Reverse Dependencies of pandas
The following projects have a declared dependency on pandas:
- 0lever-utils — utils
- 101703373-topsis — A Python package to get optimal solutiion.
- 101903117-shivam-singal — A Python package to get the best out of various features.
- 101903140 — Calculating topsis
- 101903688 — Calculating topsis
- 101903755 — Calculating topsis
- 101903762 — Calculating topsis Score
- 102003037-topsis — Topsis
- 102003050-topsis — Calculate Topsis score and save it in a csv file
- 102103417-topsis-ojaswani — no summary
- 102116078-topsis-py — Implementation of Topsis in Python
- 102203148-topsis — A Python package for multi-criteria decision-making using the TOPSIS method.
- 102203201-simrat — It gives the topsis analysis of your csv file with score and rankings.
- 102203236-Topsis — A Python package for TOPSIS multi-criteria decision making
- 102203525-TOPSIS — A Python package for TOPSIS (Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution)
- 102203551-topsis — A Python package to implement the TOPSIS decision-making method.
- 102203571-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS method
- 102203584 — It performs topsis
- 102203816-Topsis — This package performs topsis on your data
- 102216005-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS decision-making method
- 102216095-Topsis — A Python implementation of the TOPSIS decision-making method
- 102217006-topsis — A Python package for implementing the TOPSIS multi-criteria decision analysis method.
- 102217053-topsis — This is a topsis package
- 102217161-topsis — MCDM using Topsis
- 102217236-TOPSIS — Topsis Implementation.
- 102218038-topsis — Runs topsis algorythm for pre trained models
- 111752 — malware analysis
- 170051277-trab-final-gces — Pacote utilizado para o deploy do trabalho final da disciplina Gerência de Configuração e Evolução de Software (GCES).
- 1lever-utils — utils
- 1NeuronPerceptron-Pypi-mdnazmulislam0087 — its an implimentation of Perceptron
- 2022-2-gces-ifpf — no summary
- 3636c788d0392f7e84453434eea18c59 — Confidential
- 3d-connectX-env — 3D ConnectX for OpenAI Gym.
- 3D-MCMP-MRT-LBM — A 3D multicomponent multiphase lattice Boltzmann solver with a Multi-Relaxation-Time collision scheme and a sparse storage structure
- 3DFin — Automatic dendrometry and forest inventory for terrestrial point clouds, application package
- 3lc — 3LC Python Package - A tool for model-guided, interactive data debugging and enhancements
- 3m — 3m
- 4996 — Nothing to see here.
- 4cast-awi-package — load csv.
- 4cast-package — load csv.
- 58 — 抓58同城的电话号码
- 73e4d8e848405a88f444cff1c9dbc5b8 — Confidential
- a-cv-sift-detection — Detecting objects using openCV and sift
- a-cv2-calculate-simlilarity — Calculate the simlilarity of 2 or more pictures with OpenCV
- a-cv2-shape-finder — Detecting shapes with OpenCV, and getting all the important information in a DataFrame
- a-data-processing — A library that prepares raw documents for downstream ML tasks.
- A-FMM — Python implementation of the Aperiodic-Fourier Modal Method for electromagnetic simulation
- a-pandas-ex-adb-activities2df — Converts AndroidManifest.xml into a Pandas DataFrame (with all activities, queries, permissions ...)
- a-pandas-ex-adb-execute-activities — Creates (partial) functions for every Android activity using ADB
- a-pandas-ex-adb-settings-to-df — # Parses all Android config files (json/db/xml) in the /data/ folder and returns an easy-to-handle DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-adb-to-df — Use the power of pandas to manage the files on your Android device
- a-pandas-ex-apply-against-all — Apply each value in a column against the whole column
- a-pandas-ex-apply-ignore-exceptions — Use DataFrame.apply / Series.apply with a default value for Exceptions
- a-pandas-ex-automate-win32 — Automate the Microsoft Windows GUI with Pandas! Without pywin32, only ctypes!
