenetic-Tree — Facile & flexible heatmap plotting
- zsx-scatter-plot — Facile & flexible heatmap plotting
- ztask — Ztask, the terminal interface to log task in zohoprojects and complete the damned timesheets with a Taskwarrior inspired syntax.
- zteb — ZTEB is Tony's Electronic Birthday-Card
- ztech-pythena — A simple athena wrapper (forked from chris.pruitt) leveraging boto3 to execute queries and return results while only requiring a database and a query string.
- zText — An easy to use NLP tool
- ZTF-Check — ZTF Check! The quick way to check out your target's FOV in ZTF.
- ztfcosmo — Simulating Transient in the sky and how to observe them
- ztffields — Access and Interact with ZTF Fields
- ztffp — ZTF Forced-Photometry library (Unaffiliated)
- ztfin2p3 — IN2P3 pipeline for the ZTF survey
- ztfparsnip — Generate noisified lightcurves based on the BTS sample and retrain Parsnip with these.
- ztfquery — Python package to access ZTF data
- ztm-buses — Warsaw ZTM API Fetcher and Data Analyzer
- ztrack — no summary
- ztree2python — Read z-Tree data files.
- ztshare — ztshare open platform interface package
- zuds — ZTF/ZUDS image processing pipeline
- zunis — Neural Importance Sampling
- zutil — "Python utilities for zCFD users"
- zuz — Dezabin aba bitrei zuzei
- zvi — Zorroa Visual Intelligence ML Environment
- zvtm — unified,modular quant framework for mysql
- zwi — Zwift data explorations.
- zwj-Pypi — no summary
- zwt5 — A silly package
- zyf — 常用函数工具包
- zyh — Easily show off amazing scripys by zyh
- zyl-utils — optimizer
- zynamon — Generalized & powerful time-series class and related functions
- zypl-macro — alternative data API interface lib
- zyppnotify — Send users notifications through various platforms
- ZYYA-Codes — Python codes for China Post Yongan
- zzdeeprollover — Detect rollovers in zebrafish larvae
- zzfdemo — zzf demo
- zzhfun — zzh model function and data function
- zzingestions — ZZIngestions is a powerful Python package that uses PySpark to transform data ingestion into a fluid and efficient process. It allows performing ETL operations in a scalable and intuitive way, improving the robustness and agility of data flows.
- zzlib — Python utils for structure-based computer-aided drug design
- zzx-deep-genome — A module for constructing parameter initialization matrix of convolutional neural network for genomics using PFM matrix information of transcription factors in Jaspar database.