Reverse Dependencies of packaging
The following projects have a declared dependency on packaging:
- aiidalab — Implements core functions of AiiDAlab.
- aiidalab-launch — Tool to launch AiiDAlab on a local workstation.
- aika-time — Methods for dealing with timestamps, timeranges, and timeseries
- aikido_zen — Aikido Zen for Python
- aim — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aim2dat — Automated Ab-Initio Materials Modeling and Data Analysis Toolkit: Python library for pre-, post-processing and data management of ab-initio high-throughput workflows for computational materials science.
- aimhub-client — A super-easy way to record, search and compare AI experiments.
- aimos — An easy-to-use modular observability for AI Systems. Extensible, scalable and modular.
- aio.api.github — Wrapper around gidgethub
- aio.api.nist — Async fetcher/parser for NIST CVE data
- aio-panasonic-comfort-cloud — Asynchronous Python library for Panasonic Comfort Cloud API
- aioblitzkrieg — @BlitzkriegAutobot asynchronous api wrapper
- aiocapsolver — Async API wrapper for
- aiocmd — Coroutine-based CLI generator using prompt_toolkit
- aiocouch — 🛋 An asynchronous client library for CouchDB 2.x and 3.x
- aiodocker — A simple Docker HTTP API wrapper written with asyncio and aiohttp.
- aiogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram-i18n — small translation tools for aiogram
- aiohttp-pydantic — Aiohttp View using pydantic to validate request body and query sting regarding method annotations.
- aiokafka — Kafka integration with asyncio
- aiokeydb — Python client for KeyDB database and key-value store
- aioli-sdk — Aioli (AI OnLine Inference), a platform for deploying AI models at scale.
- aiolinkding — A Python3 library for Elexa Guardian water valves and sensors
- aioload — Load test tool
- aiorequest — Package provides asynchronous user-friendly HTTP client with clean objects.
- aioresponses — Mock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp package
- air-sdk-python — Python Client SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- airbyte-api — Python Client SDK for Airbyte API
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airflow-dagfactory — Dynamically build Airflow DAGs from YAML files
- airflowctl — A CLI tool to streamline getting started with Apache Airflowâ„¢ and managing multiple Airflow projects.
- aironsuit — A model wrapper for automatic model design and visualization purposes.
- airontools — Machine learning tools to complement the AIronSuit package.
- airosentris — A sentiment analysis platform with AI runner and trainer components
- airtest-helper — This is my airtest helper package
- aisdb — Smart AIS data storage and integration
- aistore — A (growing) set of client-side APIs to access and utilize clusters, buckets, and objects on AIStore.
- ait-learners — Webinterface for accessing CR exercises.
- ak-frame-extractor — Python-based GUI tool to extract frames from video files produced with Azure Kinect cameras.
- ak-sw-benchmarker — AK_SW_BENCHMARKER that makes it possible to apply different sizing algorithms and allometric yield prediction models to manually labeled color and depth tree images.
- akerbp.mlops — AkerBP MLOps framework
- akeyless-ansible — Ansible plugins for Akeyless
- akinoncli — CLI for Akinon Cloud Commerce
- alauda-pytest — pytest: simple powerful testing with Python
- album — album is a tool for unifying computational tools across frameworks, languages, and environments
- ale-uy — Tool to perform data cleaning, modeling and visualization in a simple way.
- aleph-alpha-client — python client to interact with Aleph Alpha api endpoints
- alex-ber-utils — AlexBerUtils is collection of the small utilities
- alexandria-tui — TUI application for downloading EBooks
- alfred3-interact — Components for interactive experiments in the alfred3 framework.
- alfrodull — Alfrodull is a utility that controls lights based on the a computers events
- AlgoGrade — A library for automated grading of algorithm-based assignments with grading of their intermediate stages. The grading of some computational geometry assignments is provided out of the box.
- algoGUI — Simple GUI App which visualizes the pathfinding process of various algorithms including Depth-First search, Breadth-First search, A* and others
- algorin-cli — Acceso a GPT-3 y procesamiento de documentos desde la lÃnea de comandos.
- ali2b-cli-scrapper — Scrappe all products and theirs related suppliers existing on Alibaba based on keywords provided by user and save results into a database (Mysql/Sqlite).
- alibabacloud-ros-iacer — Iacer is a tool that tests Terraform and ROS(Resource Orchestration Service) templates.
- aliceio — Asynchronous framework for Alice from Yandex Dialogs
- alien-ink — Alien Ink - a personal machine learning toolkit
- alignment-handbook — The Alignment Handbook
- aliopts — A hyperparameter optimization framework
- all-repos — Clone all your repositories and apply sweeping changes.
- all-repos-depends — View the dependencies of your repositories.
- allennlp-light — no summary
- allianceauth — An auth system for EVE Online to help in-game organizations
- allkernAna — libreria de suavizado con kernell gausiano, tricube y Epanechikov
- allora-sdk — Allora Network SDK
- alloy-python-sdk-ai — Alloy Python SDK Generated by Speakeasy
- almax-common — Library with my most used Classes and Methods
- almax-graphics — Library with my most used Classes and Methods
- alnoda-wrk — A tool to build Alnoda workspaces
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- alpaka-job-coverage — The library provides everything needed to generate a sparse combination matrix for alpaca-based projects, including a set of general-purpose combination rules.
- altadb — AltaDB platform Python SDK!
- altair — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair_alx_alpha — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-alx-version — Vega-Altair: A declarative statistical visualization library for Python.
- altair-express — Create interactive data visualizations in one line of code.
- althaia — Marshmallow fork optimized for dumping speed.
- altparse — Designed to aid in creating and maintaining AltSources
- alyeska — Alyeska /al-ee-EHS-kah/ n. A Data Pipeline Toolkit
- alyx-connector — Alyx Connector, based on the Open Neurophysiology Environment
- amass — Vendor libraries from cdnjs
- amazon-login — Log into amazon seller central or vendor central using selenium.
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-editor — Jupyter extension for SQL editing capabilities within Amazon SageMaker notebooks
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-execution — SageMaker SQL Execution library
- amazon-sagemaker-sql-magic — SageMaker SQL Magic library
- amber-automl — Automated Modelling in Biological Evidence-based Research
- ament-black — Check Python code style using black.
- ames-model — Trained regression model for the ames dataset
- amilatest — A dependency-analyzer for requirements.txt files
- Aminer-Scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework
- ammico-lavis — LAVIS - A One-stop Library for Language-Vision Intelligence
- amsphyslab-tools — Tools used for physics practicals at the Amsterdam universities.
- amstrax — strax for XAMS data
- amulet-editor — A new Minecraft world editor and converter that supports all versions since Java 1.12 and Bedrock 1.7.
- amulet-map-editor — A new Minecraft world editor and converter that supports all versions since Java 1.12 and Bedrock 1.7.
- amz-tool — AMZ Codebase Management Tool
- anage — python -manage packages
- anansescanpy — implementation of scANANSE for scanpy objects in Python
- anatrans — A collection of analytical and semi-semianalytical solutions for hydrogeological transport phenomena