Reverse Dependencies of jupytext
The following projects have a declared dependency on jupytext:
- flytezen — Library for benchmarking the impact of transcript count type stratification on trajectory inference.
- — Jupyter Widget for Foursquare Studio Maps
- from-jupyter — Blogging from Jupyter notebooks
- fvgp — Python package for highly flexible function-valued Gaussian processes (fvGP)
- gadopt — A computational platform for inverse geodynamics
- gala — Galactic dynamics in Python
- gcoreutils — A versatile python utility library.
- gdsfactory — python library to generate GDS layouts
- generalized-additive-models — Generalized additive models in Python.
- gf180 — GlobalFoundries 180nm MCU
- gotranx — A declarative language describing ordinary differential equations
- gpfy — Gaussian process with spherical harmonic features in JAX
- gplugins — gdsfactory plugins
- gusty — Making DAG construction easier
- gvtt — gdsfactory VTT PDK
- haipera — Hassle-free configs, logging, and cluster management for research projects.
- hapsira — Utilities and Python wrappers for Orbital Mechanics.
- hgdl — HGDL Optimization
- HofstadterTools — A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model.
- honegumi — Honegumi (骨組み) is an interactive "skeleton code" generator for API tutorials focusing on optimization packages.
- hydrostab — Evaluation of hydrograph stability, detecting oscillations in data from hydrodynamic models.
- i3-workspace-groups — no summary
- icecube-tools — Python tools
- imodels — Implementations of various interpretable models
- inf581 — Tool functions for INF581.
- input4mips-validation — Validation of input4MIPs data (checking file formats, metadata etc.).
- iop4 — A rewrite of IOP3, a pipeline to work with photometry and polarimetry of optical data from CAHA and OSN.
- ipyautoui — wrapper that sits on top of ipywidgets and other ipy widget libraries to template / automate the creation of widget forms. Uses pydantic to create defined data-container and serialisation to JSON. Includes example patterns for adding new custom widgets.
- ipypublish — A workflow for creating and editing publication ready scientific reports, from one or more Jupyter Notebooks
- itables — Pandas and Polar DataFrames as interactive DataTables
- iterative-ensemble-smoother — A library for the iterative ensemble smoother algorithm.
- jaxbind — Bind any function written in another language to JAX with support for JVP/VJP/batching/jit compilation
- jaxley — Differentiable neuron simulations.
- jupyblog — no summary
- jupyformat — Custom functions for transforming files for jupyter book
- jupyter-ascending — no summary
- jupyter-ascending-patched — no summary
- jupyter_book — Build a book with Jupyter Notebooks and Sphinx.
- jupyter-bundle — Jupyter Lab support for Daipe
- jupyter-cache — A defined interface for working with a cache of jupyter notebooks.
- jupyterlab-git — A JupyterLab extension for version control using git
- jupyterlite-sphinx — Sphinx extension for deploying JupyterLite
- jure — An utility that extends Jupytext. Allows to auto-refresh browser when source file is changed.
- juv — A toolkit for reproducible Jupyter notebooks, powered by uv.
- kfn — Kubeflow notebook component builder
- kgeneric — KLayout generic PDK
- kiara — Data-centric workflow orchestration.
- kiara-plugin.jupyter — Jupyter integration for kiara
- konfuzio-sdk — Konfuzio Software Development Kit
- kplugins — KFactory extras such as PCells and plugins
- labbench — The `labbench` module provides API tools to support python scripting for laboratory automation.The goal is to simplify the process of developing an experimental procedure into clear, concise, explainable, and reusable code.
- labfunctions — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- lamindb — A data framework for biology.
- ldrb — Laplace-Dirichlet Rule-based algorithm for assigning myocardial fiber orientations.
- lightly — A deep learning package for self-supervised learning
- lightning-uq-box — Lightning-UQ-Box: A toolbox for uncertainty quantification in deep learning
- lips-benchmark — LIPS : Learning Industrial Physical Simulation benchmark suite
- lucit-backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- magpylib — Free Python3 package to compute magnetic fields.
- maite — Library of common types, protocols (a.k.a. structural subtypes), and utilities to support AI test and evaluation
- maser-data — Maser4py submodule to handle radio data
- maser4py — maser4py offers tools to handle low frequency radioastronomy data
- matscipy — Generic Python Materials Science tools
- meshwell — GMSH wrapper, with integrated photonics focus
- mf6rtm — Reactive transport model through MODFLOW 6 and PHREEQCRM
- midi-etl — Midi ETL pipelines implemented with dagster + dbt
- mitiq — Mitiq is an open source toolkit for implementing error mitigation techniques on most current intermediate-scale quantum computers.
- mkdocs-execute-plugin — A MkDocs plugin to execute notebooks and embed the results in the documentation.
- mkdocs-jupyter — Use Jupyter in mkdocs websites
- mmfutils — Small set of utilities: containers and interfaces.
- modelgraph — Tool for extracting dependency graphs from gotran ODE models
- molflux — A foundational package for molecular predictive modelling
- Monochrome — Viewer for monochromatic video data
- MPoL — Regularized Maximum Likelihood Imaging for Radio Astronomy
- MRpro — MR image reconstruction and processing package specifically developed for PyTorch.
- multibacktesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- multibacktesting2 — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- multicons — MultiCons (Multiple Consensuses) algorithm
- multipie — A python library for crystallographic symmetry operations and Symmetry-Adapted Multipole Basis (SAMB).
- multiple-backtesting — Backtest trading strategies in Python
- MyST-NB — A Jupyter Notebook Sphinx reader built on top of the MyST markdown parser.
- nanomesh — Creates 3d meshes from microscopy experimental data
- napari-assistant — A pocket calculator like interface to image processing in napari
- napari-assistant-plugin-generator — Auto-generate python code from within napari to make napari-assistant compatible plugins
- napari-omaas — napari-OMAAS stands for Optical Mapping Acquisition and Analysis Software
- napari-pyclesperanto-assistant — GPU-accelerated image processing in napari using OpenCL
- napari-workshop-browser — A plugin to browse and follow napari workshops
- nb-quality-profile — Tools for profiling Jupyter notebook quality and visualing notebook structure.
- nb-workflows — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- nbhosting — An infrastructure for hosting notebooks behind an open-edX MOOC platform, or for registered students like in a classroom
- nbnorm — convenience tool to do mass notebook normalization
- nbprune — With this tool, one can define pieces of a notebook that belong to teachers and should not be exposed to students.
- nbqa — Run any standard Python code quality tool on a Jupyter Notebook
- nbsearch — datasette powered notebook search
- nbwc — Notebook wordcount
- nibetaseries — BetaSeries Correlations implemented in Nipype
- nifty8 — Probabilistic programming framework for signal inference algorithms that operate regardless of the underlying grids and their resolutions
- njx — NJX is a library for morphologically and bio-physically detailed neuron simulations in JAX.
- noteout — Notebook parsing filters for Pandoc
- nrsur-catalog — GW event posteriors obtained using numerical relativity surrogate models.