Reverse Dependencies of grpcio
The following projects have a declared dependency on grpcio:
- vectordb-bench — VectorDBBench is not just an offering of benchmark results for mainstream vector databases and cloud services, it's your go-to tool for the ultimate performance and cost-effectiveness comparison. Designed with ease-of-use in mind, VectorDBBench is devised to help users, even non-professionals, reproduce results or test new systems, making the hunt for the optimal choice amongst a plethora of cloud services and open-source vector databases a breeze.
- vectoriadb-protocol-wrapper — no summary
- veda-cli — Command Line Client NASA VEDA Analytics
- Vega-API-client — Vega API client for gRPC
- velocitas-sdk — A Python SDK for Vehicle app
- vernacular-ai-speech — Vernacular Speech API python client
- vesper-api — Vesper API bindings
- viaduct-dao — python dao client
- vigilant-py — Python SDK for the Vigilant logging platform
- violas-client — A CLI inteface Violas client and Python API for Violas blockchain.
- virtual-scanner — Virtual Scanner educational tool for MRI
- visionone-filesecurity — Trend Micro VisionOne File Security SDK for python
- visualdata — library to manage image data
- vitamin-b — A user-friendly machine learning Bayesian inference library
- vive-tracker-apiserver — Vive Tracker APIServer
- vivintpy — Python library for interacting with a Vivint security and smart home system.
- vllm-tgis-adapter — vLLM adapter for a TGIS-compatible grpc server
- VLM-Packages — no summary
- vm-x-ai-completion-client — VM-X AI Completion Client
- vm-x-ai-sdk — VM-X AI Python SDK
- voiceai-amp-client-sdk — Python client library and utilities for communicating with VoiceAI AI Middle Platform
- vox-box — Vox box
- vs-tabletop — Virtual Scanner Tabletop Games
- vsdkx-connector — no summary
- VUMP-gRPC-client — a python gRPC client for V2Ray/V2Fly gRPC API
- wabee — Wabee AI Software Development Kit
- wandb-ng — A CLI and library for interacting with the Weights and Biases API.
- waseda-tfx — TensorFlow Extended (TFX) is a TensorFlow-based general-purpose machine learning platform implemented at Google.
- watson-nlp-runtime-client — Watson Embedded AI runtime client library for Watson_nlp
- wavemqtt — A client for wave-mqtt integration
- weaviate-client — A python native Weaviate client
- webezyio — CLI for generating gRPC micro-services
- webull-options — no summary
- webull-python-sdk-quotes-core — The quotes core module of Webull Python SDK.
- webull-python-sdk-trade-events-core — The trade events core module of Webull Python SDK.
- wemopy — WEMO Python Wrapper is a simple wrapper around the WEMO gRPC code that simplifies the usage
- weni-protobuffers — Protocol Buffers for Weni Platform
- whale-nacos — whale nacos sdk
- whale-pipelines — A pared-down metadata scraper + SQL runner.
- whut — A CLI tool to instantly search the internet using Google Generative AI in a decluttered manner.
- whyqd — data wrangling simplicity, complete audit transparency, and at speed
- willowlabs — A Python package for accessing the Willow Labs APIs
- winner — A python package for data-centric MLOps for data cleaning and feature engineering
- wirepas-messaging — Wrapper interfaces to interact with Wirepas APIs.
- wirepas-wpe-apt — Tool to playback computed locations data
- wpaudit — WP Audit, a multi-cloud security auditing tool
- x64rdbgpy — "python library for x64dbg remote debug"
- xai-sdk — no summary
- xain-fl — XAIN is an open source framework for federated learning.
- xbos-services-getter — Getter functions for xbos services using Python 3.6.
- xcapi — Python library for communicating with the xray grpc api
- xchangelib — A client library for interacting with xchange-v3
- xcope-daemon — Xcope diagnose daemon sdk.
- xdcetl — Tools for exporting XDC blockchain data to CSV or JSON
- xds-protos — Generated Python code from envoyproxy/data-plane-api
- xgt — The Python interface to the Trovares xGT graph analytics engine.
- xiaogpt — Play ChatGPT or other LLM with xiaomi AI speaker
- xinhou-openai-framework — XINHOU-OPENAI-FRAMEWORK基础框架,主要提供应用服务的底层支持技术代码支撑,通过该框架可以快速实现单服务、微服务、消息队列、ORM的快速开发!
- xk-user — xing kuang SDK
- xk6-output-plugin-py — xk6-output-plugin Python API
- xlbridge — Create Excel user-defined formulas (UDFs) using Python
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xpring — no summary
- xray-rpc — gRPC files generated from Xray source code.
- xtlib — A set of tools for organizing and scaling ML experiments
- xtlsapi — Awesome xtlsapi created by hiddify
- xud-wizard — A wrapper program for xud-docker
- yagrc — Yet another gRPC reflection client
- yandex-cloud-ml-sdk — Multimodal SDK for working with Yandex Cloud ML services
- yandex-speechkit — SpeechKit package
- yandexcloud — The Yandex Cloud official SDK
- yang.connector — YANG defined interface API protocol connector
- ydb — YDB Python SDK
- ydb-dstool — YDB Distributed Storage Administration Tool
- yixiangrpc — Generate protobuf and grpc stub python files to a package.
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- ytd — object detection using yolo, tf2 and detectron2
- yzrpc — A gRPC framework for automatically generating protobuf files.
- zbpy — A Python SDK for interacting with Zetabase.
- zdppy-grpc — 基于gRPC的Python微服务开发框架
- zeebe-grpc — zeebe Python gRPC Gateway
- zemberek-grpc — Requests to Zemberek gRPC server
- zenai — no summary
- zencore-etcd3 — Python client for the etcd3 API
- zepben.protobuf — Evolve Python Protobuf and gRPC definitions
- zetta — Python client library for ZettaBlock AI Network
- zetta-grpc-protos — Protobuf definitions and generated Python code for Zetta
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- ZoneSender — A Python Lib For Vehicle Simulate And Test
- zun — OpenStack Containers service
- zygrpc — ZhiYan Python gRPC SDK
- ZYOpentracingGrpcio — Python OpenTracing Extensions for gRPC