Reverse Dependencies of google-api-python-client
The following projects have a declared dependency on google-api-python-client:
- gsuite-meld — 'gsuite-meld' is a Python package unifying various GSuite services. It enables easy interaction with Google Sheets, Docs, Drive, and more. Designed for extensibility, it accommodates future GSuite additions, making multi-service workflows simple.
- gsuite-sync — Sync Chromebook MAC addresses from your GSuite into Cisco ISE
- gsuitefy — Gsuite Admin client to manage users and groups
- GsuiteToMd — Tools to convert gsuite Documents to markdown.
- gtasks-api — Based on quickstart sample by Google
- gtech-ariel — Google EMEA gTech Ads Data Science Team's solution to automatically translate and dub video ads into multiple languages using AI.
- gtm-manager — An object-oriented helper library wrapping the Tag Manager API Client Library for Python.
- gumo-core — Gumo Core Library
- gupload — Google Drive CLI Uploader
- gwbackupy — Open source Google Workspace backup solution.
- gx-tool-db — Management utility for YAML database of Galaxy tools
- gynx — Google Drive sync client for Linux
- h2o-notebook — Python client for H2O Notebook Labs
- h2o-secure-store — Python client for H2O Secure Store
- h5pyd — h5py compatible client lib for HDF REST API
- handprint — Run handwritten text recognition services on images of documents
- hangouts-helper — Helper Python classes for handling and responding to Hangouts Chat events
- hardcopy — Tool to download and export Google Drive files
- hashcode-bot — Utilities to rule Google HashCodes
- haunts — Fill and sync Google Calendars with events taken from a Google spreadsheet
- hawkins-agent — A Python SDK for building AI agents with minimal code using Hawkins ecosystem with HawkinDB memory
- hawkins-rag — A Python package for building RAG systems with HawkinsDB and multiple data source integrations
- hcls-imaging-ml-toolkit — Toolkit for deploying ML models on GCP leveraging Google Cloud Healthcare API.
- heimdall-mail-notifier — This module allow user to execute an SQL request in Bigquery and send the result in a mail attachment send by mailjet
- Heimdallr — A package for hosting and connecting to a live dashboard
- helper-scripts — Database Helper Package
- herald-notify — Programmable, extensible and easy to use notification system
- hestia-earth-earth-engine — Hestia's earth engine.
- hf-doc-builder — Doc building utility
- hirmeos-google-analytics-driver — Functions required by the google-analytics-local-driver
- holger-utils — utils for developing web application
- homebase-calendar-sync — A simple web scraper that reads's schedule and updates Google Calendar.
- hotspotty-payment-email — A command line tool that takes as input a list of commission reports in csv format exported from the [Commission report]( section of Hotspotty platform and send a gmail e-mail to each user inside the input reports to inform them about the rewards they'll receive.
- hpc-beeflow — A software package for containerizing HPC applications and managing job workflows
- hspylib-askai — HomeSetup - AskAI
- hyou — Pythonic Interface to access Google Spreadsheet
- i3-agenda — Show your next google calendar event in polybar or i3-bar
- iambic-core — IAMbic is a multi-cloud IAM control plane that unifies cloud identity management for AWS, Okta, Azure Active Directory, Google Workspace and more into Git.
- idatagate — Package for collecting data and transforming to dataset
- idem-gcp — GCP Cloud Provider for Idem
- iitkgp-erp-login — A package to automate login process in ERP for IIT-KGP
- ikamail — Package using to call Mail providers API
- iluvatar — With each note, Eru crafts worlds, blending music and magic into stunning realities.
- imageurlscraper — Image Scraper for Google Drive, Imgur, AsiaChan, and more.
- img-proof — Package for automated testing of cloud images.
- immosheets — Tired of searching with your mouse ? Let's automate the process.
- immudb-py — Python SDK for Immudb
- impaction-ai — Python SDK for
- in-n-out-clients — Clients for In-N-Out
- inapppy — In-app purchase validation library for Apple AppStore and GooglePlay.
- inapppy2 — In-app purchase validation library for Apple AppStore and GooglePlay.
- inarrator — Summarize and Narrate your emails through power of LLMs.
- indonesia-holiday — python module to check indonesia holiday calendar
- indxdatalaketools — Package that allows the upload of files to a datalake
- indykite-sdk-python — A python SDK package for Indykite's system (with protobuf)
- ingestr — ingestr is a command-line application that ingests data from various sources and stores them in any database.
- innotescus — Client for the Innotescus Platform
- insomnyak-connector — Suite of prebuilt connectors to other APIs
- investorzilla — Manage your investments like a data scientist
- invisible-hand — Automate your workflow with github classroom
- iot-to-linkml — see
- ipy-agent — An AI assistant designed to be integrated in an IPython shell.
- iqtk — Reproducible biological data science.
- irisapi — Iris is a highly configurable and flexible service for paging and messaging.
- irisrelay — Stateless reverse proxy for thirdparty service integration with Iris API.
- ivystar — python tools package of ivystar
- JailbreakEval — A collection of automated evaluators for assessing jailbreak attempts
- jarvisub — A Secure and Powerful Python-Telethon Based Library For Ultroid Userbot.
- jasonpi — Authentication package to use with django-rest-framework & json-api
- jefferson-street-singer-ingest — Library holding the taps and targets for Jefferson Street Ingestion
- jjk-sheet — Uma biblioteca para a obtenção de dados de uma ficha do rpg Feiticeiros e Maldições.
- jovsatools — A collection of tools
- js2pyt — Package containing basic functions
- jsontableschema-bigquery — Generate BigQuery tables, load and extract data, based on JSON Table Schema descriptors.
- JT-Gmail — My Gmail API Wrapper
- julien-python-toolkit — Important code that I reuse through multiple projects. Please see license for allowed use.
- justogres — This library is used to read or write data in Postgres, MongoDB (Only read) or Google Sheets
- kafka_store — Kafka Store provides an easy way of archiving data from Kafka
- kagenda — Every morning, I like to get my daily agenda.
- kami-gdrive — Settings to Upload files to google drive
- kami-gsuite — KAMI Python Lib to deal with gsuite issues google_drive, google_sheets, etc.
- kapitan — Generic templated configuration management for Kubernetes, Terraform and other things
- karaoke-prep — Prepare for karaoke video creation, by downloading audio and lyrics for a specified song or playlist from youtube and separating audio stems. After syncing, finalise the video with a title screen!
- kcli — Provisioner/Manager for Libvirt/Vsphere/Aws/Gcp/Hcloud/Kubevirt/Ovirt/Openstack/IBM Cloud and containers
- kel-cluster — Kel cluster management library
- kicksaw-data-mapping-base — Base package for working with Kicksaw's mapping gsheets
- klio — Conventions for Python + Apache Beam
- klio-cli — Main entrypoint for Klio jobs
- klio-core — Core klio library for common functionality
- kloudy — kloudy - a human friendly command line utility for your cloud (AWS,GCP & Azure)
- kouyou — My personal utils project (Kouyou - 効用 - Utility)
- kpireport-googleanalytics — no summary
- kube-copilot — Kubernetes Copilot
- kubeflow-fairing — Kubeflow Fairing Python SDK.
- kubeflow-fairing-dmtest — Kubeflow Fairing Python SDK.
- kubescaler — Helper classes for scaling Kubernetes clusters
- kursversorgung-google-sheets — Kursversorgung Google Sheets
- langchain_1111_Dev_cerebrum — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-by-johnsnowlabs — Building applications with LLMs through composability
- langchain-google-calendar-tools — This repo walks through connecting to the Google Calendar API.