Reverse Dependencies of packaging
The following projects have a declared dependency on packaging:
- weave — A toolkit for building composable interactive data driven applications.
- web-op-project — web-op package
- web-poet — Zyte's Page Object pattern for web scraping
- web3m-analytics-tool — AnalyticsTool is a Python package designed to interface with PostgreSQL and MongoDB databases.
- WebAppDIRAC — WebAppDIRAC is a portal for the DIRAC software.
- webargs — Declarative parsing and validation of HTTP request objects, with built-in support for popular web frameworks, including Flask, Django, Bottle, Tornado, Pyramid, Falcon, and aiohttp.
- webdriver-installer — Download and install different web drivers
- webdriver-manager — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers
- webdriver_manager_mirrored — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers
- webdriver-manager-zh — Library provides the way to automatically manage drivers for different browsers
- webdrivermanager-cn — 基于阿里源开发的WebDriver管理工具
- WebEdge — Bringing Edge to your Web Performance
- WebHarvester — A simple super fast asynchronous crawler framework
- webrefine — Workflow for refining datasets from World Wide Web data
- webull-options — no summary
- welltestpy — welltestpy - package to handle well-based Field-campaigns.
- wemopy — WEMO Python Wrapper is a simple wrapper around the WEMO gRPC code that simplifies the usage
- werk24 — AI-powered platform for extracting and analyzing data from technical drawings / CAD drawings to enhance manufacturing workflows.
- west — Zephyr RTOS Project meta-tool
- wf-rappi — no summary
- wfpm — WorkFlow Package Manager
- whatdat — The whatdat module
- wheel-inspect — Extract information from wheels
- wheel_matrix — Print a Mardown matrix of wheels.
- wheel-version — Get the version of a wheel file
- wheel2deb — Python wheel to debian package converter
- wheelfile — API for inspecting and creating .whl files
- wheelhouse-uploader — Upload wheels to any cloud storage supported by Libcloud
- wherobots-python-dbapi — Python DB-API driver for Wherobots DB
- whey — A simple Python wheel builder for simple projects.
- whey-conda — Whey extension for creating Conda packages for Python projects.
- whook — A simple framework that can be used with Flask to build powerful webhooks.
- wikimedia-spicerack — Automation framework for the WMF production infrastructure
- wikirepo — Python based Wikidata framework for easy dataframe extraction
- wilddrummer — Turn sound samples into drums.
- wiliot-deployment-tools — A library for interacting with Wiliot's Deployment Tools
- windkit — WindKit provides core functionalities for working with wind resource data
- windows-desktop-builds — Retrieves Windows Desktop Builds
- wingspan-benefits — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-bookkeeping — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-cms — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-experiments — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-files — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-integrations — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-notifications — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-payments — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- wingspan-users — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- winterapi — no summary
- wiptools — Python project skeleton and management
- wisdom-sdk — Wisdom SDK
- wise-se — A Python re-implementation of the proven-correct symbolic executor WiSE
- wivw-demo — 我的工具
- wktplot — Well-known-text and shapely object visualiation library
- wlg-fayefv — A simple weightlogging app to track personal fitness.
- wnm — Manager for Autonomi nodes
- wolf-core — This is a core package for the Wolf project.
- wolfsoftware.get-language-versions — Fetch up-to-date data on the latest version(s) available on Github Actions for a given set of languages.
- woob — Woob, Web Outside Of Browsers
- wop — WhatsOpt Command Line Interface
- wordfence — Command-line malware scanner powered by Wordfence
- workaround — no summary
- worker-automate-hub — Worker Automate HUB é uma aplicação para automatizar rotinas de RPA nos ambientes Argenta.
- workshop-schedules — One-liner to describe the package
- world-nbdev — A description of your project
- wotclientdetection — Programatically detect and delegate WoT/MT launchers and clients
- wows-eval — Evaluation script for the wows-eval shared task.
- wp-enhanced — Wrapper of ``. Easy to premake, build, and deploy wwise plugins.
- wp2md — Convert wordpress articles to markdown
- WPSProtocol — A package for Implementing Walsh Pulse Sequenece constructed out of XY Hamiltonian based on Votto, M., Zeiher, J., & Vermersch, B. (2023). Robust universal quantum processors in spin systems via Walsh pulse sequences. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.10600.
- wrabbit — Package that helps convert prepare Nextflow to be run on SevenBridges supported platforms.
- wradlib — wradlib - An Open Source Library for Weather Radar Data Processing
- wrapanapi — no summary
- wrapmail — A package that helps to send emails through Python utilizing an OOP logic
- wrds — Access WRDS data through PostgreSQL in Python.
- wreck — Manage and fix requirements files for Python package authors
- write-condastat — write-condastat makes it easy to collect, filter and save conda statistics to csv files.
- writerai-api — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- ws-web-aiohttp — web server for web-sheets project
- wscomms — A WebSocket module enabling real-time communication between a server and multiple clients through a symmetric API, ensuring a consistent and easy-to-use interface on both ends.
- wsenedis — A module to communicate with Enedis webservices
- wsgi-shim — WSGI shim for when you have limited web log access
- wt-plus — Development Environment
- wwpdb.utils.nmr — wwPDB NMR utilities
- wxbs-benchmark — Code for benchmarking image matchers on WxBS dataset
- x-transformers — X-Transformers
- x2paddle — a toolkit for converting trained model to PaddlePaddle from other deep learning frameworks.
- xai-grok — A community-maintained SDK (Standard Developer Kit) for XAI Grok models
- xarray — N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- xarray-datatree — Hierarchical tree-like data structures for xarray
- xarray-einstats — Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xcmap — no summary
- xcodec2 — A library for XCodec2 model.
- xcookie — The xcookie cookie-cutter Module
- xcube — Extreme Multi-Label Text Classification
- xdcs-agent — no summary
- xenon-lfp-analysis — Xenon LFP Analysis Platform
- xerial-orm — A Simple but Powerful Object Rational Mapping (ORM) library.
- xfist — X(stands for eXtensible and fleXible) FIle STructure handler.
- xgboost-ray — A Ray backend for distributed XGBoost