Reverse Dependencies of joblib
The following projects have a declared dependency on joblib:
- automutualinformation — Auto Mutual Information (Sequential Mutual Information) for temporal data.
- autoneuro-pypi — Template python package
- autonn — Configurable deep neural networks for neural architecture searchand hyper-parameter tuning; Cloud deployment of DNN models
- autonon — Organon Automated ML Platform
- autophylo — Autophylo is used to generate phylogentic trees automatically.
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- autopocket — Automated Machine Learning project for financial data analysis.
- autoprognosis — A system for automating the design of predictive modeling pipelines tailored for clinical prognosis.
- autoqtl — Automated Quantitative Trait Locus Analysis Tool
- autorch — auto pytorch
- autoreject — Automated rejection and repair of epochs in M/EEG.
- autoreview — Library for ranking relevant papers based on a set of seed papers
- autotrain-advanced — no summary
- autotraino — AutoML for Tabular datasets.
- autotreemodel — auto build a tree model
- AutoTS — Automated Time Series Forecasting
- autotuneml — A package for automated machine learning on tabular data
- autovar — Experiment variables management framework.
- autovf — autovf: tuning xgboost with optuna
- autowoe — Library for automatic interpretable model building (Whitebox AutoML)
- autoxgb — autoxgb: tuning xgboost with optuna
- autoxgb-aucpr-bc — xgbauto: tuning xgboost with optuna, autoxgb with aucpr for binary classification
- autoxgbAUC — xgbauto: tuning xgboost with optuna, autoxgb with aucpr for binary classification
- AutoZeekWatch — Network Intrusion Detection using Zeek logs
- av2 — no summary
- average-minimum-distance — Descriptors of crystals based on geometry (isometry invariants).
- awessome — awessome
- aws-marketplace-ubuntu-scraper — CLI to return the Ubuntu AMIs in AWS marketplace
- azure-storage-helper — no summary
- azureml-automl-runtime — Contains the ML and non-Azure specific common code associated with running AutoML for public use.
- azureml-designer-classic-modules — A variety of modules for data processing, model training, inferencing and evaluation.
- azureml-responsibleai — AzureML Responsible AI package
- azureml-training-tabular — Contains ML models, featurizers and scoring code which can either be used with AutoML or standalone.
- azuremlftk — "Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Forecasting Toolkit"
- babyvec — Natural language embedding tools
- BackgroundVellore — Predict the Genre for each 10-second interval of the video.
- backtest-reg — no summary
- bagmodels — BM25 NLP model
- baikal — A graph-based functional API for building complex scikit-learn pipelines.
- banksy-py — Spatial Domain analysis using Banksy.
- banner-storedot — light dal package
- barc4sr — A Python package for Synchrotron Radiation calculations
- bartide — A Python package to extract, correct and analyze nucleotide barcodes from sequenced reads.
- bartpy — Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Python
- bartpy2 — Bayesian Additive Regression Trees for Python Updated in January 2024
- basd — Implements the command line interface to the Battery System Designer tool.
- baseten — Deploy machine learning models to Baseten
- basic-lstm-model — Example lstm model package from lstm_deploy_ApiRest.
- basty — basty (Automated Behavioral Analysis of Asleep Fruit Fly) is a software designed to analyze behavioral correlates of sleep in Drosophila Melanogaster. The software consists of an end-to-end & multi-stage pipeline and a couple of useful scripts for behavioral analysis. basty is specifically designed for unique challenges related to the characteristics of sleep, so can deal with hard-to-detect behaviors exhibited rarely during long sleep cycles.
- batcat — BatCat, A Cat Looks Like A Bat.
- batchrun — A simple workflow for executing scripts in parallel with varying argument values
- batchup — Python library for extracting mini-batches of data from a data source for the purpose of training neural networks
- battle-simulation — A battle simulation package for strategic resource deployment.
- Bayanpy — Bayanpy is a powerful Python library for community detection in complex networks, designed to provide optimal or near-optimal solutions for modularity maximization. It features a highly efficient branch-and-cut algorithm and is backed by Integer Programming (IP) formulations.
- baybe — A Bayesian Back End for Design of Experiments
- bayes-optim — A Bayesian Optimization Library
- bayes-splicing — Bayesian fit of splicing models with applications to insurance loss data
- bayesian-cut — An implementation of bayesian cut methods
- bayesim — Fast model fitting via Bayesian inference
- bayesKMeans — Finding optimal k in k-means using bayesian optimization
- bayesvalidrox — An open-source, object-oriented Python package for surrogate-assisted Bayesain Validation of computational models.
- bbox-utility — BBox Utility for Object Detection & Instance Segmentation.
- bcblib — no summary
- bci-essentials — Python backend for bci-essentials
- bcml4pheno — Library for conducting, evaluating, and visualizing binary classification machine learning models for physics phenomenology.
- BCN — Boosted Configuration Networks
- bd-tools — Collection of tools for recurring tasks
- bdd100k — BDD100K Dataset Toolkit
- beam-ds — Beam Datascience package
- beamprofiler — BeamProfiler is a Python package for laser beam analysis and characterization according to ISO 13694, ISO 11145, and other non-ISO definitions commonly used in the industry.
- Beat-ML1 — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- BEAT-TEST — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- BEATAALU — This package contains several methods for calculating Conditional Average Treatment Effects
- beatles-chords-markov-chain — A package containing a Markov Chain trained to generate chord progressions.
- BeeHiveOptimization — Implementation of beehive method (particle swarm optimization) for global optimization of multidimentional functions
- beexai — BEExAI: Benchmark to Evaluate Explainable AI
- benchbench — Tools for measuring sensitivity and diversity of multi-task benchmarks.
- benchllama — Benchmark your local LLMs.
- benchopt — Benchmark toolkit for optimization
- bert-embeddings — Create positional embeddings based on TinyBERT or similar bert models
- bert-multitask-learning — BERT for Multi-task Learning
- berteley — Topic modeling for scientific articles
- besos — A library for Building and Energy Simulation, Optimization and Surrogate-modelling
- betbot — A betting bot for bundesliga-tippspiel
- better-dict — Python dictionary revamped.
- bf-nlu — no summary
- bf-nlu-banki — no summary
- BGlib — Band Excitation and General Mode analysis and visualization codes
- bgnet — bgnet
- bhousing-model — Boston Housing model package.
- bicleaner — Parallel corpus classifier, indicating the likelihood of a pair of sentences being mutual translations or not
- bicleaner-ai — Parallel corpus classifier, indicating the likelihood of a pair of sentences being mutual translations or not (neural version)
- bicleaner-hardrules — Pre-filtering step for obvious noise based on rules, poor language based on general language modelling and vulgar language based on specific language modelling
- big-graph-dataset — A collection of graph datasets in torch_geometric format.
- bike-rental-package — IISc Projects
- bikeshare-model — Bikeshare dataset regression model package
- bilbyai-quant — A Python package for quant research.
- binning — feature bin
- bio-allo — A multi-mapped read rescue strategy for gene regulatory data
- biobit — Rust-powered Python library for biological data analysis