Reverse Dependencies of grpcio
The following projects have a declared dependency on grpcio:
- csle-base — Library with base classes and definitions for CSLE
- csle-cli — CLI tool for CSLE
- csle-cluster — Scripts for cluster management in CSLE
- csle-collector — Scripts for data collection in CSLE
- csle-common — Common functionality of the Cyber Security Learning Environment (CSLE)
- csle-cyborg — Fork of CybORG, Copyright: DSLT, UK/Australian/US governments
- csle-defender — Scripts for emulated defenses in CSLE
- csle-rest-api — CSLE REST API
- csle-ryu — RYU SDN Controllers in CSLE
- csle-system-identification — Scripts for system identification in CSLE
- csle-tolerance — An intrusion-tolerant system: Tolerance: (T)w(o)-(l)ev(e)l (r)ecovery (a)nd respo(n)se (c)ontrol with f(e)edback.
- ctextinct — Educational Cyber Security Chatbot - Working to Making Cyber Threats Extinct
- cthenp — A package that collects data then process
- cthingsco-orchestra — Orchestra SDK and bindings for Python.
- CurriculumAgent — CurriculumAgent is a cleanup and improved version of the NeurIPS 2020 Competition Agent by Binbinchen.The agent is build to extract action sets of the Grid2Op Environment and then use rule-based agent to train a Reinforcement Learning agent.
- custom-bgr — Customized background removal app
- custom-workflow-solutions — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- custos-sdk — Apache Custos Python SDK
- cvt-tensorflow — TensorFlow 2.X reimplementation of CvT: Introducing Convolutions to Vision Transformers, Haiping Wu, Bin Xiao, Noel Codella, Mengchen Liu, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Lei Zhang.
- cxmate — SDK for creating cxMate services
- cyberguard-sdk — Open source, AI-driven cybersecurity SDK for system analysis, actor identification, autonomous threat detection, analysis and mitigation.
- cybershuttle-sdk — Python SDK for Apache Airavata Cybershuttle
- cybertensor — cybertensor
- cygrpc — gRPC Micro framework
- d2py — Dive into Python.
- d3m-automl-rpc — gRPC protocol for the AutoML communication.
- daas — A lightweight, distributed, relational network architecture for MPC.
- daffi — Daffi is fast, simple and lightweight library for inter process communication
- dagorama — no summary
- dagster — Dagster is an orchestration platform for the development, production, and observation of data assets.
- dagster-custom — A data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL.
- daisybell — A scanner that will scan your AI models for problems. Currently it focuses on bias testing. It is currently alpha.
- daisyflcocdrlib — Daisy - A Hierarchical Friendly Federated Learning Framework For Edge Computing
- DalineUnit — daline unit generator and runner
- danila — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- danila-lib — This is the module for detecting and classifying text on rama pictures
- dapiclient — A python client SDK for DASH Platform
- dappier-py — Dappier Python SDK for interacting with Dappier APIs
- dappleyPython — dappley sdk is implemented by python
- dapr — The official release of Dapr Python SDK.
- dapr-client — Dapr client sdk using gRPC.
- dapr-dev — The developmental release for Dapr Python SDK.
- dart-physics — no summary
- dashborg-python-sdk — Dashborg Python SDK
- dashvector — DashVector Client Python Sdk Library
- dask-yarn — Deploy dask clusters on Apache YARN
- data-class-detection — A library for data class detection
- data-science-common — UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A simple python library to facilitate analysis
- data-science-common-core — Data Science Common Core
- data-service-api-p12 — Backend data service grpc api (for python3.12 )
- database-factory — Database Factory;
- databricks-connect — Databricks Connect Client
- databricks-runtime-python-env — Python dependencies installed on Databricks Runtimes
- dataClay — Python distributed data store that enables remotely access and method execution.
- dataClay-common — Dataclay Common
- datasphere — Yandex Cloud DataSphere
- dataspine-serving-grpc — Dataspine Serving gRPC Library
- datastore-client — A simple Google DataStore client
- dazl — high-level Ledger API client for Daml ledgers
- dbest-sdk — A Python package for remote control of DBEST (drone battery exchanger system for DJI Mavic 2 products)
- declaredata_fuse — PySpark-compatible Python client for the DeclareData Fuse Server, a blazing fast drop-in data processing engine and alternative to Spark.
- declearn — A modular and extensible framework for Federated Learning.
- decparsing — Transforms abstract static analysis results into intermediate representations that are often used to suggest a decomposition of a monolithic application into microservices.
- deep-agent — DEEP Python Agent
- deepaffects — Python bindings for DeepAffects APIs
- deepapi — Deep Learning as a Cloud API Service.
- deepeval — The Open-Source LLM Evaluation Framework.
- deepl-grpc — deepl grpc server and client
- deepnlpf — A Framework for Integrating Linguistic Analysis and Semantic Annotation of Text Documents.
- deepomatic-rpc — Deepomatic RPC python client
- deepspeed-mii — deepspeed mii
- deeqnlpy — The deeq nlp python client library
- defradb — DefraDB Python client
- delphai-utils — delphai backend utilities
- — Package for Robust Statistics
- departure — Get station information and departures from public transport operators, and control virtual or physical departure boards.
- detoxio — - API first LLM security testing and red team automation
- dex-k8s-client — Python bindings for interacting with a Dex server running on Kubernetes.
- dexus-vault — Synchronizer of Dex clients with secrets in Vault
- dfio — no summary
- dftimewolf — Digital forensic orchestration.
- dfuse — Python wrapper around the API.
- diagonal-b6 — A Python client library for b6, Diagonal's geospatial analysis engine.
- dialga-api — no summary
- dialog-bot-sdk — Python Bot SDK for Dialog Messenger
- diambra-arena — DIAMBRA™ Arena. Built with OpenAI Gym Python interface, easy to use, transforms popular video games into Reinforcement Learning environments
- diambra-engine — DIAMBRA™ Arena Engine API Client
- dicomrtai — no summary
- dictatorgenai — An agentic Python library for multi-agents collaboration
- dig-ass-ep-protos — Proto files for dig_ass_ep_protos
- digly — Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- dimweb-persona-bot — A dialogue bot with a personality
- dingodb — dingodb is dingodb sdk
- dispatch-functions — Python SDK for Dispatch Stateful Functions
- django-cloud-deploy — Tool to deploy a Django App onto GCP
- django-cloud-deployer — Hybrid cloud deployment (IaaS/PaaS and FaaS) of Django web applications.
- django-firebase-orm — NoSQL object model database for django ORM integration
- django-grpc-framework — gRPC for Django
- django-recaptcha-enterprise — A Django app to utilise full capabilities of reCaptcha enterprise.
- django-websockets — This project is a case study of using Python Websockets as a websocket backend for Django.