Reverse Dependencies of graphviz
The following projects have a declared dependency on graphviz:
- hierarchymaker — Json to tree Hierarchy converter
- hippynn — The hippynn python package - a modular library for atomistic machine learning with pytorch
- hisim — ETHOS.HiSim is a house infrastructure simulator
- hist — Hist classes and utilities
- historydag — Basic history DAG implementation
- hityper — HiTyper: A hybrid type inference framework for Python
- HlightReaxMD — Projects for analysis of cascade collision processes and molecular chemical reactions
- HofstadterTools — A Python package for analyzing the Hofstadter model.
- Hoodhod — A package for performing simple linear regression and binary decision tree classification and visualize the tree.
- hotdag — Hot evaluation of dbt DAG selectors
- hpc-beeflow — A software package for containerizing HPC applications and managing job workflows
- HPGO — Hybrid Parallelism Global Orchestration
- hub-dataflow — Snark Hub
- hubit — Minimal tool for connecting your existing models in a composite model allowing for asynchronous multi-processed execution
- huggingface-hub — Client library to download and publish models, datasets and other repos on the hub
- hugr — Quantinuum's common representation for quantum programs
- hulu-evaluate — Client library to train and evaluate models on the HuLu benchmark.
- hydrowizard — HydroWizard: State-of-the-art water basin modeling, optimization, and simulation using neural networks, genetic algorithms, and DAGs.
- hylaa — Hylaa
- hyperbox — Hyperbox: An easy-to-use NAS framework.
- hypergo — Project for service bus
- hypnos — Tools related to sleep research
- iatransfer — Tool for inter-architecture weight transfer
- iatransfer-research — Tool for inter-architecture weight transfer
- ibis-framework — The portable Python dataframe library
- ibllib — IBL libraries
- icomo — This toolbox aims to simplify the construction of compartmental models and the inference of their parameters
- idl2js — Grammar-based Fuzzer that uses WebIDL as a grammar.
- ikpy — An inverse kinematics library aiming performance and modularity
- imate — Implicit Matrix Trace Estimator. Computes the trace of functions of implicit matrices. Accelerated on CPU and CUDA-capable GPU devices.
- imexam — Astropy affiliated package
- imgraph — Graph Neural Network Library Built On Top Of PyTorch and PyTorch Geometric
- imgreg — Image registration models with extendable interfaces.
- import-ai — AI library in python using numpy, with end-to-end reverse auto-differentiable dynamic Computational Graph
- importgraph — Create graphs from your imports
- in-metricflow — Translates a simple metric definition into reusable SQL and executes it against the SQL engine of your choice.
- inferno-ml — A package for accelerating deep learning inference
- infra-surveyor — An Autodocumenting tool for Cloud Infrastructure
- infrastructure-diagrams — Create infrastructure diagrams from configuration files (YAML and JSON) by using Graphviz
- inmanta-core — Inmanta deployment tool
- inodeai — The helper package
- inspect4py — Static code analysis package for Python repositories
- insyde — GUI wrapper for static code analysis and visualization tools.
- integracije — Paket za izris grafa aplikacije in vmesnikov.
- intellibricks — IntelliBricks provides a streamlined set of tools for developing AI-powered applications. It simplifies complex tasks such as interacting with LLMs, training machine learning models, and implementing Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). Focus on building your application logic, not wrestling with boilerplate. IntelliBricks empowers you to build intelligent applications faster and more efficiently.
- intelligraphs — A simple library to generate synthetic Knowledge Graphs using random triples.
- interactive-visualization — Package provides a simple widget-based framework for interactive visualization of algorithms
- interface-region-imaging-spectrograph — A Python library for analyzing solar observations from the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS).
- iolanta-roadmap — Structured Roadmaps
- isnalyser — Create isnad graphs automatically.
- it-depends — A software dependency analyzer
- itk-dreg — ITK-DREG Distributed registration framework.
- ivcap-df — Library to model, search, and work with linked data in IVCAP
- ivygc — Ivy's GC
- j2g — A json graph util package
- janis-pipelines.core — Contains classes and helpers to build a workflow, and provide options to convert to CWL / WDL
- jcvi — Python utility libraries on genome assembly, annotation and comparative genomics
- JentalkIDE — An Integrated Development Environment for Jentalk language
- jig-py — Jig for Python
- jinjat — A low-code data application framework that uses dbt Core and OpenAPI
- jirajumper — Yet another JIRA issue manager CLI with emphasis on task chains.
- joeflow — The lean workflow automation framework for machines with heart.
- jovsatools — A collection of tools
- jrpyanalytics — Jumping Rivers: Predictive Analytics in Python
- jrpyml — Jumping Rivers: Machine Learning with Python
- Json-to-hierarchyimage-converter — Json to tree Hierarchy converter
- jsongraphtree — json visualization
- jupyter-duckdb — a basic wrapper kernel for DuckDB
- jupyter-quant — Jupyter quant research environment.
- jupyter-rdfify — IPython Extension for semantic web technology support (Turtle, SPARQL, ShEx, etc.)
- jwst-novt — JWST NIRSpec Observation Visualization Tool
- k1lib — Some nice ML overhaul
- k2 — FSA/FST algorithms, intended to (eventually) be interoperable with PyTorch and similar
- k2-fsa — FSA/FST algorithms, intended to (eventually) be interoperable with PyTorch and similar
- k2-nailuo — FSA/FST algorithms, intended to (eventually) be interoperable with PyTorch and similar.
- k8s-diagrams — Create graphviz diagrams from the Kubernetes API
- kaldi-hmm-gmm — no summary
- karadoc — Karadoc is a data engineering Python framework built on top of PySpark that simplifies ETL/ELT
- katsdpsigproc — Karoo Array Telescope accelerated signal processing tools
- kauldron — Kauldron is a ML research library optimized for quick iteration and modularity.
- kegg-pathways-completeness — The tool counts completeness of each KEGG pathway for protein sequences.
- Keras-Visualizer — A Keras Model Visualizer
- kframework — no summary
- khive-crystal — Add your description here
- kineuron — Python implementation of the kinetic model of neuromuscular transmission dynamics.
- kiwigrad — Mini deep learning framework
- knac-toolkit — Knowledge Augmented Clustering
- kubernetes-explorer — Kubernetes Explorer lets you create a graph of the objects and dependencies inside your Kubernetes cluster.
- kubesurveyor — Good enough Kubernetes namespace visualization tool
- L_bash_profile — Profile the execution speed of Bash script
- lab-ml — Lab: a command line interface for the management of arbitrary machine learning tasks.
- labgrid — embedded systems control library for development, testing and installation
- lale — Library for Semi-Automated Data Science
- lamindb — A data framework for biology.
- landauer — Python toolkit to support fundamental energy limits and reversible computing research
- lattice-graph-manipulation — no summary
- LayerViz — A Python Library for Visualizing Keras Model that covers a variety of Layers
- lbmpy — Code Generation for Lattice Boltzmann Methods
- learnml — LearnML is a Python module for Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
- leftcorner — Implementation of the generalized left-corner transformation (Opedal et al. 2023), an efficient method for eliminating left recursion from context-free grammars, and many other utilities for working with context-free grammars.