Reverse Dependencies of nbformat
The following projects have a declared dependency on nbformat:
- nbhosting — An infrastructure for hosting notebooks behind an open-edX MOOC platform, or for registered students like in a classroom
- nbhtml — Save & load Jupyter notebooks as HTML
- nbinteract — Export interactive HTML pages from Jupyter Notebooks
- nbkickoff — Launch an IPython Notebook from a template notebook file
- nbkit — jupyter notebook toolkit
- nblint — Linting Jupyter notebooks
- nbmake — Pytest plugin for testing notebooks
- nbmanips — nbmanips allows you easily manipulate notebook files
- nbopen — Open a notebook from the command line in the best available server
- nbparameterise — Re-run a notebook substituting input parameters in the first cell.
- nbplot — Command-line utility to quickly plot files in a Jupyter notebook
- nbpreview — nbpreview
- nbprint — A framework for customizing NBConvert templates and building reports
- nbproject — nbproject: Manage Jupyter notebooks.
- nbproject_test — Testing for nbproject.
- nbr — Jupyter notebooks runner
- nbrefactor — An automation tool to refactor Jupyter Notebooks to Python modules, with code dependency analysis.
- nbreport — LSST's notebook-based report system.
- nbreproduce — Reproduce Jupyter Notebooks inside Docker Containers.
- nbreversible — -
- nbRunner — Simple jupyter Notebook Runner that shows cell output
- nbscript — Run Jupyter notebooks like shell scripts
- nbsearch — datasette powered notebook search
- nbsite — Build a tested, sphinx-based website from notebooks.
- nbsmoke — Basic notebook checks. Do they run? Do they contain lint?
- nbsnapshot — no summary
- nbsphinx — Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
- nbsqueeze — A small Python package to minimize the file size of Jupyter notebooks by extracting figures.
- nbstripout — Strips outputs from Jupyter and IPython notebooks
- nbstripout-fast — Strips outputs from Jupyter notebooks
- nbstudy — Tools for studying notebooks
- nbswitch — NbSwitch is a tool for modifying the use case of lessons inside jupyter notebooks, pure markdown, and other file formats.
- nbtag — Set Jupyter notebook cell tags from a special comment
- nbtester — Test utilities for Jupyter Notebook file
- nbtoolbelt — Tools to work with Jupyter notebooks
- nbtransom — Machines and people collaborating together through Jupyter notebooks.
- nbval — A py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
- nbviewer-gui — A Utility for previewing *.ipynb files in linux machines
- nbWebForm — Simple jupyter Notebook WebForm System
- nbwrite — no summary
- ncxlib — Neural Network lib for ncxlib
- nene — A no-frills static site generator
- nengo-spa — An implementation of the Semantic Pointer Architecture for Nengo
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- neptyne-kernel — The Neptyne kernel
- nerfstudio — All-in-one repository for state-of-the-art NeRFs
- neurocaps — Co-activation Patterns (CAPs) Python package
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- neuronunitopt — A SciUnit library for data-driven testing of single-neuron physiology models.
- neurosystems — A package containing all Neurosistemas Lab's codes
- neutrino-cli — no summary
- newpyter — no summary
- nexinfosys — Formal and executable MuSIASEM multi-system Nexus models for Sustainable Development Analysis
- nfuzz — A useful tool for fuzz job.
- niclasProject — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- nifstd-tools — utilities for working with the NIF ontology
- nlmod — Python package to build, run and visualize MODFLOW 6 groundwater models in the Netherlands.
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nomad-analysis — A NOMAD plugin for analysis of FAIR data.
- nortech-python — no summary
- noteable-origami — The Noteable API interface
- notebook-2-py — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebook-ed — A tool to convert .py files to .ipynb
- notebook-parameterizer — A tool to generate parameterized Jupyter Notebooks
- notebook-vcs — Version control system for Jupyter notebooks
- notebook-vis-cli — Generate jupyter notebooks preloaded with visualization boilerplate
- notebook2md — A package to convert Jupyter notebooks to Markdown files
- notebookc — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebookc-krisnadi — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebookcv — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- notebookllm — no summary
- NotebookScripter — Expose ipython jupyter notebooks as callable functions. More info here
- notebooktoall — The coolest way to transform Jupyter Notebooks.
- notedown — Convert markdown to IPython notebook.
- noteline-sdk-core — core Noteline SDK
- notemodule — Convert Jupyter notebooks to python modules (and import them into your code)
- nparse — Notebook Parser for kaggler especially for english-learner
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- nteract-testbook — A unit testing framework for Jupyter Notebooks
- nvidia-srl-base — SRL Python base package. Contains base classes, basic types, general tools, and developer utilities.
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nycschools — Tools to work with open data about New York City public schools
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oat-python — User-friendly tools for applied topology in Python
- obj-tables — Tools for creating and reusing high-quality spreadsheets
- ocean-jupyter-server — The backend—i.e. core services, APIs, and REST endpoints—to Jupyter web applications.
- odh-elyra — Elyra provides AI Centric extensions to JupyterLab
- oemof.solph — A model generator for energy system modelling and optimisation.
- offlineslides — Program to make a jupyter notebook into offline reveal.js slideshow
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- omegaml — An open source DataOps, MLOps platform for humans
- onedani — A package to convert your Jupyter Notebook
- open-api-tcbs — Library connect Open-API of TCBS
- open-atmos-jupyter-utils — utility routines used in PySDM, PyMPDATA and PyPartMC examples and tests
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openbb-charting — Charting extension for OpenBB
- openbb-nightly — OpenBB
- OpenFisca-Tunisia — OpenFisca Rules as Code model for Tunisia.