Reverse Dependencies of google-api-python-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-api-python-client:
- langchain-google-community — An integration package connecting miscellaneous Google's products and LangChain
- langchain-googledrive — This is a more advanced integration of Google Drive with langchain.
- langchain-ibis — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-xfyun — 在LangChain中流畅地使用讯飞星火大模型
- langchaincoexpert — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchainn — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langflow — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langflow-law — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langflow-nightly — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langinfra — A Python package with a built-in web application
- langpack — A library to pakcage and deploy langugage model apps
- langplus — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langroid — Harness LLMs with Multi-Agent Programming
- latex-ocr-server — Turn image files into LaTeX equations with protocol buffers
- launchflow — Python-native infrastructure for the cloud: LaunchFlow provides a Python SDK that automatically creates and connects to production-ready infrastructure (such as Postgres, Redis, etc..) in your own cloud account. LaunchFlow completely removes the need for DevOps allowing you to focus on your application logic.
- lectocal — Syncronize Lectio schedules to Google Calendar.
- leetcode-study-tool — A tool for studying Leetcode with Python
- les-louisdelatech — LouisDeLaTech is a discord bot manager for Lyon e-Sport
- lg-rez — Discord bot for organizing Werewolf RP games ESPCI-style
- libcloudforensics — libcloudforensics is a set of tools to help acquire forensic evidence from Cloud platforms.
- libem — Libem python library
- libreary — Distributed Digital Object Archive System
- lieer — Fast fetch and two-way tag synchronization between notmuch and GMail
- lifelogger — Track your life like a pro on Google Calendar via your terminal.
- lightchain — no summary
- lilac — Organize unstructured data
- lilacai — Organize unstructured data
- linearcal — no summary
- Linguify — Linguify is designed to automate voicemail transcription via email parsing.
- lithium-python-sdk — Lithium Python SDK
- lithops — Lithops lets you transparently run your Python applications in the Cloud
- llama-agi — Building AGI loops using LlamaIndex and Langchain
- llama-index-readers-google — llama-index readers google integration
- llama-index-tools-google — llama-index tools google integration
- llm-error-handler — A simple decorator for AI error handling in Python.
- llm-os — An open-source chatgpt tool ecosystem where you can combine tools with chatgpt and use natural language to do anything.
- lnk — A command-line URL-shortening client.
- lodestonegpt — 🤖 Modular Auto-GPT Framework Build For Project Lodestone
- logos-sdk — SDK for Logos platform
- lolpop — A software engineering framework for machine learning workflows
- loopgpt — Modular Auto-GPT Framework
- lost-n-phoned — Get your contacts from a stranger's phone
- ls-orb — Livspace Orb core library
- lumapps-sdk-fork-poetry — Lumapps SDK for Python
- luminoth — Computer vision toolkit based on TensorFlow
- luntaiDs — Make Data Scientist life Easier Tool
- lynguine — Package for lynguine data oriented architecture interfaces.
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- mad-notifications — A Django app to send push notifications to to users.
- mafiagg — A Python wrapper for the MafiaGG API
- magen-gmail-client — Magen Gmail Client Package
- mail2gg — Import mail to Google Groups using an IMAP account or mbox file
- mailguppy — no summary
- mailship — Mail Ship: A powerful Python library for email automation and testing. It offers Gmail integration, real-time inbox monitoring, content extraction, and seamless Selenium integration. Perfect for developers navigating complex email-based workflows and testing scenarios.
- mammut-py — Mammut framework is an open library for computational linguistics.
- manipulador-pdf — Uma biblioteca para manipulação de arquivos .pdf.
- markdown-to-blog — no summary
- markgdoc — A package where users can convert markdown syntax into their very own google docs file
- MateGen — 交互式智能编程助手MateGen
- matos-gcp-provider — Python matos gcp provider
- mattlib — API data extraction and formatting utilities.
- mattlibversion-1.6.4 — API data extraction and formatting utilities.
- mcgpyutils — Common Python utilities used at MCG Strategic
- mcp-gsuite — Example MCP server to create a knowledge-base
- md2gdocs — Tool to upload markdown to Google Drive/Docs.
- mdast-cli — Dynamic-Mobile-Security
- mdtidy — A Python library for processing conversation data, creating Jupyter Notebooks, handling Google Drive uploads, and updating Google Sheets.
- mebula — no summary
- melusine — Melusine is a high-level library for emails processing
- merlin-python-utils — Merlin utils
- merlin-utils — Merlin utils
- — Google Calendar loader for metabot.
- metaendpoints — Devision Meta Endpoints
- metagpt — The Multi-Agent Framework
- MeteorTools — Python Tools for Meteor Data Analysis
- michaelvll-skypilot — An intercloud broker above the cloud
- mikedeanproject — An Open-source Framework for Autonomous Language Agents
- milap — A Python Package for Google Meet Operations
- Minetorch — A tools collection for pytorch users
- mirror-leech-bot — Mirror-Leech Telegram Bot
- mirrorbot — no summary
- MirrorHerokuX — Mirror X Telegram Mirror Bot
- MirrorX — Telegram Mirror Bot
- mitol-django-google-sheets — Core library to handle Google Sheets integrations in Django
- ml-logger — no summary
- ml-pipeline-gen — A tool for generating end-to-end pipelines on GCP.
- ml-pipelines-sdk — A dependency-light distribution of the core pipeline authoring functionality of TensorFlow Extended (TFX).
- mlbench-core — A public and reproducible collection of reference implementations and benchmark suite for distributed machine learning systems.
- mlcube-gcp — no summary
- mldock — A docker tool that helps put machine learning in places that empower ml developers
- mle-agent — MLE-agent: An agent to automate your MLE processes
- MLTask-utils — a collection of commonly used tools by MLTask
- mltb-rqmts — Combined package of requirements for mltb
- mmdiary — Multimedia Diary Tools
- modelgauge-perspective-api — no summary
- modsys — A radically simple framework for ML/AI model management
- modular-pipeline — A library for building modular pipelines in Python
- modus-facade — Modus Facade
- modzy-sdk — Modzy's Python SDK queries and deploys models, submits inference jobs and returns results directly to your editor.
- mohit — Imports the mohit