Reverse Dependencies of msgpack
The following projects have a declared dependency on msgpack:
- pyxylookup — Python client for the OBIS xylookup API
- qcccrawl — download data of qichacha
- qcportal — A distributed compute and database platform for quantum chemistry.
- QKDSimkit — Quantum Key Distribution simulator
- qset-python-client — Python client for Qset API
- quaeroml-serving — The easiest ML productionizer
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantc — no summary
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- queued-client-py — Python client for queued
- queueup — A distributed queue library layered over kombu
- quote-module — Your package description
- qurpc — RPC for QuLab
- qworker — QueueWorker is asynchronous Task Queue implementation built on top of Asyncio.Can you spawn distributed workers to run functions inside workers.
- rabbit-tunnel — Publish your local server to public via rabbit-tunnel
- rabbit-tunnel-server — A server for rabbit tunnel
- RabiBridge — A lightweight framework for service decoupling and peak shaving in web services, leveraging RabbitMQ. - GoodManWEN/RabiBridge
- radium — Supercharge the Python logging module.
- rap — rap(par[::-1]) is advanced and fast python async rpc
- rarefaction — Rarefaction and Accumulation for Metagenomic datasets
- rasters — raster processing toolkit
- raymon — Python package for data logging and monitoring.
- rcquant-sdk — rcquant_sdk
- readet — LLM based tools and agents to fascilitate scientific research
- reciprocalspaceship — Tools for exploring reciprocal space
- red-utils — Collection of utility scripts/functions that I use frequently.
- redbiom — no summary
- redis-pubsub-dict-wo-cluster — A python class for using redis, or other key value stores, and caching the values for read heavy workloads
- redpepper-common — A state-based server management system (commmon package)
- regulAS — Bioinformatics Tool for the Integrative Analysis of Alternative Splicing Regulome using RNA-Seq data
- remrpc — Lightweight RPC on Redis using Msgpack.
- renku-lock — Python SDK and CLI for the Renku platform. lock package
- renn — Research tools for Reverse Engineering Neural Networks (RENN).
- replit-river — Replit river toolkit for Python
- ReticulumTelemetryHub — no summary
- — Python wrapper for the API
- — Python wrapper for the API
- richie — A CMS to build learning portals for open education
- ricxappframe — Xapp and RMR framework for Python
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- roboml — Machine learning models optimized for robotics experimentation and deployment
- robustraster — Running user-defined functions on large datasets via out-of-core computation simplfied.
- rosettasciio — Reading and writing scientific file formats
- — An fast and powerful RPC framework based on ASGI/WSGI.
- rpcq — The RPC framework and message specification for Rigetti QCS.
- rpcx — Asynchronous RPC client/server with streaming support
- rqdatac — Ricequant Data SDK
- rs-server-staging — Copernicus Sentinel rs-server, staging service.
- RsWaveform — Load, manipulate and save R&S waveform files
- ruamel.ext.msgpack — thin wrapper around msgpack to deal with naive datetime and ruamel defined extension types
- rwkv2onnx — RWKV to ONNX (powered by Faster RWKV)
- ryu-ptdn — Component-based Software-defined Networking Framework
- s3watcher — Watch AWS S3 bucket contents
- samping — simple task queue library and background task processing
- sandsldahelper — This python package is meant to make creating, testing and creating useful output files for LDA or PT topic modeling much easier. This package uses Tomotopy for topic modeling.
- sanyam-algosdk-2315 — A package for sending and receiving data via bus and filtering responses.(Fixed import error in filter_response function and global_storage receive.)
- savior — Flexible immutable entity database
- scansegmentdecoding — no summary
- scilightcon — A lightcon scipack
- scopeagent — Scope agent for Python
- scrapfly-sdk — Scrapfly SDK for Scrapfly
- scrapinghub — Client interface for Scrapinghub API
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- seaplane-framework.flow — no summary
- sedaro — A python client to interact with the Sedaro API.
- sentry-kafka-schemas — Kafka topics and schemas for Sentry
- seoservice2020-aiocache — multi backend asyncio cache
- serdio — Automatic serialization of function inputs and outputs using MessagePack.
- serfio — Python interface to Serf
- sergeant — Fast, Safe & Simple Asynchronous Task Queues Written In Pure Python
- serialized-redis-interface — Redis python interface that serializes all values using json, pickle, msgpack or a custom serializer.
- serverwamp — Components that add Web Application Messaging Protocol features to WebSocket servers.
- servitin — Django services app
- setec — Simple, fast, compact encryption and signing.
- sf2 — Share and work in team your files in full safety thanks to SSH keys.
- sgm-data — Module for loading, interpolating and plotting data taken at the SGM Beamline at the Canadian Light Source.
- shared-cache — Across workers shared cache for python3
- ShareDB — An on-disk pythonic embedded key-value store for compressed data storage and distributed data analysis.
- SharQ — An API queueing system built at Plivo.
- signalr-async — Python SignalR async client
- signalrcore — A Python SignalR Core client(json and messagepack), with invocation auth and two way streaming. Compatible with azure / serverless functions. Also with automatic reconnect and manually reconnect.
- signalrcore-async — Asynchronous fork of signalrcore with MessagePack support: A Python SignalR Core client, with invocation auth and two way streaming. Compatible with azure / serverless functions. Also with automatic reconnect and manual reconnect.
- signalrcore-deng — 修改说明:1、fork原库,在原库的基础上修复了一些多线程相关的BUG;2、支持设置网络代码,方便fiddler等软件抓包;(仅项目自用,其余用途建议直接使用原库signalrcore的最新版)
- signalrcore1 — A Python SignalR Core client(json and messagepack), with invocation auth and two way streaming. Compatible with azure / serverless functions. Also with automatic reconnect and manually reconnect.
- signalrcoreplus — A Python SignalR Core client(json and messagepack), with invocation auth and two way streaming. Compatible with azure / serverless functions. Also with automatic reconnect and manually reconnect.
- simple-amqp-pubsub — Simple AMQP Pub/Sub lib
- simple-amqp-rpc — Simple AMQP RPC lib
- simpleobsws — A simple obs-websocket library in async Python for people who just want JSON output.
- simrpc —
- simvue — Simulation tracking and monitoring
- sindre-lmdb — simple lmdb wrapper
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- — An asynchronous client for 신경.
- six-python — Six offical python ackage
- sixth-python — Sixth offical python package
- sixth-sense — Six offical python ackage
- — A Python wrapper for the Skinport API
- sktclcli-minbin — A client in Python to connect to socket cluster server