Reverse Dependencies of openpyxl
The following projects have a declared dependency on openpyxl:
- 3gpp-citations — no summary
- 51spiders — 51 bigdataspiders
- a2grunnerp — A2G Runner for Local Workflow
- a2y-ats — A module that implements an Auto Test System.
- a2y-handy — A module that contains kinds of little functions and classes that are not easy to classify.
- a2y-testparameters — A module that supplies some functions and classes that relate to parameters saving, loading, and editing.
- aanalytics2 — Adobe Analytics API 2.0 and 1.4 python wrapper
- aapigtf — api automation testing framework based on unittest.
- abcdef — upgrade and deploy networks
- abilian-crm-core — Core framework for CRM applications
- abilian-sbe — Social Business platform (entreprise collaboration and information management)
- ablelabs — no summary
- aboutcode-toolkit — AboutCode-toolkit is a tool to document the provenance (origin and license) of third-party software using small text files. Collect inventories and generate attribution documentation.
- abstcal — Calculate abstinence using the timeline followback data in substance research.
- abstract-pandas — no summary
- abuseipdb-wrapper — python wrapper for abuseipdb API
- academic-tracker — Find publications on PubMed, Crossref, ORCID, and Google Scholar for given authors or references.
- acasclient — ACAS API Client
- access-sftp-server — Access SFTP Server
- accord-nlp — ACCORD-NLP: Transformer/language model-based information extraction from regulatory text
- ace-metrics — A lib for measuring ACE based IDR operations.
- acro — ACRO: Tools for the Automatic Checking of Research Outputs
- acryl-datahub-classify — Library to predict info types for DataHub
- acutils-python — Data processing library implemented by Acuzle.
- adactivexlsx2html — A generic api for oauth2
- adagenes — Generic toolkit for processing DNA polymorphism data
- adapterio — I/O module
- add-labels-to-fcs — Package for adding columns of data to FCS files as additional channels
- addereq — 地震前兆数据自动处理框架
- AdDownloader — A cmd tool for downloading ads and their media content from the Meta Ad Library.
- admetscore — The ADMETSCORE is a software that aims to facilitate the ADMET analysis of molecules resulting from pharmacophore research.
- adopt_net0 — A python package for multi energy system modelling
- adrtools — RTS
- Adsorber — This program is designed to adsorb molecules to the surface of a cluster in all various ways..
- adsorption-file-parser — Collection of parsers for (nearly) all commercial adsorption instrumentation.
- adtl — Another data transformation language
- aegis-latex — Tools to generate exams
- aeromaps — AeroMAPS: Multidisciplinary Assessment of Prospective Scenarios for air transport
- afc — Realiza a avaliação de trabalhos na Feira de Ciências do CAp-UERJ
- agamPrimer — A package to design primers in Anopheles gambiae whilst considering genetic variation with malariagen_data
- agate-excel — agate-excel adds read support for Excel files (xls and xlsx) to agate.
- agentparse — Agent Parse - TGSC
- agenttobenamed — no summary
- agentUniverse — agentUniverse is a framework for developing applications powered by multi-agent base on large language model.
- aggie-unterprise — A Python package for extracting and processing grant data from AggieEnterprise spreadsheets.
- aghplctools — Interaction package for Agilent ChemStation report files
- AgilisysDailyTenders — Agilisys Tender Alert is a data processing, web scraping, and classification tool focused on tender data. The project uses Playwright to automate web filtering and scraping, then processes and classifies the scraped data using various NLP techniques to retain only relevant tenders.
- agixt — An Artificial Intelligence Automation Platform. AI Instruction management from various providers, has an adaptive memory, and a versatile plugin system with many commands including web browsing. Supports many AI providers and models and growing support every day.
- AguaAlert — Sistema de predicción de niveles de aguas subterráneas utilizando datos de precipitación.
- ahmpy — tools for ahm company
- AhpAnpLib — Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Analytic Network Process (ANP) Library
- ai-data-science-team — Build and run an AI-powered data science team.
- ai-economist — Foundation: An Economics Simulation Framework
- AI-Education-Tools — AI Education Tools for Teaching
- ai-object-detection — AI Object Detection
- aiacd — no summary
- aicommit — Generate AI powered commit messages
- aigpc — RTS
- aikoai — Python client library for the AikoAI API
- AIMSim — Python command line and GUI tool to analyze molecular similarity.
- aind-mri-utils — MRI utilities library for aind teams.
- aind-msma-utils — Generated from aind-library-template
- aioradio — Generic asynchronous i/o python utilities for AWS services (SQS, S3, DynamoDB, Secrets Manager), Redis, MSSQL (pyodbc), JIRA and more
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- aiox — AIOx
- aiptrms — no summary
- AIPySdeAnalyzer — AI Powered Photoswitchable Screen analysis
- airbyte-source-file — Source implementation for File
- airclick — airclick 相关python包
- airda — airda
- airflow-provider-xlsx — Airflow operators for reading and writing XLSX files
- airflow-providers-siasg — Provider para Airflow que comunica com SIASG e seus sistemas derivados
- airflow-providers-tesouro-gerencial — Provider do Airflow para comunicação com Tesouro Gerencial
- airtestProject — no summary
- aisfx — Representation Learning for the Automatic Indexing of Sound Effects Libraries (ISMIR 2022): Deep audio embeddings pre-trained on UCS & Non-UCS-compliant datasets.
- aitoai — Python SDK
- aiyc1v1 — AI悦创·编程一对一教学代码库,长期招收编程一对一学员,微信:Jiabcdefh
- AkerFlight — AutoFlightAware for Sunstates Aker
- akrocansim — akrocansim is a CAN bus J1939 controller simulator
- akshare — AKShare is an elegant and simple financial data interface library for Python, built for human beings!
- akutils — A utility library providing generic methods for performing recurrent data manipulation in Pandas and Python.
- aladdinsdk — AladdinSDK
- albert-toolkit — Python toolkit for Albert Invent
- alchemy-cat — Alchemy Cat —— 🔥Config System for SOTA
- alchemymodel-xlsx — A library to management excel from SQLAlchemy queries.
- alcoholic-tfe22540 — Framework of my master thesis on the effect of withdrawal on the white matter of alcoholic patients using dMRI data.
- ale-project-x — Project x
- alexdataconverter — Converts databases between .txt, .json, .csv or .xlxs files through python
- alhambra-mixes — Many-component mix library for molecular programming
- align-benchmark — Benchmark tests for dualtext alignment
- alita-sdk — SDK for building langchain agents using resouces from Alita
- Allelica-pkg-Nico.4D — Allelica Library
- allonias3 — Class to interact with S3 in a similar fashion as pathlib.Path
- allotropy — Converts to ASM (Allotrope Simple Model) from various file formats.
- AllUtils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- almasru — This python module is a tool to use Alma SRU. it manages the logs and the backup of the records.
- aloha — Aloha - a versatile Python utility package for building services
- aloso — Lib
- alphaj-naver-stock-cralwer — A Naver Stock Cralwer
- alphalib — A library for your daily data engineering and data science routines.