Reverse Dependencies of graphql-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on graphql-core:
- 2112-generator-graphql-api — GraphQL API Python Client
- 564bff00ff-strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- agora-graphql — A GraphQL-based interface for Agora
- aiogql — A fork of gql which uses asyncio & aiohttp for execution
- aiographql — asyncio + graphql = fast and simple api
- aiographql-client — An asyncio GraphQL client built on top of aiohttp and graphql-core-next
- airstack — Python sdk for airstack apis
- alphasense-api-sdk — AlphaSense API SDK
- apischema — JSON (de)serialization, GraphQL and JSON schema generation using Python typing.
- approw-py-sdk — Approw SDK for Python
- appsec-discovery — Discover sensitive objects in project code
- ariadne — Ariadne is a Python library for implementing GraphQL servers.
- ariadne-codegen — Generate fully typed GraphQL client from schema, queries and mutations!
- ariadne-graphql-proxy — Ariadne toolkit for building GraphQL proxies.
- artran-sgqlc — Simple GraphQL Client. This is a fork that supports newer WebSocket servers.
- as-codegen — Generate typed GraphQL client from GraphQL schema, queries and mutations!
- atlasai-sgqlc — Simple GraphQL Client
- aura-cli — no summary
- bareasgi-graphql-next — GraphQL support for the bareASGI framework
- baseapp-django-channels-graphql-ws — Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions
- bitfount — Machine Learning and Federated Learning Library.
- BubbleTea-py — BubbleTea enables developers to quickly build any data applications on the emerging Web3 infrastructure.
- caluma — Caluma Service providing GraphQL API
- cannula — Async GraphQL Helper Library
- casbin-graphql-authz — graphql-authz is an casbin authorization middleware for GraphQL
- citros — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- citros-test — A cli entrypoint for the citros system.
- cognite-gql-pygen — Cognite GraphQL Python Generation SDK
- conservator-cli — A library for using the Teledyne FLIR Conservator API, with a nice command line interface.
- cubicweb-graphql — GraphQL for CubicWeb
- cuckoo-hasura — An easy to use GraphQL query builder, optimized for Hasura.
- cylc-uiserver — Cylc UI Server
- dagster-custom — A data orchestrator for machine learning, analytics, and ETL.
- dai-sgqlc-3.5 — Simple GraphQL Client (temporary fork with 3.5 support)
- datamodel-code-generator — Datamodel Code Generator
- datamodel-code-generator-michael2to3 — Datamodel Code Generator
- datasette-graphql — Datasette plugin providing an automatic GraphQL API for your SQLite databases
- ddtrace-graphql — Python library for tracing graphql calls with Datadog
- deepclient-test — Deep Client - a way to connect your favorite language with Deep
- digicubes-server — The digicubes api server
- Djaizz — Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Django Applications
- django-app-graphql — Some stuff that i used when developing with django
- django-cbim-general-service — Django app that every service implemented using DJango in CBIM should use
- django-channels-graphql-ws — Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions
- django-firebase-auth-sdk — Django 사용자 인증을 위한 Firebase 통합
- django-five-channels-graphql-ws — Django Channels based WebSocket GraphQL server with Graphene-like subscriptions supports django 5
- django-gql-framework — no summary
- django-graphene-authentication — A variant of djhango-graphql-jwt that can work with federations
- django-ilmoitin — Django app for sending notifications.
- django-koldar-utils — Some stuff that i used when developing with django_toolbox
- duniterpy — Python library for developers of Duniter clients
- easy-graphql-server — Easy to use abstraction layer for GraphQL, with support for Django ORM.
- evo-featureflags-server — Feature flags server
- fastgql — The easiest, fastest python GraphQL framework.
- fastgraphql — FastGraphQL is intended to help developer create code driven GraphQL APIs
- fbsak — flipbit03's Swiss Army Knife
- Flask-Unchained — The quickest and easiest way to build large web apps and APIs with Flask and SQLAlchemy
- fragment-python — Python SDK for
- galaxy-tool-shed — Galaxy auth framework and implementations
- generate-graphene — Generate Django-Graphene (graphql) queries and mutations for your Django models
- gql — GraphQL client for Python
- gql-defrag — Merge GraphQL fragments into the parent query
- gql-fork — fork version of gql: GraphQL client for Python
- gql-schema-codegen — A module to generate Python typings from a GrapqhQL schema
- gqlcli — Auto-generate GraphQL Type, Resolver and Query.
- gqlgen — Auto-generate GraphQL Type, Resolver and Query.
- gqlmod — GraphQL Query Modules
- gqltype — Simple way to define GraphQL schema
- gqt — GraphQL client in the terminal.
- grance — no summary
- graphdoc — Generate HTML docs for your GraphQL API
- graphene — GraphQL Framework for Python
- graphene-django — Graphene Django integration
- graphene-django-flufy — This library add some extra funcionalities to graphene-django to facilitate the graphql use without Relay, allow paginations and filtering integration and add some extra directives
- graphene-djmoney — GraphQL Money types for Django using graphene and django-money (djmoney).
- graphene-federation — Federation implementation for graphene
- graphene-federation3 — Federation implementation for graphene3
- graphene-gis — GIS support for graphene-django
- graphene-mongodb — GrapheneMongo is a library that integrates Graphene with MongoEngine
- graphene-neo4j — Graphene Django-Neo4J (neomodel) integration
- graphene-protector — Protects graphene, graphql or strawberry against malicious queries
- graphjoiner — Implementing GraphQL with joins
- graphql-compiler — Turn complex GraphQL queries into optimized database queries.
- graphql-complexity — A python library that provides complexity calculation helpers for GraphQL
- graphql-core-printers — Print GraphQL queries while masking secrets. Useful for logging with graphql-core.
- graphql-core-promise — Add support for promise-based dataloaders and resolvers to graphql-core v3+
- graphql-core-promise-inofficial — Inofficial fork of graphql-core-promise with a bugfix
- graphql-dsl — Compose GraphQL queries by composing Python types!
- graphql_env — The package for setting up a GraphQL Environment with custom backends
- graphql-limits — Graphql backend that assists you in securing your GraphQL API against malicious queries
- graphql-relay — Relay library for graphql-core
- graphql-schema-diff — Compare GraphQL Schemas
- graphql-schema-parse — Graphql文档解析工具,提供解析成前端Postman可用的query语句(.gql) / RESTFul可使用的(.json)文件能力 / sqlmap可用的(.txt)扫描文件能力
- graphql-sqlalchemy — Generate GraphQL Schemas from your SQLAlchemy models
- graphql-subscriptions — A port of apollo-graphql subscriptions for python, using gevent websockets, promises, and redis
- graphql-sync-dataloaders — Use DataLoaders in your Python GraphQL servers that have to run in a sync context (i.e. Django).
- graphql-utilities — Collection of utilities, middleware, decorators for graphql-core>=3.0
- graphql-ws — Websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions
- graphql-ws-aiohttp — A GraphQL WebSocket server and client to facilitate GraphQL queries, mutations and subscriptions over WebSocket
- graphql-ws-apollo — Websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions fixed for apollo client