Reverse Dependencies of jupytext
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupytext:
- ABSQL — A rendering engine for templated SQL
- acore — A Python package with statistical functions to analyse multimodal molecular data
- adios4dolfinx — Checkpointing functionality for DOLFINx meshes/functions with ADIOS2
- agent0 — Agent interface for on-chain protocols.
- aiida-atoms — AiiDA demo plugin that wraps the `diff` executable for computing the difference between two files.
- aiida-hubbard — AiiDA plugin for the first-principles calculation of Hubbard parameters.
- aiida-phonopy — The official AiiDA plugin for Phonopy
- aiida-vibroscopy — AiiDA plugin for vibrational spectoscopy using Quantum ESPRESSO.
- aiscalator — AIscalate your Jupyter Notebook Prototypes into Airflow Data Products
- aizynthfinder — Retrosynthetic route finding using neural network guided Monte-Carlo tree search
- ansys-aedt-toolkits-common — User interface example repository to create your toolkit.
- ansys-geometry-core — A python wrapper for Ansys Geometry service
- ansys-speos-core — A Python wrapper for Ansys Speos
- ansys-sphinx-theme — A theme devised by ANSYS, Inc. for Sphinx documentation.
- ansys-tools-visualization-interface — A Python visualization interface for PyAnsys libraries
- AutoFeedback-grader — Python package for grading AutoFeedback exercises
- autorad — Radiomics-related modules for extraction and experimenting
- autosweep — automated testing
- azure-quantum-tgp — Topogap protocol code
- b2aiprep — A small package to generate features from acoustic
- backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bayeso — Simple, but essential Bayesian optimization package
- bioimage_embed — no summary
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- boinor — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- bookshelf-producer — Publishing utilities for bookshelf books
- bpcells — BPCells python bindings
- brav0 — Bayesian Radial Velcoity Zero-Point Correction
- cacheback2 — no summary
- CADET-RDM — A Python toolbox for research data management.
- callisto-jupyter-d1 — Jupyter D1 Server for Callisto
- canoPyHydro — An Innovative Approach to Vegetative Precipitation Partitioning
- cardiac-geometries — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-geometriesx — A python library for cardiac geometries
- cardiac-mps — Tools for working with caridac mps files
- cashocs — Computational Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and Optimal Control Software
- cell-decipher — Spatial-omics data embedding and analysis
- circulation — Closed loop blood circulation model in FEniCS
- cleanipynb — Cleanup imports in jupyter notebooks
- coconut — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- coconut-develop — Simple, elegant, Pythonic functional programming.
- cogbooks — Convert instructor jupytext-markdown to student notebooks, removing all solutions
- cogent3 — COmparative GENomics Toolkit 3: genomic sequence analysis within notebooks or on compute systems with 1000s of CPUs.
- colored-noise-sc — An implementation of the sparse convolution algorithm (Lewis, 1989) for generating solid time-series of colored noise.
- composable-logs — no summary
- composable-logs-snapshot — no summary
- crowsetta — A Python tool to work with any format for annotating animal sounds and bioacoustics data
- cs-jupyterlab-git — A JupyterLab extension for version control using git
- cspdk — CornerStone PDK
- csr — Compressed Sparse Row matrices for Python, with Numba API.
- ctdcal — CTD and bottle data processing package from UCSD ODF
- DA-DAPPER — DAPPER benchmarks the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods.
- dacapo-ml — Framework for deployment of volumetric machine learning models, and easy composition of training jobs.
- daft — PGM rendering at its finest
- daft-pgm — PGM rendering at its finest
- dapper — DAPPER benchmarks the performance of data assimilation (DA) methods.
- datasdk — no summary
- datto — Data Tools (Dat To)
- dbcooper — Short description of the package.
- deailab — A JupyterLab extension for DeAI.
- deep-piste — Evaluating the impact of IA on Breast Cancer Screening Program
- diffaaable — JAX-differentiable AAA algorithm
- diffeqzoo — Ordinary differential equation zoo
- dimcat — DIgital Musicology Corpus Analysis Toolkit
- diverse_seq — diverse_seq: a tool for sampling diverse biological sequences
- dlai-grader — Grading utilities for DLAI courses
- docly — Generate docstrings for your python functions. Automatically!
- dodata — Software Development Kit - SDK for DoData
- dp_wizard — DP Wizard makes it easier to get started with Differential Privacy.
- drn — Distributional regression modelling using PyTorch
- drug-database — Tool for getting scaling factors from different drugs
- dstools — Utility functions for Data Science projects.
- dunderlab-docs — no summary
- dynamax — Dynamic State Space Models in JAX.
- earth2studio — Open-source deep-learning framework for exploring, building and deploying AI weather/climate workflows.
- eclx — Tools for extracting information from Eclipse run decks and results.
- eitprocessing — Processing of lung image data from electrical impedance tomography.
- emat — Add a short description here
- emd-falsify — Original implementation of the EMD (empirical model discrepancy) model comparison criterion
- emdcmp — Original implementation of the EMD (empirical model discrepancy) model comparison criterion
- engcom — Tools for engineering computing
- enpicom_sdk — SDK for interacting with the IGX Platform
- ensembl_tui — Ensembl terminal user interface tools
- environment-framework — Loose building blocks to create agent-environment loops.
- eopf — Earth Observation Platform Core Python Modules
- ert — Ensemble based Reservoir Tool (ERT)
- euporie — Euporie is a suite of terminal applications for interacting with Jupyter kernels
- evaluation-lumo — evaluation_lumo is a package for evaluating the LUMO damage detection system.
- fairchem-core — Machine learning models for chemistry and materials science by the FAIR Chemistry team
- fastlane-bot — Carbon Arbitrage Bot, an open-source arbitrage protocol, allows any user to perform arbitrage between Bancor ecosystem protocols and external exchanges and redirect arbitrage profits back to the protocol.
- femwell — Mode solver for photonic and electric waveguides based on FEM
- fenics-beat — Library to run cardiac EP simulations
- fenics-plotly — A package for plotting FEniCS objects using plotly
- fenics-pulse — A python library based on FEniCS that aims to solve problems in continuum mechanics, in particular cardiac mechanics
- fenics-pulse2 — Cardiac Mechanics simulator
- fenicsx-beat — Library to run cardiac EP simulations
- fenicsx-ldrb — Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-based algorithm for assigning myocardial fiber orientations.
- fenicsx-plotly — Lightweight library for plotting FEniCS x objects using plotly
- fenicsx-pulse — Next generation cardiac mechanics solver based on FEniCSx