Reverse Dependencies of nose
The following projects have a declared dependency on nose:
- OpenFisca-France-test — French tax and benefit system for OpenFisca
- Openfisca-Paris — Plugin OpenFisca pour les aides sociales de la mairie de Paris
- OpenFisca-Tracker — A Tracker of the OpenFisca Web API usage
- OpenFisca-Web-API — Web API for OpenFisca
- openspacetrainenv — The OpenSpace train environment
- opentnsim — The OpenTNSim package aims to facilitate the analysis of network performance for different network configurations, fleet compositions and traffic rules.
- openweathermap_requests — openweathermap requests fetch weather history Pandas DataFrame
- oplus — no summary
- opyplus — Python package to work with Energyplus input and output
- orchestrate — SigOpt Orchestrate Client
- osm-iterator — Iterate over .osm file and call a provided callback function for each element
- overc — Simplistic monitoring solution that is a pleasure to use
- Owl — Monitor Falcon with Riemann
- ozmo — a library for controlling certain robot vacuums
- paddlespeech — Speech tools and models based on Paddlepaddle
- pandas-bj — Pandas BJ (Between Join) provides efficient way to use `JOIN` and `BETWEEN` comparison. with pandas.DataFrame.
- pandas_confusion — Pandas matrix confusion with plot features (matplotlib, seaborn...)
- pandas_datareaders_unofficial — Pandas DataReaders with requests and requests-cache
- pandas_degreedays — Pandas degree days
- panoptes-aggregation — Aggregation code for Zooniverse panoptes projects.
- parallel-connection — A package to query Postgres databases in parallel
- parliament — parliament audits your AWS IAM policies
- parliamentarian — parliamentarian audits your AWS IAM policies
- parse2csv — A command-line tool to parse multiple files for named
- parsedmarc — A Python package and CLI for parsing aggregate and forensic DMARC reports
- pathlt — Path Less Traveled
- payoneer-escrow-sdk — An SDK for working with the Payoneer Escrow API
- phantasy — Physics high-level applications and toolkit for accelerator system
- phate — PHATE
- Phidgeter — logging and convenience functions for phidgets
- pi-romulus — RetroPie ROM scraper
- picky — A tool for checking versions of packages used by conda or pip are as specified in their requirements files.
- pie — Colony recognition and growth measurement for microbial imaging
- pip-conflict-checker — A tool that checks installed packages against all package requirements for version conflicts.
- pip-s3-proxy — provides an unauthenticated plain HTTP proxy so pip can install packages from S3
- pipelinewise-singer-python — utility library - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-tap-mysql — tap for extracting data from MySQL & MariaDB - PipelineWise compatible
- pipelinewise-tap-zendesk — tap for extracting data from the Zendesk API
- PittAPI — An API to get data from Pitt and Pitt-related applications.
- pkgtoolkit — Easy scraping and parsing of package dependencies.
- platon — A package to compute transmission spectra and retrieve atmospheric parameters from transmission spectra
- plex3 — Plex is a library building lexical analysers
- ploomber — Write maintainable, production-ready pipelines using Jupyter or your favorite text editor. Develop locally, deploy to the cloud.
- plurk-oauth — Plurk OAuth API
- pluscal — PlusCal AST and builder in Python
- pmark — PMark - Python Benchmark, A Simple yet intuitive python process benchmarking utility
- pmlb — A Python wrapper for the Penn Machine Learning Benchmark data repository.
- poff — A quite small pdns frontend
- pokemontcgsdk — Pokemon TCG SDK for
- pokemontcgsdkasync — Pokemon TCG SDK for using asyncio
- port-range — Port range with support of CIDR-like notation.
- portableqda — round-trip information exchange using the REFI-QDA standard for Qualitative Research: codebooks (QDC files) and QDPX projects, as per
- portilooplot — Real-time learning curve for Jupiter notebooks
- powerfuldeveloper-base — Basic Foundation of All created by him
- prboard — Command line pull request dashboard for Github
- pre-ml — pre-ml an optimization tool for machine learning!
- premailer — Turns CSS blocks into style attributes
- prettyip — Pretty-print IPy's IPSets
- primal — no summary
- prismh.core — Parsing and Validation library for PRISMH Files
- prison — Rison encoder/decoder
- privacygate — PrivacyGate API client library
- privex-namecheap — Namecheap API client in Python (fork of Bemmu/PyNamecheap)
- prodigyqa — Test Automation Framework
- productfeeds — no summary
- productstatus-client — Productstatus REST API client
- prospyr — ProsperWorks client library
- protowire — Write protobuf messages & GRPC calls from the command line without the proto files
- ps-tap-jira — tap for extracting data from the Jira API
- psionapp — A basic application class which other applications can inherit.
- PSSMGen — Generates consistent PSSM and/or PDB files for protein-protein complexes
- ptestpypi — test app
- ptextpad — ptextpad
- puffer — Python wrapper for the Buffer API
- puppettable — A highly scalable table backed up by Azure Table Storage, with improved functionality.
- putil — no summary
- Pweave — Scientific reports with embedded python computations with reST, LaTeX or markdown
- py-cryptonight — Python Cryptonight
- py-pdf-parser — A tool to help extracting information from structured PDFs.
- py-pgp — A Python implementation of OpenPGP
- py-sysadmin — Control sysadmin
- py-trezor-crypto-ph4 — Trezor-crypto python binding
- py2swagger — Swagger schema builder
- pyade — Python client for ADE web API
- pyadjoint — Misfit measurement and adjoint source calculation
- pyapiconsoleir — no summary
- pyaxonaut — A non official API wrapper for Axonaut CRM
- pybnf — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pybnf1.2.1 — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pybnfalabuda — An application for parallel fitting of BioNetGen and SBML models using metaheuristics
- pybossa-pbs — PYBOSSA command line client
- pybuilder-noseallure — PyBuilder Nose Allure Plugin
- PyCausality — Extended significance testing to linear TE calculations
- pyCitizenBand — A Python package with some useful function for Citizen Band users, DXers, ...
- PyCK — Python Code Karigar - Web Framework
- pyconfigurator — A library for easy configuration
- pycotools3 — A python toolbox for COPASI
- pydashi — TODO
- pydol — A pythonic interface to the U.S. Department of Labor API
- pyDownload — A simple package for multithreaded downloading