Reverse Dependencies of nose
The following projects have a declared dependency on nose:
- pyDSlib — General utilities to streamline data science and machine learning routines in python
- pyevmasm — Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) assembler and disassembler
- PyFFI — Processing block structured binary files.
- pyflex — Python port of the FLEXWIN package
- pyfolio-qa — pyfolio is a Python library for performance
- pygaps — A framework for processing adsorption data for porous materials.
- pygenesig — Create and Validate Gene Signatures
- pygoenv — Simple environment manager for the Go programming language
- pygogo — A Python logging library with super powers
- pygrade — auto-grade python assignments
- pyham — A tool to analyse Hierarchical Orthologous Groups (HOGs)
- pyHeatTransfer — Heat Transfer Library v0.1 includes GUI and nacent materials database.
- pyHMSA — Python implementation of the MSA / MAS / AMAS Hyper-Dimensional Data File specification
- pyhumour — A module for the characterization and quantification of concise humour
- pyjig — Quickly create python projects from templates.
- pykalman-py311-update — An implementation of the Kalman Filter, Kalman Smoother, and EM algorithm in Python
- PyLaunch — no summary
- pylifxtiles — Python binding for LIFX Tiles
- pylit — pylit: bidirectional text <-> code converter
- pylogenetics — Phylogenetic analysis tools
- Pylons — Pylons Web Framework
- pyluno — A Luno API for Python
- pymbt — pymbt
- pymc3-ext — PyMC3 Extras extracted from the
- pymc3-ext-wlad — Probabilistic Programming in Python: Bayesian Modeling and Probabilistic Machine Learning with Theano
- pymdp — Markov decision processes in Python
- pymeterreader — pymeterreader is a service to poll smart meters and sensors.It supports uploading to volkszaehler middleware via its REST API.
- pyMRAW — Module for reading and writing Photron MRAW image sequences.
- pyneql — A SPARQL wrapper to query named entities in the semantic web
- pynsett — A programmable relation extractor
- pyoptflow — Pure Python optical flow: Horn-Schunck
- pyoptimus — Optimus is the missing framework for cleaning and pre-processing data in a distributed fashion.
- PyOTA — IOTA API library for Python
- pypackage — Pypackage looks to package python without writing a
- pyphorus — A network utility library written in Python 3
- pypmc — A toolkit for adaptive importance sampling featuring implementations of variational Bayes, population Monte Carlo, and Markov chains.
- pypotrace-windows — potrace Python bindings. Compiled for windows
- PyPrintful — A Python3 wrapper for the API.
- PyPTables — Python package for generating Linux iptables configurations.
- pyqttango — Qt resource file containing Tango icons
- pyquaternion — A fully featured, pythonic library for representing and using quaternions.
- pyraliddemo — Demo package made using the Pyralid Template
- pyramid-beaker — Beaker session factory backend for Pyramid
- pyramid_debugauth — Debug Authentication Policy for Pyramid
- pyramid_ldap — pyramid_ldap
- pyramid-letsencrypt — A package which provides an easy way to host Let's Encrypt domain validation content in your Pyramid project.
- pyramid_mailer — Sendmail package for Pyramid
- pyramid-mako — Mako template bindings for the Pyramid web framework
- pyramid_marrowmailer — Pyramid integration package for marrow.mailer, formerly known as TurboMail
- pyramid_mongodb2 — An improved package that provides mongodb connectivity. Not compatible with pyramid_mongo or pyramid_mongodb
- pyramid_multildap — pyramid_multildap
- pyramid_rpc — RPC support for the Pyramid web framework
- pyramid-unicodedammit — Make a best effort to deal with bizarre query strings
- pyramid_useragent — HTTP User-Agent parser for Pyramid
- pyramid_zcml — Zope Config Markup Language support for Pyramid
- pyramid_zodbconn — Provide integration betwen Pyramid and ZODB
- pyreferrer — A referrer parser for Python.
- pyros — ROS Node to provide ROS introspection for non-ROS users.
- pyros-interfaces.common — ROS Node to provide ROS introspection for non-ROS users.
- pyros-interfaces-ros — Pyros ROS interface to provide ROS introspection for non-ROS users.
- pyrpl — DSP servo controller for quantum optics with the RedPitaya
- pysastra — Lightweight Natural Language Processing for Indonesian Language.
- pysatMagVect — Calculates geomagnetic unit vectors (field aligned, zonal, and meridional) and includes supporting routines for characterizing the motion of ionospheric plasma.
- pyschism — Python package for working with SCHISM input and output files.
- pysine — Allows to play single tones on the PyAudio sound output in real time
- PySiTK — Python SimpleITK/WrapITK helper scripts
- pysnap — Snapshot Testing utils for Python
- pystream-protobuf — Python implementation of stream library
- pysurfex-experiment — Pysurfex experiment
- pysurfex-scheduler — Python abstraction layer for a scheduling system
- PySwfAws — A framework for using the Amazon Simple Workflow service
- pysyte — Python modules often used in dotjab, and elsewhere
- pytarallo — Python API for the T.A.R.A.L.L.O. Inventory System
- pytgasu — Telegram sticker sets creation automated (partially).
- python-codetree — A code tree builder
- python-constraint — python-constraint is a module implementing support for handling CSPs (Constraint Solving Problems) over finite domain
- python-EasyGraph — Easy Graph
- python-emploi-store — Python client library for Pôle Emploi's "Emploi Store Dev".
- python-mpesawrapper — python wrapper for the new mpesa daraja api
- python-pcl — Python bindings for the Point Cloud Library (PCL). using Cython.
- python-statsd — statsd is a client for Etsy's node-js statsd server. A proxy for the Graphite stats collection and graphing server.
- python-workfront — Python library for accessing the Workfront REST api
- python3-utils — Useful collection of python3 utilities
- pythoncalculator — Command line calculator using python
- pytri — Visualize using substrate. For Jupyter notebooks.
- PyTumblr — A Python Tumblr API v2 Client
- PyTumblr-aio — An Async Python Tumblr API v2 Client
- pyuri — Better URI Handling
- pyusps — pyusps -- Python bindings for the USPS Ecommerce APIs
- PyUtilib — PyUtilib: A collection of Python utilities
- pyvethirtyeight — A Python wrapper for the 2016 FiveThirtyEight Presidential Election Forecast
- pyvss — ITS Private Cloud Python Client
- pywoe — The missing scikit-learn addition to work with Weight-of-Evidence scoring.
- pyworld — PyWorld: a Python wrapper for WORLD vocoder
- pyworld-fixed — PyWorld: a Python wrapper for WORLD vocoder -- Now supporting Python 3.12
- pyworld-prebuilt — PyWorld: a Python wrapper for WORLD vocoder
- PyYADL — Yet another distributed lock for python
- qalaboratory — QALAB, proyect manager for QA open source proyects, managing selenium, appium, selendroid drivers
- qccodar — Apply quality controls to improve CODAR ouput
- quantum-computer — Optimal Control for Quantum Systems