- a-pandas-ex-bs4df — One-line-web-scraping by combining pandas and BeautifulSoup4
- a-pandas-ex-bs4df-lite — Light version of a_pandas_ex_bs4df
- a-pandas-ex-bstcfg2df — Edit bluestacks.conf with pandas
- a-pandas-ex-closest-color — Calculates the closest colors from 2 lists
- a-pandas-ex-closest-neighbours — Find the lower and upper neighbours in a pandas.Series
- a-pandas-ex-column-reduce — Apply reduce against a whole Pandas Series
- a-pandas-ex-columns-and-index — Some useful methods for columns / index in Pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-combinatoric-iterators-to-df — Creates DataFrames from product, permutations, combinations, combinations_with_replacement with best dtype
- a-pandas-ex-console-plot — Retro Pandas - Plotting back in 1985
- a-pandas-ex-crosstab-dict — Pandas DataFrame to dict with crosstab DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-css-selector-from-html — Generates all possible CSS selector combinations from an HTML string - Speed up your Selenium automation!
- a-pandas-ex-csv-plus — When pd.read_csv(csvstring, sep=r'\s+') doesn't work ...
- a-pandas-ex-df-to-string — Just a function to convert everything in Pandas DataFrames / Series to string
- a-pandas-ex-df-updater — Update a DataFrame/Series with the values of another
- a-pandas-ex-df2htmlstring — exports pandas DataFrames/Series as HTML (formatted string that looks like a table!)
- a-pandas-ex-dillpickle — Pickle pandas DataFrames without AttributeError: Can't pickle local object ...
- a-pandas-ex-drop-duplicates-without-pain — Some useful methods for columns / index in Pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-dumpsys-to-df — ADB 'dumpsys package' to Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-duplicates-to-df — Creates a DataFrame/Series from duplicates
- a-pandas-ex-easy-loc — Search and replace values with df.loc without Exceptions due to dtype incompatibility
- a-pandas-ex-enumerate-groups — Groups values in a column of a DataFrame and enumerates them
- a-pandas-ex-excel-edit — If you have to change a lot of arbitrary values which don't have a clear pattern, use Excel!
- a-pandas-ex-fast-string — Up to 4x faster than Series.str.contains / Series.eq - can handle Unicode!
- a-pandas-ex-fastloc — Up to 25 times faster than df.loc by combining and numexpr.evaluate (works with utf-8)
- a-pandas-ex-fastsort — Speedup up to 40 percent when sorting Pandas index/Series
- a-pandas-ex-fuzz — Intuitive way of using fuzz matching in pandas
- a-pandas-ex-fuzzymerge — Merges two DataFrames using fuzzy matching on specified columns
- a-pandas-ex-google-book-search-to-df — Google book search to Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-group-coordinates-by-distance — Group coordinates by euclidean distance
- a-pandas-ex-horizontal-explode — Explode list/tuples in columns
- a-pandas-ex-html-view — View/save any Pandas DataFrame/Series as HTML, works with MultiIndex as well
- a-pandas-ex-image-tools — Uses pandas/numpy/numexpr for operations on pictures - very fast
- a-pandas-ex-imap2df — imap to pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-inspect2df — Converts the output of some inspect functions to a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-intersection-difference — Computes the intersection/symmetric difference of n DataFrames/Series
- a-pandas-ex-less-memory-more-speed — A Python package to reduce the memory usage of pandas DataFrames. It speeds up your workflow and reduces the risk of running out of memory.
- a-pandas-ex-loc-no-exceptions — Search through all columns of a DataFrame without worrying about Exceptions
- a-pandas-ex-logcat2df — ADB logcat to Pandas DataFrame for better debugging
- a-pandas-ex-logsplit — Splits a DataFrame/Series logarithmically
- a-pandas-ex-lookupdict — Creates a lookup dict from a Pandas DataFrame (tuples as keys / np as values)
- a-pandas-ex-melt-pivot-tools — Some useful melt / pivot stuff for pandas DataFrames
- a-pandas-ex-memorydump-to-df — Load a ProcDump memory dump into a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-mindex-aggregate — Aggregates multiple columns of a DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-multiloc — Search for multiple values in multiple columns of a Pandas DataFrame
- a-pandas-ex-multimerge — Merges multiple DataFrames, ignores Exceptions if desired
- a-pandas-ex-numexpr — Pandas DataFrame/Series operations 8 times faster (or even more)