Reverse Dependencies of nilearn
The following projects have a declared dependency on nilearn:
- afids-utils — Utility functions for working with AFIDs data / workflows
- ardent — A tool for nonlinear image registration.
- ascnii — View brain images in terminal using ASCII characters
- asldro — ASL Digital Reference Object
- atlaspy — Python library for working with brain atlases
- bbrc-validator — Systematic sanity checks on imaging datasets within an XNAT environment
- bcblib — no summary
- bidsonym — A BIDSapp for deidentification of neuroimaging data.
- bp-neurotools — General helper functions for working with neuroimaging data.
- brain-pred-toolbox — The Brain Predictability toolbox (BPt) is a Python based machine learning library designed to work with a range of neuroimaging data. Warning: Not actively maintained as of 11/30/22.
- brainiak — Brain Imaging Analysis Kit
- brainsprite — Python API for the brainsprite MRI brain viewer
- brainstat — A toolbox for statistical analysis of neuroimaging data
- branesta — Tool for computing brain network stability, a biomarker for brain aging.
- cbig-network-correspondence — A toolbox for exploring network correspondence across atlases
- clinica — Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
- clinicadl — Framework for the reproducible processing of neuroimaging data with deep learning methods
- comet-toolbox — Dynamic functional connectivity toolbox for multiverse analysis
- connPFM — no summary
- connsearch — Analysis of connectivity data by dividing the connectome and fitting independent models
- contarg — Python package implementing/wrapping connectivity based rTMS targeting methods.
- conwhat — python library for connectome-based white matter atlas analyses in neuroimaging
- crtoolbox — The Confidence Regions Toolbox
- cvrmap — CVRmap is an opensource software to compute maps of Cerebro-Vascular Reactivity
- dbspace — Library for data-congruent, model-centric DBS Research
- ddmra — A Python package for distance-dependent motion-related artifact (DDMRA) analysis.
- deepdefacer — Automatic Removal of Facial Features from MRI Images
- denoise-fmri — denoise_fmri - BIDS app for denoising fmriprep outputs
- difit — Diffusion weighted models fitting
- dsbundle — Streamline your data science setup with dsbundle in one effortless install.
- dyneusr — Dynamical Neural Spatiotemporal Representations.
- dypac — Dynamic parcel aggregation with clustering
- eddymotion — Pure python eddy-current and head-motion correction for dMRI, an extension of QSIprep's SHOREline algorithm (Cieslak, 2020) to multiple diffusion models.
- eeg-to-fmri — no summary
- eegsynth — Converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects
- eigenstrapping — For generating surrogate brain maps with spatial autocorrelation using geometric eigenmodes.
- eisen-core — Eisen is a collection of tools to train neural networks for medical image analysis
- falconz — FalconZ: A streamlined Python package for PET motion correction.
- fitlins — Fit Linear Models to BIDS Datasets
- fmralign — Functional alignment of fMRI data in Python
- fmridenoise — fMRIDenoise - automated denoising, denoising strategies comparison, and functional connectivity data quality control.
- fMRIpreprocessing — no summary
- frat-brain — Application for ROI fMRI data analysis.
- fugw — A collection of gpu-compatible solvers for fused unbalanced gromov-wasserstein optimization problems
- gawseed-tcorex — Correlation Explanation Methods
- glm-express — Automated linear models for functional neuroimaging data
- gradec — Meta-analytic gradient decoding
- gradiator — turn covariance matrices into brain gradients
- hidimstat — High-dimensional statistical inference tools for Python
- hippunfold_plot — Plotting functions for hippocampal surface maps from HippUnfold
- hippunfold-toolbox — A toolbox for viewing, manipulating, and additional actions on HippUnfold outputs
- hipsta — A python package for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis
- hypercoil — Differentiable programming for neuroimaging analysis
- Ingress2QSIRecon — Tool to ingress data from other pipelines for use in QSIRecon
- JALE — Package allowing users to run Activation Likelihood Estimation Meta-Analysis
- junifer — JUelich NeuroImaging FEature extractoR
- livingpark-utils — Utility functions to write LivingPark notebooks.
- load-confounds — load fMRIprep confounds in python
- m2g — Neuro Data MRI to Graphs Pipeline
- macapype — Pipeline for anatomic processing for macaque
- mapca — Moving Average Principal Component Analysis for fMRI data
- medimage-pkg — MEDimage is a Python package for processing and extracting features from medical images
- mia-processes — mia_processes
- mindstorm — Mindstorm: Advanced analysis of neuroimaging data
- MiTfAT — A Python-based Scikit-Learn-friendly fMRI Analysis Tool, Made in Tuebingen.
- mne-bids — MNE-BIDS: Organizing MEG, EEG, and iEEG data according to the BIDS specification and facilitating their analysis with MNE-Python
- mne-connectivity — mne-connectivity: A module for connectivity data analysis with MNE.
- mne-nirs — An MNE compatible package for processing near-infrared spectroscopy data
- mnisiscom — A simple command line tool and GUI for computing subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI (SISCOM). mnisiscom is exclusively intended for research use!
- mriqc — Automated Quality Control and visual reports for Quality Assessment of structural (T1w, T2w) and functional MRI of the brain.
- MVComp — Multivariate Comparisons using Whole-brain and ROI-derived Metrics from MRI
- nctpy — Python implementation of concepts from network control theory
- ndmg — Neuro Data MRI to Graphs Pipeline
- ndslib — Utility functions for Neuroimaging and Data Science
- netneurotools — A toolbox for network neuroscience
- netneurotools-scipyfix — Commonly used tools in the Network Neuroscience Lab
- neurocaps — Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) Python package
- NeuroConn — A BIDS toolbox for connectivity & gradient analyses.
- neuroginius — A repertoire of tools in python for high-level analyses of fMRI data.
- NeuroGraph — no summary
- neuroimager — A collection of utilities used for MRI data analysis
- neurolang — "NeuroLang: Probabilistic Logic Programming for NeuroScience Research"
- neuromaps — A toolbox for projecting, resampling, and comparing brain maps
- NeuroPrep — no summary
- NeuroPreprocessing — no summary
- neuroquery — Meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies.
- neuroquery-image-search — Search the NeuroQuery dataset for studies with activation patterns similar to an input image.
- NeuroRA — A Python Toolbox for Multimodal Neural Data Representation Analysis
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- nichord — Creates chord diagrams for connectivity/graph data
- nidmd — Dynamic Mode Decomposition of time-series fMRI
- nigsp — A python library (and toolbox!) to run Graph Signal Processing on multimodal MRI data.
- nilearn-extra — Drop-in extra functionalities for nilearn (statistics for neuroimaging in Python)
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- nipype — Neuroimaging in Python: Pipelines and Interfaces
- nisnap — nisnap
- nistats — Modeling and Statistical analysis of fMRI data in Python
- niworkflows — NeuroImaging Workflows provides processing tools for magnetic resonance images of the brain.
- nixtract — A unified interface for timeseries extraction from different functional neuroimaging file types
- nltools — A Python package to analyze neuroimaging data