Reverse Dependencies of nilearn
The following projects have a declared dependency on nilearn:
- notip — Nonparametric True Discovery Proportion control for brain imaging
- nwbwidgets — This is nwbwidgets, widgets for viewing the contents of a NWB-file in Jupyter Notebooks using ipywidgets.
- onevox — Library for adding well described noise to images.
- osl — OHBA Software Library
- osl-dynamics — Models for infering dynamics in neuroimaging data
- panpipelines — MRI Processing Pipelines for PAN Healthy Minds for Life Study
- pfc-toolkit — The Precomputed Functional Connectome Toolkit
- pinr — Python tools for Interoperable Neuromorphometry Reporting
- pipetography — Pre/Post-processing pipeline for tractography wrapped around nipype and mrtrix3
- pyalfe — no summary
- PyBASC — A bootstrapping clustering algorithm for Python
- pyblm — The Big Linear Models Toolbox
- pyblmm — The Big Linear Mixed Models Toolbox
- pydfc — This package aims to provide a comprehensive framework for assessing dynamic functional connectivity (dFC) using multiple methods and comparing results across methods.
- pydra-mriqc — Pydra tasks package for mriqc
- pydra-nireports — Pydra tasks package for nireports
- pydra-niworkflows — Pydra tasks package for niworkflows
- pykale — Knowledge-aware machine learning from multiple sources in Python
- pymaia-learn — Python Package to support Deep Learning data preparation, pre-processing. training, result visualization and model deployment across different frameworks (nnUNet, nnDetection, MONAI).
- pynibs — A python toolbox to conduct non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) experiments.
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- qsm-forward — A forward-model simulation for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
- qsmxt — no summary
- rabies — RABIES: Rodent Automated Bold Improvement of EPI Sequences.
- rian-alba-tools — no summary
- RMTfunc — Eigenvalue unfolding and spectral observable computation
- roipy — Plotting brain regions of interest (ROI) for demonstration purposes in Python
- scilpy — Scilpy: diffusion MRI tools and utilities
- scuteegfe — EEG Signal Feature Exacting, a wrapper of mne_features
- sekupy — Detergent for your dirty neuroimaging pipelines
- shamo — A tool for electromagnetic modelling of the head and sensitivity analysis.
- siibra — siibra - Software interfaces for interacting with brain atlases
- skggm2 — Gaussian graphical models for scikit-learn.
- snake-fmri — A simulator and validator of fMRI reconstruction methods.
- spectquant — Specialized Package for Extracting Image Features for Cardiac Amyloidosis Quantification on SPECT.
- splora — Python library to estimate neuronal activity-related, activity-inducing and innovaition signals, as well as estimating global fluctuations.
- SubBrainSegment — Package for subcortical brain segmentation
- tedana — TE-Dependent Analysis (tedana) of multi-echo functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data.
- Teneto — Temporal network tools
- TigerSeg — Processing MRI images based on deep-learning
- tigersyn — Processing MRI images based on deep-learning
- totalspineseg — TotalSpineSeg is a tool for automatic instance segmentation and labeling of all vertebrae, intervertebral discs (IVDs), spinal cord, and spinal canal in MRI images.
- xai4mri — xai4mri is designed for advanced MRI analysis using deep learning combined with explainable A.I. (XAI).