Reverse Dependencies of motor
The following projects have a declared dependency on motor:
- mongostick — MongoStick helps you to poke around your database.
- mongotoy — Comprehensive ODM for MongoDB
- mongox — Python Mongodb ODM using Motor and Pydantic
- mongoz — ODM with pydantic made it simple
- mongrations — Migrations tool for Python 3.5+
- monstro — Web framework based on Tornado and MongoDB
- motor-bundle — no summary
- motor-decorator — Decorator for motor library
- Motor-ODM — A MongoDB ODM based on Motor and Pydantic.
- motor-orm — no summary
- motor-types — Python stubs for Motor, a Non-Blocking MongoDB driver for Python's Tornado and AsyncIO based applications.
- motorhead — Async MongoDB with vanilla Pydantic v2+ - made easy.
- motorized — Asyncio mongodb ODM based on pydantic
- motormongo — An asynchronous Object Document Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB built on top of Motor.
- motorodm — An ODM for motor.
- motorturbine — A ORM package for asyncio and motor
- muffin-mongo — MongoDB support for Muffin framework.
- muffin-motor — no summary
- multibotkit — Functional library for developing multiplatform chatbots
- mwdstdb — MWD STD Basic data storage and automation backend
- nawah — Nawah--Rapid, cloud-native app development framework
- netwitness — no summary
- nextcordSuperUtils — Discord Bot Development made easy!
- nextmusic — Music cog for discord bots. Supports YouTube, YoutubeMusic, SoundCloud and Spotify.
- nonebot-plugin-navicat — A batabase manager plugin for nonebot2,provide capability of connection to all kinds of databases
- nosql-storage-wrapper — A simple library for easy work with key-value storages and document databases
- nyuki — Base library to create microservices with MQTT and HTTP REST API.
- odmantic — ODMantic, an AsyncIO MongoDB Object Document Mapper for Python using type hints
- odmanticti — ODMantic, an AsyncIO MongoDB Object Document Mapper for Python using type hints
- opal-fetcher-mongodb — An OPAL fetch provider to bring authorization state from MongoDB.
- opal-fetcher-mongodb-treedom — An OPAL fetch provider to bring authorization state from MongoDB.
- openai-wrapper — A wrapper for OpenAI's python API which wraps around the openAI functions and stores the request, response and metadata to MongoDB. The stored data can be used to fine tune GPT-3 models or HuggingFace models.
- orm-database — This module is written to launch your programs with any database you want in the shortest time
- osint-tools — no summary
- panther — Fast & Friendly, Web Framework For Building Async APIs
- payler — Move messages from one source to another one.
- promptengineers — A collection of utilities by Prompt Engineers
- py-easy-rest-mongo-motor-repo — Mongo repo to use with Py Easy REST
- py4ai-data — A Python library of data structures optimized for machine learning tasks
- pydantic-odm — Small async ODM for MongoDB based on Motor and Pydantic
- pydatatask — Library for constructing data-centric processing pipelines with few invariants
- pyg-mongo-async — Utilities for data manipulation including creation of DAGs and tables
- pyimport — A CSV importer for MongoDB
- pymotyc — Statically typed asynchronous MongoDB collections with Pydantic models and Motor engine.
- pyodmongo — A syncrounous and asyncrounous Python ODM for MongoDB based on Pydantic
- pyot — AsyncIO-based high level Python framework Riot Games API framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
- PyperS — A utilities module made for personal use, has small snippets which I use in many projects.
- pyromongo — Mongo Session Storage for pyrogram
- pysmongo — A small Python MongoDB Document-Based access engine
- pytest-motor — A pytest plugin for motor, the non-blocking MongoDB driver.
- python-mf-data — Python Micro Framework Data
- python-mongodm — Asynchronous Python ODM for MongoDB based on Motor
- python-mongorm — MongORM is an ORM (object relational mapping) wrapper using async library motor for MongoDB connection and pydantic for data definition and validation.
- quantaxis — QUANTAXIS:Quantitative Financial Strategy Framework
- quart-mongo — Quart-Mongo bridges Quart, Motor, and Odmantic to create a powerful MongoDB extension for your Quart app.
- Quart-Motor — Motor support for Quart applications
- ralph-malph — Ralph, the ultimate Learning Record Store (and more!) for your learning analytics.
- razorbill — Razorbill is a framework for quickly creating API applications using only the description of the data model.
- red-warden — Resilient, Extensible and Distributed Web Application Rapid Development ENgine
- resilient-python-cache — Python library for syncing ResilientDB data via WebSocket and HTTP with seamless reconnection.
- ReSpider — ReSpider是一款基于 aiohttp 请求库的python爬虫程序
- rethink-note — note taking app
- retk — keep and reuse your thoughts
- robin8-utils — Utils used in Robin8 projects
- ruia-motor — ruia_motor - a Ruia plugin that uses the motor to store data
- RyuzakiLib — RyuzakiLib Python Wrapper For API etc
- sanic-mongo — a simple sanic extension for using motor
- sanic-mongodb-extension — MongoDB with μMongo ODM support for Sanic framework
- sanic-motor — Simple Motor wrapper for sanic
- sapx — Library of re-usable utilities for python web apps.
- scooze — A flexible data layer for applications working with Magic: the Gathering cards and decks.
- semantic-kernel — Semantic Kernel Python SDK
- shylock — Distributed locks in Python, similar to - also with asyncio support
- simple-api-framework — Simple async API framework
- simple-mongodb — An asynchronous Python package for streamlined collection management in MongoDB
- singularity-core — Funny backend
- siste-test — HyperFetch. A tool to optimize and fetch hyperparameters for your reinforcement learning application.
- snap-tracker — Collection and game tracker for Marvel Snap. Work in progress.
- spade-artifact — Plugin for SPADE 3 to develop artifacts.
- sparkpipelineframework — Framework for simpler Spark Pipelines
- sspeedup — 开发工具箱
- sstool-general — A general code for the sstool.
- stac-fastapi.mongo — Mongodb stac-fastapi backend.
- sublogs — 异步的日志组件,支持日志保存mongoPurely asynchronous high performance logging components,Support for mongo
- suppgram — Minimalistic support system with Telegram-based UI
- tc-analyzer-lib — A platform agnostic analyzer, computing the TogetherCrew dashboard metrics.
- telegram-sender — Asynchronous Python tool for efficiently sending messages and photos to multiple Telegram users with optional MongoDB logging.
- tokka — A thin async layer between Pydantic and MongoDB
- tracardi — Tracardi Customer Data Platform backend
- tracardi-mongodb-connector — The purpose of this plugin is to connect to mongo and retrieve data.
- tradestream — A Python application with a Dash frontend, services to fetch market data, and an API server.
- turbo_motor — Turbo motor plugin
- tycho — no summary
- typedmongo — A production-ready modern Python MongoDB ODM
- umfactory — Factories for umongo
- umlars_translator — UML representation and analysis system - translation service
- umongo — sync/async MongoDB ODM, yes.
- uodm — ultraminimalistic Python library for simple object-document mappint for asyncronous mongodb
- vcplayerbot — VC Player Bot
- vectorcraft — A custom library extending LangChain functionality.