Reverse Dependencies of motor
The following projects have a declared dependency on motor:
- acb — Default template for PDM package
- aclients — 基础封装库
- AddeMongo — Private mongo repository for Addebitare company
- afs2-datasource — For AFS developer to access Datasource
- Agrothon — A Farm Monitoring Bot
- aimmocore — The sdk for aimmocore curation service
- aio-mongo-dm — asynchronous lightweight ODM for MongoDB based on motor
- aio-scrapy — A high-level Web Crawling and Web Scraping framework based on Asyncio
- aioaccount — Utility for user account creation.
- aiocrwaler — no summary
- aiogram — Modern and fully asynchronous framework for Telegram Bot API
- aiogram-broadcaster — A lightweight aiogram-based library for broadcasting Telegram messages.
- aiogram-ext — no summary
- aiogram-mg-handler — Aiogram media group handler. Fork of aiogram-media-group
- aiohttp_ac_hipchat — Aiohttp extension to support Atlassian Connect for HipChat
- aiohttp-client-cache — Persistent cache for aiohttp requests
- aiohttp-session-mongo — mongo sessions for aiohttp.web
- aiologs — ('修改支持关键信息不分词', '纯异步的高性能日志组件,支持日志保存文件、mongo、elasticsearch', 'Purely asynchronous high performance logging components,Support for writing files,mongo、elasticsearch')
- aiomongodel — ODM to use with asynchronous MongoDB Motor driver.
- AioSpider-zly — 高并发异步爬虫框架
- aioworkers-mongo — Module for working with MongoDB via asyncpg
- akenoai — AkenoAi Python Wrapper For Plus+
- alaric — A simplistic yet powerful asynchronous MongoDB query engine.
- alist_proxy — Python alist proxy and monitor.
- alphahunterpro — Asynchronous driven quantitative trading framework.
- ampo — Python library async ORM for mongodb. Object as pyDantic
- apidecorators — API Decorators
- apimate — API mate
- asphalt-mongodb — MongoDB integration component for the Asphalt framework
- async-viber — no summary
- asyncdb — Library for Asynchronous data source connections Collection of asyncio drivers.
- asyncmongoengine — A lightweight asyncio support package based on MongoEngine and Motor.
- auditize — Empower your functional logs
- authy_package — Generic robust authentication system
- autonomize-autorag — AutoRAG is a flexible and scalable solution for building Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems.
- ayugespidertools — scrapy 扩展库:用于扩展 Scrapy 功能来解放双手。
- beanie — Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB
- bili_cli — no summary
- bitswan — Bitswan is a framework for building automations and pipelines in Jupyter
- Bot-Base — A simplistic yet feature rich discord bot template.
- BotEXBotBase — A highly customisable Discord bot
- botstory — Async framework for bots
- bs-common-fastapi-mongodb — no summary
- bspump — BSPump is a real-time stream processor for Python 3.6+
- bstk-notitia — notitia core runtime & modules
- bubot-WebServer — Web server for Bubot
- cacheme — async caching framework
- cachetoolz — This library provides a decorator for caching functions
- cachex — Simple, Flexible, and Extensible caching utility for modern applications
- casbin_motor_adapter — Motor Adapter for PyCasbin
- cbs-sdk — This is a service of cbs sdk
- ccdefundamentals — Shared code for and its Notification Bot.
- ccdexplorer-fundamentals — Shared code for and its Notification Bot.
- cervmongo — An (even) higher-level MongoDB client
- chatsky — Chatsky is a free and open-source software stack for creating chatbots, released under the terms of Apache License 2.0.
- chatushka — Bot that can make your chat explode!
- Cherrydoor — An overengineered rfid lock manager created for my school community. Made for Raspberry Pi connected with another microcontroler that send and receieves rfid data via UART
- claimm — CLI app for multi-model AI interactions
- clandestino-mongo — Clandestino Mongo implementation
- clericus — An async webserver focused on being predictable and self documenting.
- closehaven-abc — no summary
- contactcenter_broadcaster — no summary
- cool-utils — This is Cool Utility tools that you can use in python.
- cpa-data-services — CPA data service layer
- cpaDataServices — CPA data service layer
- cron-api — 定时任务api
- croydon — a micro webframework based on fastapi and motor
- cryptofeed — Cryptocurrency Exchange Websocket Data Feed Handler
- cyberchipped — Build AI Agents Fast
- datasketch — Probabilistic data structures for processing and searching very large datasets
- dbcc — Database connector.
- dbcontroller — Python - Database Controller (SQLAlchemy & Motor)
- dbdaora — Communicates with databases using repository pattern and service patterns
- dddmisc-mongo-uow — no summary
- dealsHBSpool — A package to interact with HubSpot and MongoDB
- deeppavlov-agent — An open source library, allowing you to create data processing systems based on a sequence graph, alongside with saving sample processing results in database.
- delphai-ml-utils — A Python package to manage delphai machine learning operations.
- delphai-utils — delphai backend utilities
- dff — This package has been renamed to Chatsky.
- diff-kit — 对比工具集
- discord-fate-bot — Discord bot to help run a FATE campaign
- DiscordEconomy —, other libs(hikari etc.), and forks(pycord, nextcord etc.) extension to create economy easily with support of Sqlite/MongoDB.
- discordpy-common — Common tools for bots
- disnakeSuperUtils — Discord Bot Development made easy!
- douyin — Api of douyin for humans
- douyin-spider — One simple and easy to use crawler for DouYin
- dserver — no summary
- earnbase-common — Common utilities for Earnbase services
- earnorm — EarnBase ORM - Async-first ORM for MongoDB and more
- eidolon-ai-sdk — An open source sgent service SDK
- elastic-tools — no summary
- enochecker-async — Library to build async checker scripts for the EnoEngine A/D CTF Framework in Python
- enochecker3 — FastAPI based library for building async python checkers for the EnoEngine A/D CTF Framework
- Erin — Fully Fledged Discord Bot Framework
- event-outbox — Transactional outbox and idempotent consumer
- farmtool — Farmtool to help the farmer to automate and handle Cowsheds.
- fast-auth-routes — A simple FastAPI application with authentication and user management
- fast-healthchecks — FastHealthchecks
- fastapi-cacher — A caching library for FastAPI
- fastapi-components — This library makes it easy to add dependencies to your fastapi service