Reverse Dependencies of numba
The following projects have a declared dependency on numba:
- wwinpy — Python library to parse and work with weight window files
- x-filter — A simple tool to filter BLASTx m8 files using the FAMLI algorithm
- xarray — N-D labeled arrays and datasets in Python
- xarray-behave — xarray tools for behavioral data.
- xarray-einstats — Stats, linear algebra and einops for xarray
- xarray-spatial — xarray-based spatial analysis tools
- xbx-Z1 — xbx-Z1
- xclim — Climate indices computation package based on Xarray.
- xcodec2 — A library for XCodec2 model.
- xcolumns — A small library for Consistent Optimization of Label-wise Utilities in Multi-label clasifficatioN
- xcompact3d-toolbox — A set of tools for pre and postprocessing prepared for the high-order Navier-Stokes solver XCompact3d
- xcover — Exact cover with colors
- xcube-core — xcube is a Python package for generating and exploiting data cubes powered by xarray, dask, and zarr.
- xdas — no summary
- xdem — Analysis of digital elevation models (DEMs)
- xemc3 — Collect data from EMC3 runs in python using xarray
- xengsort — xenograft sorting of FASTQ reads into five categories: host, graft, both, neither, ambiguous.
- xenon-fuse — XENON Framework for Unified Simulations of Events
- xeofs — Comprehensive EOF analysis in Python with xarray: A versatile, multidimensional, and scalable tool for advanced climate data analysis
- xesmf — Universal Regridder for Geospatial Data
- XFNTR — A software that analyzes xfntr data
- xfntr-win — A software that analyzes xfntr data
- xges — no summary
- xicam.SAXS — SAXS GUI Interface
- xinvert — Invert geofluid problems based on xarray, using SOR iteration
- XMCD-Projection — Library for simulating XMCD projection signal
- xoa — xarray-based ocean analysis library
- xpipeline — The eXtreme (and eXtensible) pipeline for analysis of high contrast imaging and spectroscopy data
- xplainable — Real-time explainable machine learning for business optimisation
- xradio — Xarray Radio Astronomy Data IO
- xrayhat — Software for the analysis of high-energy surface x-ray diffraction data
- xraylib_numba — A numba compatible wrapper of the xraylib library.
- xrd-simulator — Tools for diffraction simulation of s3dxrd type experiments.
- xroms — Package for working with ROMS output in xarray
- XS-treatment — XS-treatment suite for SAXS/WAXS data treatment.
- xsarsea — Python xarray library to compute geophysical parameters (such as wind, waves or currents) from radar quantities
- xsdba — Statistical correction and bias adjustment tools for xarray.
- xshap — Package created as a wrapper for the original Shap package to simplify the learning process
- xskillscore — Metrics for verifying forecasts
- xugrid — Xarray extension for unstructured grids
- xverif — Xarray-based package for forecasts/simulations verification
- xwmt — Water Mass Transformation Routines for xarray
- xyt — xyt is a python package for processing raw gps data into mobility data. xyt offers privacy-based capabilities and aims to provide a plug-and-play pipeline to leverage gps data.
- xyzcad — An implicit surface based functional CAD system
- y-tal — (Your) Transient Auxiliary Library - Analysis and processing of time-resolved light transport
- yadism — Yet Another Deep-Inelastic Scattering Module
- yag-slam — A complete 2D and 3D graph SLAM implementation using plagiarized code from SRI's OpenKarto
- yamada — Calculate the Yamada polynomial of spatial topologies.
- YANAT — Yet Another Network Analysis Toolbox
- yappgen — Yet Another Phasing Program
- yasfpy — Light scattering code using T-Matrix
- ydata-profiling — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- ydata-profiling-infoworks — Generate profile report for pandas DataFrame
- yolov5-face — Real-time face detection using YOLOv5 - Fork
- youbit — Host any file on YouTube, for free.
- your — A unified reader for sigproc filterbank and psrfits data
- youtube-tts-data-generator — A python library that generates speech data with transcriptions by collecting data from YouTube.
- ysda — no summary
- z2n-periodogram — A package for interative periodograms analysis.
- zac — ZAC Atmospheric Correction
- zdock-parser — ZDOCK output file parser
- zenbt — Add your description here
- zeroish — Provide a probability of false negatives for compositional count-based data
- zinv-analysis — AlphaTwirl + uproot for the Z inv. width analysis
- Zmap-sc — An algorithm framework employing multi-layered regional constraints to accurately assign cell locations, enhancing spatial accuracy and resilience to noise.
- zoDIAq — Bioinformatics software package for identifying peptides and proteins in DIA and DISPA mass spectrometry data files.
- zoish — Zoish is a Python package that streamlines machine learning by leveraging SHAP values for feature selection and interpretability, making model development more efficient and user-friendly.
- zrhappy — A python library to analyse hydride morphology present in light optical and scanning electron micrographs.
- zxt — A handy toolkit