Reverse Dependencies of msgpack
The following projects have a declared dependency on msgpack:
- ktext — Pre-processing text in parallel for Keras in python.
- kunny — A simple RPC framework
- KZZCrawl — download data of kzz in A market
- lakota — Versioned columnar storage for timeseries
- langgraph-checkpoint — Library with base interfaces for LangGraph checkpoint savers.
- langgraph_log_parser — Parser for logs from LangGraph
- lavague-core — automation code generation from text instructions
- laze — laze: a ninja buildfile generator
- lazyapi — Async and Sync wrapper client around httpx
- lescode — lescode
- levrt — no summary
- librosa — Python module for audio and music processing
- lidia — serve an aircraft instruments panel as a web page
- light-aligner — a light-weight aligner.
- lightning-app — Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready, multi-cloud ML systems to simple research demos.
- lightningchart — An interactive high-performance data visualization library
- LiSE — Life Simulator Engine
- litestar-msgspec — A fast serialization and validation library, with builtin support for JSON, MessagePack, YAML, and TOML.
- llama-server-client — A ZMQ client interface for llama server
- lmdb-embeddings — Fast querying of word embeddings using the LMDB "Lightning" Database.
- locust — Developer-friendly load testing framework
- locust-ig — Developer friendly load testing framework
- locust-je-test-pep621 — Developer friendly load testing framework
- locust-mboutet — Developer friendly load testing framework
- locust-mboutet2 — Developer friendly load testing framework
- locustio — Website load testing framework
- locustksy — Website load testing framework
- logfire-python — client library
- logsense-logger — A Python logging handler for sending logs to LogSense
- logsift — Quickly filter your logs from any command
- logtail-python — client library
- lohrasb — This versatile tool streamlines hyperparameter optimization in machine learning workflows.It supports a wide range of search methods, from GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCVto advanced techniques like OptunaSearchCV, Ray Tune, and Scikit-Learn Tune.Designed to enhance model performance and efficiency, it's suitable for tasks of any scale.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- ls-api-clients — A package for laser-mind clients
- ls-packers — An internal client python API for accessing LightSolver's capabilities
- ls-trace — Datadog tracing code
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- lurklite — A miniirc-based IRC bot.
- lXtractor — Feature extraction library for sequences and structures
- LynseDB — A pure Python-implemented, lightweight, server-optional, multi-end compatible, vector database deployable locally or remotely.
- lyric-py — Python bindings for Lyric: A Rust-powered secure sandbox for multi-language code execution, leveraging WebAssembly to provide high-performance runtime isolation for AI applications
- lyric-task — Add your description here
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- macarna — Fast offline vendor lookup by MAC address
- machine-common-sense — Machine Common Sense Python API to Unity 3D Simulation Environment
- mafiagg — A Python wrapper for the MafiaGG API
- maggma — Framework to develop datapipelines from files on disk to full dissemenation API
- magicnet — MagicNet is a modern and flexible networking library
- mailflagger — A program which flags emails, typically after an incoming payment
- mamamiya — A utility for crawling historical and Real-time Quotes data of China stocks
- manylog — Collect log messages and progress updates from multiple processes.
- mapper-core — Core TDA functionality for BluelightAI Cobalt
- marvin-brain — Core Marvin Brain for SDSS
- mashumaro — Fast and well tested serialization library
- masonite-socketio-driver — Socket IO Broadcast Driver for Masonite
- matrix-synapse — Homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-jitsi — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- matrix-synapse-ray — Reference homeserver for the Matrix decentralised comms protocol
- maxframe — MaxFrame operator-based data analyze framework
- mdalib — ทดสอบ
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- Medeina — A cumulative food web
- medusa-core — Medusa Core package
- medusa-protocol — Library with the binary and not protocol
- mercupy-msgpack — Python implementation for mercury-msgpack based on Mercupy, which allows serializing & deserializing Mercupy objects to and from MessagePack.
- mergeron — Merger Policy Analysis using Python
- mesop — Build UIs in Python
- metamorphosis — An opinionated event streaming microframework
- missinglink — Command line tool and SDK for platform
- mite — A Python Performance Testing Framework
- mitmproxy — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy-ban — An interactive, SSL/TLS-capable intercepting proxy for HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
- mitmproxy2swagger — no summary
- mkdocs_puml — Package that brings PlantUML to MkDocs
- ml-crypto — pyCrypto wrapper, used by various libraries
- ml-legit — Package for Data Management of
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- mlchain — MLchain Python Library
- mlcrypto — pyCrypto wrapper, used by various libraries
- mmcif — mmCIF Core Access Library
- mmtf-cppy — Toolkit for handling MMTF formatted macromolecular data
- mmtf-python — A decoding libary for the PDB mmtf format
- mmtfPyspark — Methods for parallel and distributed analysis and mining of the Protein Data Bank using MMTF and Apache Spark
- moat-mqtt — Async MQTT broker and client, with optional MoaT-KV support
- moat-util — Utility code for the rest of MoaT
- mobility-virtual-environment — The Mobility Virtual Environment (MoVE) tests multi-vehicle mobility scenarios.
- model-perf — Model Performance Toolkit (model-perf) is a Python package backed by test applications for different platforms (Windows/MacOS, Android/iOS, Web) to test machine learning models on different target platforms and devices (e.g., Google Pixel for Android, iPhone for iOS).
- modelscope — ModelScope: bring the notion of Model-as-a-Service to life.
- modelz-py — machine learning models
- modulename — this is a description
- mojipack — Encode binary data into fun emoji strings!
- molten — A minimal, extensible, fast and productive API framework.
- mona-fluent-logger — A Python logging handler for Fluentd event collector
- mona-uds-client — Client code for python Mona over Unix Domain Socket protocol
- monty — Monty is the missing complement to Python.
- moschitta-serialization — no summary
- mosec — Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud
- mosec-tiinfer — Model Serving made Efficient in the Cloud