Reverse Dependencies of openpyxl
The following projects have a declared dependency on openpyxl:
- alphaml — Build a CLETE Binary Classification Model
- alphascreen — Use colabfold to screen protein-protein interactions.
- alphastats — An open-source Python package for automated and scalable statistical analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics
- alphaVantage-api — An Opinionated AlphaVantage API Wrapper in Python 3.7
- altocumulus — Command line utilities for workflows on Terra or Cromwell
- altrios — Tool for modeling and optimization of advanced locomotive powertrains for freight rail decarbonization.
- amai-ai-chatbot — African Multimodal Artificial Intelligence
- Amazon-Arbitrage-Master-Sheet — Arbitrage master sheet for amazon
- ampur — This program profiles according to the standards set by BRL implemented by GDE
- amxtoexcel — amx dict list to xlsx
- anai-opensource — Automated ML
- analogic-framework — no summary
- analysis-engine — Analysis for the UK Department for Transport's major projects portfolio
- analysisbykwok — no summary
- analysta-index — Extension of Langchain loaders, llms and retrievers for Analysta
- Andreani-QA-Functions — Functions para ejecución de casos automatizados
- Andreani-QA-Scanner — SeleniumFramework para ejecución de casos automatizados
- aneris-iamc — Harmonize Integrated Assessment Model Emissions Trajectories
- Angua-Luggage — no summary
- animal-classification — classification of animals using machine learning models
- AnkiTools — an Anki *.apkg and collection.anki2 reader and editor
- anndata — Annotated data.
- annoPipeline — API-enabled Gene Annotation
- annotation-exporter — Export eCRF annotations to Excel
- anoapycore — Anoa Python Core Package
- anomalytics — The ultimate anomaly detection library.
- anonapi — Client and tools for working with the anoymization web API
- AnoPrimer — A package to design primers in Anopheles gambiae whilst considering genetic variation with malariagen_data
- any2xl — A library to generate Excel files from Python iterables
- aolab-aopy — python code repository for aoLab @UW
- apexmf — apexmf is a set of python modules for APEX-MODFLOW model evaluation and parameter estimation.
- apisql — A flask blueprint providing a read-lny API for querying RDBMS
- apixunit — api automation testing framework based on unittest.
- apodeixi — Proof-oriented, reverse Conway domain model and controllers for human organizations, inspired by Kubernetes
- app-scheduler — add spider scheduler
- appbuilder-sdk — 百度智能云千帆AppBuilder-SDK
- appel-crises — Website for the `appel-crises` petition
- aprheology — Set of tools to easily analyse Anton Paar rheometer data
- apscale — Advanced Pipeline for Simple yet Comprehensive AnaLysEs of DNA metabarcoding data
- apstools — Library of Python tools for use with the Bluesky Framework at the APS.
- Apycula — Open Source tools for Gowin FPGAs
- aquami — A module to extract quantitative microstructure information from micrographs of morphologically complex microstructures.
- Arbitrage-Master-Sheet-Py — Arbitrage master sheet for amazon
- arches-templating — Arches templating provides an extensible templating engine for various file types
- arclight — A language server for Bioware's nwscript and more!
- arctic3d — Automatic Retrieval and ClusTering of Interfaces in Complexes from 3D structural information
- ARCtrl — Library for management of Annotated Research Contexts (ARCs) using an in-memory representation and runtimer agnostic contract systems.
- arff-converter — A simple converter from ARFF to XLSX format
- ARFlappy — Classic Flappy Game with Augmented Reality
- arh — Я здесь за эту улицу стою. Пацаны мне всё, и я всё пацанам. Кто меня знает, тот в курсе.
- Aries-core — Python package providing shortcuts to small tasks like string manipulation, running background tasks, configuring logging, accessing web API etc.
- Aries-Python — Python package providing shortcuts to small tasks like string manipulation, running background tasks, configuring logging, accessing web API etc.
- arista-lab — Simple tooling when working with EOS in labs
- aristopy — Framework for the optimization of energy systems
- armodel — the python arxml parser
- arpakitlib — arpakitlib
- arpes — Modular data analysis code for angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)
- artemis_sg — Package for generating Google slide decks
- asa-tools — asa's personal toolbox
- asciireqs — Text-based Requirement Management using AsciiDoc and version control
- ascript — airclick 相关python包
- asf-metadata — Python wrapper for ASF's metadata
- asn-nmap — Get status service from a ASN.
- asp-clean — no summary
- asreview — ASReview LAB - A tool for AI-assisted systematic reviews
- assetic — Assetic Integration API
- assetra — ASSET Lab Resource Adequacy Package
- assoview — DESCRIPTION
- asteq-treso — Automation of the Accountability for the BDS of IMT Atlantique Nantes
- astro-extras — Additional Astro SDK operators
- Astrology-Aries — Python package providing shortcuts to tasks like accessing files on the cloud, running background tasks, configuring logging, etc.
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- asynctor — Async functions to compare with anyio and asyncio, and toolkit to read excel with async/await.
- asyncur — Async functions to compare with anyio and asyncio, and toolkit to read excel with async/await.
- atap_corpus — Corpus mini-framework allowing for memory-efficient slicing and provides a standardised base corpus structure for the collection of ATAP tools.
- atap-widgets — Interactive widgets used by the Australian Text Analytics Platform
- atek — no summary
- athena-mvsh — Athena-mvsh é um biblioteca python, que interage com o serviço Amazon Athena
- atlassianhw — Atlassian application homework
- atmn — Automation Toolbox for Machine learning in water Networks
- atomica — Toolbox for compartment-based dynamic systems with costing and optimization
- atomicshop — Atomic functions and classes to make developer life easier
- atsim.potentials — atsim.potentials provides tools for working with pair and embedded atom method potential models including tabulation routines for DL_POLY and LAMMPS
- Attendance-GL — A Python package to track attendance in an Excel file and convert it to an HTML file
- AttentionMOI — A Denoised Multi-omics Integration Framework for Cancer Subtype Classification and Survival Prediction.
- attr-analyst — Attributing changes in target metrics to related metrics and calculating the contribution values of the related metrics.
- attribute-name-validator — Attribute Name Validator
- audit-tools — Auditing tools for Cova POS files
- aurorae — A Python implementation of the CNAB240 file to perform bulk payments.
- ausdex — A Python package for adjusting Australian dollars for inflation
- auto-classification-generator — Auto Classification Generator Tool for Archivists
- auto-coder — AutoCoder: AutoCoder
- auto-control-tools — control tools for automatic identification and PID controller aproximation
- auto-doc-collector — A package to export database tables to Excel files
- auto-eval — Using only one line of commmands to evaluate multiple models
- auto-jift — Jiangxi Institute Of Fashion Technology automated office
- auto-machine-learning — This is an python Library for AutoML which works for prediction and classification tasks.
- auto-ms — Tools for processing MS output
- auto-qchem — auto-qchem
- auto-vtna — A Python package for efficient and automatic VTNA analysis