Reverse Dependencies of nbformat
The following projects have a declared dependency on nbformat:
- dkist-processing-dlnirsp — Science processing code for the DLNIRSP instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-ops — Automated Processing smoke test and operations workflows
- dkist-processing-test — Example instrument code used by the DKIST science data processing pipelines to test processing infrastructure
- dkist-processing-vbi — Processing code for the VBI instrument on DKIST
- dkist-processing-visp — Science processing code for the ViSP instrument on DKIST
- dlai-grader — Grading utilities for DLAI courses
- dlg-home-content — model to identify tv sizes using images
- dlnpyutils — David Nidever Python Utility Functions
- dls-bxflow — Distributed beamline automated data processing workflow engine and gui platform core.
- dnntime — An end-to-end, modular deep learning package time-series predictive modeling.
- docstring-gen — Generate docstrings using OpenAI's Codex model.
- docstripy — Merge your config files and set parameters from the command line in a simple way.
- domaps — Python library for dynamic organellar maps
- dominance-analysis — Dominance Analysis
- domino-code-assist — no summary
- DP-epidemiology — A package for differential private release of fianancial data in context of epidemiology
- DQMaRC — A Python Tool for Structured Data Quality Profiling
- drag-copilot — A notebook copilot for data analysis
- ds4n6-chrysalis — Bringing Data Science & Artificial Intelligence to the fingertips of the average Forensicator, and promote advances in the field
- ds4n6-lib — Bringing Data Science & Artificial Intelligence to the fingertips of the average Forensicator, and promote advances in the field
- dsassign — Jupyter notebook assignment formatting and distribution
- dscitools — Tools for data science with Jupyter/Pandas/Spark
- dtscalibration — Load Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) files, calibrate the temperature and estimate its uncertainty.
- dug-test — Dug is a semantic searching and indexing software.
- dyff-audit — Audit tools for the Dyff AI auditing platform.
- dysh — no summary
- eagle-kaist — Stock Extractor library
- earthkit-data — A format-agnostic Python interface for geospatial data
- earthkit-plots — Visualisation tools for earth science data
- ecallisto-ng — A Python package for the fetching (and some processing and plotting) of eCallisto data based on request and pandas.
- ECMpy2.0 — Automated construction of enzyme constraint models using ECMpy workflow.
- EcoStock — A Python package designed for finance professionals and economists
- eda-toolkit — A Python library for EDA, including visualizations, directory management, data preprocessing, reporting, and more.
- EDS-Scikit — eds-scikit is a Python library providing tools to
- edubotics-core — Core modules for edubotics-based LLM AI chatbots
- edvart — Effective data visualization and reporting tool
- ekuru_ltn — A parser for FOL that utilizes NLTK Logic Module to parse and fuzzify FOL rules.
- element-array-ephys — DataJoint Element for Extracellular Array Electrophysiology
- elevendoc — Un package pour documenter automatiquement le code
- elixir-nbc — Converting Elixir Notebooks
- elixir-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Elixir web applications.
- elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- elyra-server — The elyra-server package provides common core libraries and functions that are required by Elyra's individual extensions. Note: Installing this package alone will not enable the use of Elyra. Please install the 'elyra' package instead. e.g. pip install elyra[all]
- emzed-spyder — emzed IDE, see also
- energyscope — Energy system modeling and analysis.
- engcom — Tools for engineering computing
- ENGR131-2024 — ENGR131_2024 package
- enrichsdk — Enrich Developer Kit
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- ensuro-analytics — Ensuro analytics library
- eodc — Python SDK for interacting with EODC services.
- epiworldpy — Python bindings for epiworld
- euporie — Euporie is a suite of terminal applications for interacting with Jupyter kernels
- eve-SMLM — Eve-SMLM: A Python package for single molecule localization microscopy from event-based sensors
- ewatercycle-experiment-launcher — Webservice to generate and launch a Jupyter notebook
- exporter — exporter helps to export Jupyter notebooks as a Python script.
- expressionable — A tool for managing large datasets
- eznbtemplater — Generate PDF and Jupyter Notebook files from a Notebook template
- f4enix — API for Monte Carlo input and output parsing
- fabexp-helper — A tool to help create and manage fabric experiments
- fabproj-manager — no summary
- faccent — A pytorch tool for feature visualizations of various types
- face-recognition-and-drowsiness-detection — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- facelandmarks — Human face landmarking via machine learning model
- fairmlhealth — Health-centered variation analysis
- FashionTrendForecasting — A package for predicting fashion trends
- fast-grid — Fast grid calculation
- fast-nbs — Import jupyter notebooks fast
- fastai-sparse — Fastai extention for sparse 2D-3D like pointclouds and triangle meshes
- fastbet — Create a custom gym environment to simulate simple betting strategy.
- fastbook-questions — Extract Questions from FastBook Notebooks
- fastbox — A client for financial analyze platform
- fastdoc — Convert jupyter notebooks to asciidoc
- fastkafka — FastKafka is a powerful and easy-to-use Python library for building asynchronous web services that interact with Kafka topics. Built on top of FastAPI, Starlette, Pydantic, AIOKafka and AsyncAPI, FastKafka simplifies the process of writing producers and consumers for Kafka topics.
- fastrl — fastrl is a reinforcement learning library that extends Fastai. This project is not affiliated with fastai or Jeremy Howard.
- fdcodepy — A codebook solution for time series data compression and feature extraction considering rebound effect
- feat-engine — no summary
- FeatClus — This library is built to perform feature selection in clustering models
- feedinlib — Creating time series from pv or wind power plants.
- feloopy — FelooPy: Efficient and feature-rich integrated decision environment
- fev — fev: Forecast evaluation library
- fh-posts — Turn Markdown and Jupyter Notebooks into dynamic FastHTML posts with smart YAML parsing and live Python execution.
- fidle — A nice module for the Fidle training... and much more.
- field-manager-api — Field Manager API SDK
- fimpef — A Framework for Automatic Evaluation of Flood Inundation Mapping Predictions Evaluation
- Final-library-of-optimization-problems — A package with optimization functions
- finance-datareader — Financial data reader (price, stock list of markets)
- finchnmr — [FI]tti[N]g 13[C] 1[H] HSQC [NMR]
- FineST — FineST: Fine-grained Spatial Transcriptomic
- finlab — Analyzing stock has never been easier.
- finmc — finmc is a Python library for Monte Carlo Simulation.
- finter — FINTER API
- finter-laboratory — no summary
- firenze — A lean executor for jupyter notebooks.
- fiser-tools — Personal DS tools
- fixernb — A tool to update Jupyter notebooks to version 4
- FLAML — A fast library for automated machine learning and tuning
- flimsay — A super simple fast IMS predictor
- flodym — no summary
- flopymetascript — Converts a zip with MODFLOW input files to a zip containing Flopy script