Reverse Dependencies of graphql-core
The following projects have a declared dependency on graphql-core:
- graphql-ws-aiohttp — A GraphQL WebSocket server and client to facilitate GraphQL queries, mutations and subscriptions over WebSocket
- graphql-ws-apollo — Websocket backend for GraphQL subscriptions fixed for apollo client
- graphql-ws-subs — Websocket server for GraphQL subscriptions that includes subscriptions implementation from hballard
- graphql2python — Tools for GraphQL client in python.
- graphqldomain — A GraphQL domain for Sphinx.
- graphqler — A cutting edge context aware GraphQL API fuzzing tool!
- graphus — Graphus is a dynamic GraphQL client that generates its API objects and methods dynamically by parsing GraphQL Schemas.
- grimoirelab — Tool set for software development analytics
- gs-dbs-client — python wrapper for the Glass Sphere DBS
- hypothesis-graphql — Hypothesis strategies for GraphQL queries
- infrahub-sdk — Python Client to interact with Infrahub
- isatools — Metadata tracking tools help to manage an increasingly diverse set of life science, environmental and biomedical experiments
- jampp-reporting-api-client — Client for Reporting API.
- jessiql — no summary
- jetblack-graphene — GraphQL Framework for Python
- jetblack-graphql-types — Serialization for JSON and XML using typing
- karmared-api — no summary
- latch — The Latch SDK
- latch-sdk-gql — Internal Latch GQL package
- ldata-fuse — no summary
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- limestone-finance — A python wrapper for
- llama-index-readers-wordlift — llama-index readers wordlift integration
- magql — The magical GraphQL framework that generates an API for your data.
- metamorphosis — An opinionated event streaming microframework
- min-cart — no summary
- minka-johann-haselberger — The minka package
- minos-router-graphql — The graphql plugin of the Minos Framework
- ml-dash — A Beautiful Visualization Dashboard For Machine Learning
- mockintosh — The API mocking server for microservice environments
- monday-async — An asynchronous Python client library for
- moto — A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure
- moto-ext — A library that allows you to easily mock out tests based on AWS infrastructure
- muses-lpdp — Muses from La Passion des Poèmes.
- nefino-geosync — Python package to access geographical data from Nefino.LI Geo
- neo4j-graphql-py — A GraphQL to Cypher query execution layer for Neo4j and Python GraphQL implementations.
- nextline-test-utils — A collection of utilities for testing Nextline packages
- nshm-toshi-client — client for toshi API
- obschart — no summary
- ostium-python-sdk — A python based SDK developed for interacting with Ostium, a leveraged trading application for trading currencies, commodities, indices, crypto and more.
- pasiphae — Generate and update ariadne service from graphql schema
- pifunc — Protocol Interface Functions
- pixsoup — Easy StableDiffusion fine-tuning using PixSoup API.
- plain-client — A Python client for Plain GraphQL API
- pluck-graphql — Transform GraphQL queries into Pandas data-frames.
- polygraph — Python library for defining GraphQL schemas
- ptal-api — TALISMAN API adapter
- puregen — Give your code the freedom to move
- pydrawise — Python API for interacting with Hydrawise sprinkler controllers.
- pyhasura — A Python library to simplify Hasura, GraphQL and Machine Learning
- PyQL — no summary
- pyTenable — Python library to interface into Tenable's products and applications
- python-gql — Python schema-first GraphQL library based on GraphQL-core
- python-gql-gen — Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- qctrl-commons — Q-CTRL Commons
- qenerate — Code Generator for GraphQL Query and Fragment Data Classes
- qenerate-custom — Code Generator for GraphQL Query and Fragment Data Classes
- qlligraphy — graphql-schema -> pydantic models
- qlot — no summary
- qtgql — Qt framework for building graphql driven QML applications
- rath — async transport-agnostic graphql client
- rcsb-api — Python package interface for API services
- rsocket — Python RSocket library
- runch-datamodel-code-generator — Datamodel Code Generator
- Sanic-GraphQL — Adds GraphQL support to your Sanic application
- scrapqd — Scrape query definition intends to eliminate backend process of crawling and focus on xpath needed to get data. Library queries are developed using graphql-core library.
- sgqlc — Simple GraphQL Client
- sierrapy — A Client of HIVdb Sierra GraphQL Webservice.
- skema — Schema language that compiles to json schema
- skytemple-files — Python library to edit the ROM of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky
- slothql — The async GraphQL framework.
- smartbox-smartapi — A small example package
- starlette-graphene3 — Use Graphene v3 on Starlette
- starlette-graphql-zifulu — GraphQL Server via Starlette
- stigg-api-client — no summary
- stitch-money-api — A package for initiating payments via the Stitch API
- strawberry-django-extras — Strawberry GraphQL Django Extras
- strawberry-graphql — A library for creating GraphQL APIs
- tableqa — Tool for querying natural language on tabular data
- taegis-sdk-python — Taegis Python SDK
- tendon — no summary
- tensortradesdk — The Python SDK is a Python toolkit for interfacing with the API, offering easy access to trading and financial data through GraphQL queries for developers.
- terra-mantle — Terra mantle client
- thegraph-gql-utils — GraphQL language utilities for The Graph
- — A python wrapper for the Tibber API.
- tilores-sdk — This is the offical SDK to develop with the Tilores entity resolution database.
- toadstool — Python Load Tools Suite
- tooluniverse — A collection of biomedical tools designed for use by Agentic AI.
- turms — graphql-codegen powered by pydantic
- typed-graphql — Use types to have a simpler graphql implementation
- typegql — A Python GraphQL library that makes use of type hinting and concurrency support with the new async/await syntax.
- unraid-api — Python library for controlling and monitoring Unraid servers via GraphQL API
- vss-tools — COVESA Vehicle Signal Specification tooling.
- wagtail-bifrost — A django app that speeds up and simplifies implementing a GraphQL endoint!
- WebPy-GraphQL — Adds GraphQL support to your WebPy application
- wivi-graph-client-py — no summary
- wivigraphlibfix — no summary
- xango — xango