Reverse Dependencies of joblib
The following projects have a declared dependency on joblib:
- CEEM — Official implementation of CE-EM algorithm
- ceemdan-seglstm-gradient-boost — CEEMDAN-LSTM-GradientBoosting model for state-of-the-art time series forecasting
- cell-AAP — no summary
- Cell-BLAST — Single-cell transcriptome querying tool
- cell-stamp — STAMP for genetic perturbation prediction
- CellAutDisp — no summary
- celldancer — Study RNA velocity through neural network.
- cellmaps-vnn — The Cell Maps VNN Tool enables creation, training, and usage of an interpretable neural network-based models that predict cell response to a drug.
- cellrank — CellRank: dynamics from multi-view single-cell data
- CellScope-RNA — A package for analyzing and visualizing gene expression data
- cellstitch-cuda — CUDA-accelerated CellStitch 3D labeling using Instanseg segmentation.
- celltk — live-cell image analysis
- Cemotion — Cemotion 是 Python 下的中文 NLP 库,可以进行中文情感倾向分析、通用领域中文分词。
- censor-fix — A library for multiple imputation of censored data
- centrex-trajectories — no summary
- ceo-framework — Conditional Equality Operator Framework for conditional transformations in Python
- cepy — Implementation of the connectome embedding workflow.
- ceramic — Python library for defining data tables as tiles
- cerebraai — Cerebra is an AI Orchestrator for LLM models.
- cerf — An open-source geospatial Python package for assessing and analyzing future electricity technology capacity expansion feasibility.
- cesium — Library for time-series feature extraction and processing
- cesped — Code utilities for the CESPED (Cryo-EM Supervised Pose Estimation Dataset) benchmark
- CFEC — Python package for counterfactuals generation and presentation
- CFEDemands — Tools for estimating and computing Constant Frisch Elasticity (CFE) demands.
- cfl — Causal Feature Learning (CFL) is an unsupervised algorithm designed to construct macro-variables from low-level data, while maintaining the causal relationships between these macro-variables.
- cge-modeling — Computable general equlibrium models and policy simulation via autodiff with Pytensor
- chainer-chemistry — Chainer Chemistry: A Library for Deep Learning in Biology and Chemistry
- charbel-titanic-classification-model — This is my package of titanic-classification-model to be used later
- chatbot-demo — no summary
- chebai — no summary
- check-swear — A profanity filter for Russian comments.
- chembl-regressor — A ChEMBL biological activity regression model
- chemicalspace — An Object-oriented Representation for Chemical Spaces
- chemtsv2 — ChemTSv2 is a flexible and versatile molecule generator based on reinforcement learning with natural language processing.
- cherrypicker — Pluck and flatten complex data.
- chess-tuning-tools — A collection of tools for local and distributed tuning of chess engines.
- chimera-exo — exoplanet code for transmission and emission spectroscopy
- ChronoNLP — Chrono is a hybrid rule-based and machine learning system that identifies temporal expressions in text and normalizes them into the Semantically Compositional Annotations for Temporal Expressions (SCATE) schema developed by Bethard and Parker. Chrono has emerged as the top performing system for SemEval 2018 Task 6: Parsing Time Normalizations.
- chronos-forecasting — Chronos: Pretrained models for time series forecasting
- cif2bin — Convert Amnis ImageStream cif-files to a binary format.
- cimcb — This is a pre-release.
- circe-py — Circe: Package for building co-accessibility networks from ATAC-seq data.
- cisco-documentation — Gather information from switches to create documentation in excel.
- cislunar — Cislunar Utility Toolkit
- citoplasm — CITOplasm is a Python library for writing LLM code in a declarative way.
- civic-jabber-ingest — Utilities for ingesting legislative data
- civis — Civis API Python Client
- civisml-extensions — scikit-learn-compatible estimators from Civis Analytics
- CIxTools — Cheminformatics Tools
- classification-algorithm — All classifier algorithm at one place
- classification-analysis — This library is to monitor your model during the training process and track the metrics to find the best model
- classification-model — Classification model for animal activity recognition based on XGBoost
- classification-model-titanic-david-anthony — Classification model package from Train In Data.
- classification-text-email — compiled packages
- ClassificationModelMSDMB — Example regression model package from Train In Data.
- classifierAgent — A Python package for performing classification on datasets.
- classmail — A simple framework for automatise mail classification task
- classmodeltitanicdavidanthony — Classification model package from Train In Data.
- CLASV — CLASV is a pipeline designed for rapidly predicting Lassa virus lineages using a Random Forest model.
- clearbox-sure — no summary
- clep — A Hybrid Data and Knowledge Driven Framework for Generating Patient Representations
- cleverhans — no summary
- climate-assessment — Climate assessment of long-term emissions pathways: IPCC AR6 WGIII version
- climate-resilience — Download, Preprocessing, and Visualization code for climate resilience data.
- climatePy — A Python package for getting point and gridded climate data by AOI.
- clinica — Software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies
- clinicadl — Framework for the reproducible processing of neuroimaging data with deep learning methods
- clique-ml — A selective ensemble for predictive models that tests new additions to prevent downgrades in performance.
- cLoops2 — Loop-calling and peak-calling for sequencing-based interaction data, including related analysis utilities.
- cloudaux — Cloud Auxiliary is a python wrapper and orchestration module for interacting with cloud providers
- cloudia — Tools to easily create a word cloud
- CloudReg — Automatic terabyte-scale cross-modal brain volume registration
- cloudspeak — Set of python tools that eases integration of cloud services in Python projects
- clubcpg — CluBCpG is a software package built to analyze whole genome bisulfite sequencing (WGBS) data.
- clust — Optimised consensus clustering of multiple heterogeneous datasets
- cluster-ss — Improving Clustering Problem Analysis with a simple Silhouette Metric Support and Sklearn Estimators Fit's.
- clustermatch — Efficient clustering method for processing highly diverse data
- cmi-biosignal-lib — cmilab biosignal library test
- cmlkit — Machine learning tools for computational chemistry and condensed matter physics
- cnspy-ranging-evaluation — Evaluation of range measurements.
- cnspy-relative-pose-evaluation — Evaluation of relative pose measurements.
- cnspy-trajectory-evaluation — Evaluation of trajectories.
- coastal-resilience-utilities — A utility package for coastal resilience analysis.
- cobsurv — Cobra Ensemble for Conditional Survival
- cocos-map — on-the-fly estimation of coastal paramters from video of a wave field
- codejournal — A Python package hackable code snips package for faster pytorch-AI development
- codenerix-lib — Basic libraries used by CODENERIX.
- cogexquestgen — Question generator from any text
- coggle — 数据挖掘和人工智能项目最佳实践
- cognet — Infering Emergent Dependency Structures In Survey Responses
- cognite-open-set-classifier — Open-set classifier
- coipee — Demo of a Caipi-like system for explanatory interactive learning.
- colab-zirc-dims — Code to measure the dimensions of zircons from LA-ICP-MS alignment images in Google Colab, w/ deep learning automation.
- colin-mico — MICO: Mutual Information and Conic Optimization for feature selection.
- collie — A PyTorch library for preparing, training, and evaluating deep learning hybrid recommender systems.
- collie-recs — A PyTorch library for preparing, training, and evaluating deep learning hybrid recommender systems.
- collocater — Package for retrieving collocations from text with Spacy
- colorframe — Python utility to add borders to my photography pictures
- colorizexl — Colorize and recolorize large images
- combnetdep — Dependencies for Combnet.