Reverse Dependencies of graphviz
The following projects have a declared dependency on graphviz:
- pyinheritance — A Python tool to model inheritance hierarchy of Python class
- pyiron-workflow — pyiron_workflow - Graph-and-node based workflow tools.
- pyjoern — PyJoern lifts Joern data and APIs into Pythonic form, focused on graph manipulation.
- pykeen — A package for training and evaluating multimodal knowledge graph embeddings
- pykitml — Machine Learning library written in Python and NumPy.
- pykleene — no summary
- pyknp-eventgraph — A development platform for high-level NLP applications in Japanese
- pylathedb — Keyword Search over Relational Databases
- pylhe — A small package to get structured data out of Les Houches Event files
- pylineage — Data Lineage for Python
- pyllars — This package contains supporting utilities for Python 3.
- pymandala — A powerful and easy to use experiment tracking framework
- pymc-marketing — Marketing Statistical Models in PyMC
- pymhopt — Python Wrapper for Optimization Algorithms
- pymob — Modelling platform for Python
- pymodulon — Python package for analyzing and visualizing iModulons.
- pynetrees — Tools to work with decision trees
- pynthlib — Intuitive sound synthesis in python.
- pyodps — ODPS Python SDK and data analysis framework
- pyomexmeta — no summary
- pyorganoid — A Python package for the simulation of organoids for the purpose of studying Organoid Intelligence (OI) and Organoid Learning (OL).
- pypaml — Protocol Activity Modeling Language
- pypiemma — Emma Memory and Mapfile Analyser (Emma) | Conduct static (i.e. worst case) memory consumption analyses based on arbitrary linker map files. It produces extensive .csv files which are easy to filter and post-process. Optionally .html and markdown reports as well as neat figures help you visualising your results.
- pyppl-flowchart — Generating flowchart for PyPPL
- pyprodrisk — Python interface to Prodrisk
- pyprojectviz — Visualizes classes and methods in a Python project
- pyqrlew — A library to manipulate SQL queries, designed with privacy application in mind.
- pyquafu — Python toolkit for Quafu-Cloud
- pyquokka — Quokka
- pyrecdp — A data processing bundle for spark based recommender system operations
- pyro-ppl — A Python library for probabilistic modeling and inference
- pyrtl — RTL-level Hardware Design and Simulation Toolkit
- pyscal-rdf — Ontology based structural manipulation and quering
- pySemanticSlides — no summary
- PySimpleAutomata — Python library to manage DFA, NFA and AFW automata
- PyStanfordDependencies — Python interface for converting Penn Treebank trees to Universal Dependencies and Stanford Dependencies
- pystencils — Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
- pytactician — Python Library for interfacing with Coq and Tactician
- pytest-visual — no summary
- pytextrank — Python implementation of TextRank as a spaCy pipeline extension, for graph-based natural language work plus related knowledge graph practices; used for for phrase extraction of text documents.
- pythautomata — ORT's implementation of various kinds of automata
- pythomata — A Python package for automata theory.
- python-database-rest-logging — Python database rest logging
- python-liv — Generating verification conditions out of C programs.
- python-queen — QUEEN (a Python module to universally program, QUinE, and Edit Nucleotide sequences)
- python-scalpel — Scalpel: The Python Program Analysis Framework
- python-ta — Code checking tool for teaching Python
- pythoncharmers-meta — Meta package with dependencies for Python Charmers training courses
- pytigon-batteries — Pytigon library
- pytket — Python module for interfacing with the CQC tket library of quantum software
- pytorch-show — This is a tool to visualize models directly from py scripts
- PyTrack-lib — a Map-Matching-based Python Toolbox for Vehicle Trajectory Reconstruction
- Pytrad — Pytrad Python Package
- pytrips — A simple python package for accessing the trips ontology and lexicon
- pyttb — Python Tensor Toolbox
- pywhereisrunning — ('Where python script is running',)
- pyxu — Modular and scalable computational imaging in Python with support for GPU/out-of-core computing.
- qa-store — Like a key-value store, but for questions and answers.
- qadence — Pasqal interface for circuit-based quantum computing SDKs
- qadence-libs — Libraries to extend Qadence functionalities.
- qary — A chatbot that assists rather than manipulates.
- qclib — A quantum computing library using qiskit
- qref — Quantum Resource Estimation Format
- qrules — Rule-based particle reaction problem solver on a quantum number level
- qsteed — Quantum Software of Compilation for supporting Real Quantum device
- qtpygraph — A pythonic interface to the Qt Graphics View Framework using qtpy
- qualia-codegen-core — Generate portable C inference code from Keras or PyTorch model
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quark-engine — An Obfuscation-Neglect Android Malware Scoring System
- rad — Roman Attribute Dictionary
- radicalpy — RadicalPy: a toolbox for radical pair spin dynamics
- raesl — Ratio ESL support in Python.
- ragstack-ai-knowledge-graph — DataStax RAGStack Knowledge Graph
- raid-tool — RAID: Rapid Automated Interpretability Datasets tool
- raiden — no summary
- raiden-common — Common code between python-based Raiden projects
- railwaypacriman — Railway-related-activity progress manager
- rajo — Pytorch training utilities and models
- ralsei — Build modular data pipelines running inside the postgres database
- randan — A python package for the analysis of social data
- randovania — A multiworld randomizer for Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
- rapyuta-io-cli — Command Line Interface
- rapyuta-io-cli-test — Command Line Interface
- ratisbona-utils — A package comprising various utilities useful for many python projects.
- RCAEval — no summary
- reahl-component — The component framework of Reahl.
- rebasin — An implementation of methods described in Git Re-basin-paper by Ainsworth et al.
- recursion-visualizer — Visualize recursive functions with beautiful animations
- regex-utils — Utilities for Regular Expressions in Python
- regridding — Numba-accelerated interpolation routines
- ReNView — Visualizer for complex reaction systems
- reprox — Reprocessing for XENONnT
- residuated-binars — Package for generating and validating examples of different algebraic structures using Isabelle proof assistant
- resosuma — A package providing mappings of the research software sustainability space.
- resotoclient — Resoto Python client library
- resotonotebook — Resoto Python client library
- Restarting-automata — A small package for Restarting automata
- restoreio — Reconstruct incomplete oceanographic dataset
- resumex — no summary
- ReverseEncodingTree — library for the Reverse Encoding Tree