Reverse Dependencies of numba
The following projects have a declared dependency on numba:
- casino — Quantum Monte Carlo for electrons in real space
- CatalanTTSo — Catalan Text to Speech
- catalystcoop.pudl — An open data processing pipeline for US energy data
- causarray — causarray is a Python module for A Python package for simultaneous causal inference with an array of outcomes.
- caustics — The lensing pipeline of the future: GPU-accelerated, automatically-differentiable, highly modular. Currently under heavy development: expect interface changes and some imprecise/untested calculations.
- cblearn — Comparison-based Machine Learning in Python.
- ccc-coef — The Clustermatch Correlation Coefficient (CCC) is a highly-efficient, next-generation not-only-linear correlation coefficient that can work on numerical and categorical data types.
- cdp-ts — A python implementation of Concatenated-Decision-Path method for time series classification
- Cell-BLAST — Single-cell transcriptome querying tool
- cellector — A pipeline and GUI for determining which ROIs match features in a fluorescence image.
- cellfinder — Automated 3D cell detection in large microscopy images
- cellfinder-core — Automated 3D cell detection in large microscopy images
- cellforest — An interactive single-cell bioinformatics workflow manager
- CellGen — CellGen: a computational model for predicting the cellular response to diverse perturbation
- cellgeometry — Statistical Cell Shape Analysis
- cellori — Cellori
- cellpose — anatomical segmentation algorithm
- cellpose-omni — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- cellpose-omni-acdc — cellpose fork developed for omnipose
- cellpose-plus — cell segmenetation framework based on cellpose
- cellpose-vollseg — modification of cellpose algorithm
- cellrank — CellRank: dynamics from multi-view single-cell data
- cellseg-gsontools — Toolbelt for merging and extracting features from geojson masks.
- cellseg-models.pytorch — Python library for 2D cell/nuclei instance segmentation models written with PyTorch.
- celltk — live-cell image analysis
- cenfind — Score cells for centrioles in IF data
- ceng — Tool for Coding Tasks Specific to Civil Engineering
- cfrainbow — Counterfactual Regret Minimization Open-Source Implementations
- cg-r-pathway — A comprehensive protein reaction coordinate optimization framework
- cg-simulator — A simulator for card games.
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- CGRtools — no summary
- chai_lab — Chai Discovery tools for AI + protein research.
- chainladder — Chainladder Package - P&C Loss Reserving package
- changepoynt — Several change point detection methods implemented in python.
- charchef — 3 functions to normalize strings, repair bad encoding, replace non-printable characters
- checkatlas — One liner tool to check the quality of your single-cell atlases.
- checkpoint-schedules — Schedules for incremental checkpointing of adjoint simulations.
- chem_wasserstein — A high performance mapping class to construct ElM2D plots from large datasets of inorganic compositions.
- chemcoord — Python module for dealing with chemical coordinates.
- chemtools — Python tools for quantum chemical calculations
- chimera-exo — exoplanet code for transmission and emission spectroscopy
- ChitraPy — Digital Image Processing Library.
- choclo — Kernel functions for your geophysical models
- Chronix2Grid — A python package to generate "en-masse" chronics for loads and productions (thermal, renewable)
- chunkdot — Multi-threaded matrix multiplication and cosine similarity calculations.
- chunky3d — A 3D array-like NumPy-based data structure for large sparsely-populated volumes
- cimdem-test-package — A short description of your package
- cir4mics — Simulating structurally variable NPCs or other ring-like structures for Microscopy
- circadian — Tools for the simulation and analysis of circadian rhythms
- Circle-Map — Circular DNA analysis tools
- circular-buffer — Efficient circular buffer implementation in Python with optional Numba JIT compilation
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- claspy — no summary
- claudius — Analytic computations for scattering
- cleval — cleval
- clifford — Numerical Geometric Algebra Module
- climada — CLIMADA in Python
- climaticai — climaticai is a library that builds, optimizes, and evaluates machine learning pipelines
- climix — A climate index package
- climpred — """Verification of weather and climate forecasts and prediction."""
- clonedetective — A python package for the scalable analysis of fluorescent imaging data from lineage tracing experiments.
- cloudmetrics — Cloud pattern metrics toolkit
- Clumsy — A collection of scripts used in the Computational Memory Lab for timeseries analysis
- cluster-analyzer — A library to analyze critical behavior, self-similarity, and fractal dimension of clusters in cellular automata.
- clusterenv — ClusterEnv is a Python Gym environment designed to simulate and model the management and optimization of computing clusters. In the realm of distributed computing.
- clustering-geodata-cubes — CGC: a Scalable Python Package for Co- and Tri-Clustering of Geodata Cubes
- Clusters-Features — The Clusters-Features package allows data science users to compute high-level linear algebra operations on any type of data set.
- clustertools — A python packaged for analysing star clusters
- cmap — Scientific colormaps for python, without dependencies
- cmatcher — Find the best background and foreground color combinations from a given RGB value
- cminpack-numba — A numba compatible wrapper of cminpack.
- cmomy — Central (co)moment calculation/manipulation
- cmtj — CMTJ - C Magnetic Tunnel Junctions.
- cnn-runner — Software package for CNN run
- CNSistent — Tools for imputation, segmentation, analysis, and plotting of Copy Number Segments (CNS).
- cnvm — Continuous-time Noisy Voter Model (CNVM) of social dynamics.
- cobalt-ai — ML model understanding and repair
- cobsurv — Cobra Ensemble for Conditional Survival
- cocopye — Feature-based prediction of genome quality indices
- codex-africanus — Radio Astronomy Building Blocks
- coffea — Basic tools and wrappers for enabling not-too-alien syntax when running columnar Collider HEP analysis.
- cogdl — An Extensive Research Toolkit for Deep Learning on Graphs
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- cognite-dqfuns — Collection of python algorithms to evaluate data quality in CDF timeseries and assets
- cognite-inso-toolbox — Inso Toolbox
- cogsworth — A framework for performing self-consistent population synthesis and orbital integration
- cogwheel-pe — Parameter estimation of gravitational wave sources
- coiled-runtime — Simple and fast way to get started with Dask
- coipee — Demo of a Caipi-like system for explanatory interactive learning.
- coloc-sat — no summary
- colorsynth — A Python library for creating false-color images from arrays of spectral radiance
- ColorTransferLib — This library provides color and tyle transfer algorithms which were published in scientific papers. Additionall a set of IQA metrics are available.
- colorutil — no summary
- colosseumrl — UC Irvine multi-agent reinforcement learning framework
- coltra — Coltra is a simple moddable RL algorithm implementation
- coltra-rl — Coltra-RL is a simple moddable RL algorithm implementation
- comet-emu — COMET - Cosmological Observables Modelled by Emulated perturbation Theory.
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- commomacrossoverbacktest — Python project designed to develop and implement backtesting for moving average crossover strategies applied to commodities underlyings