Reverse Dependencies of fs
The following projects have a declared dependency on fs:
- airflow-code-editor — Apache Airflow code editor and file manager
- airflow-diagrams — Auto-generated Diagrams from Airflow DAGs.
- app-server — a lightweight web application launcher for gunicorn and static files.
- async-patterns — pattern for registering callbacks
- backtest-reg — no summary
- bagit-create — Create BagIt packages harvesting data from upstream sources
- bagitfs — Bagit package
- bazaar — Agnostic file storage
- bedrockz — no summary
- BentoML — BentoML: The easiest way to serve AI apps and models
- bentoudev.dataclass — Yaml to dataclass loader
- bonobo — Bonobo, a simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.5+.
- bonobo2 — Bonobo 2.0: A reboot of Bonobo, the simple, modern and atomic extract-transform-load toolkit for python 3.10+.
- bw-aggregation — Use aggregated processes for quicker calculations
- casfs — Content-Addressable filesystem over Pyfilesystem2.
- cloud-init-server — Simple HTTP serving cloud-init metadata files
- codereport — Make annotated code reports
- connect-cli — CloudBlue Connect Command Line Interface
- Conpot — Conpot is an ICS honeypot with the goal to collect intelligence about the motives and methods of adversaries targeting industrial control systems
- coref — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- corens — Functional, Namespace-based application CORE
- cs-demand-model — Python port of Social Finance's children's social care demand model
- cumulusci — Build and release tools for Salesforce developers
- cumulusci-extended — Unofficial Test tool for Salesforce Test Automation developers
- dataset_manager — Manage and automatize datasets for data science projects.
- dcqc — Python package for performing quality control (QC) for data coordination (DC)
- dcrx-kv — A RESTful implementation of the DCRX Docker library.
- deling — A library for accessing and storing data in remote storage systems
- demand-model — Social Finance demand model predictor
- django-admin-honeypot-advanced — An advanced honeypot for Django
- django-bakery — A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files
- django-pyfs — Django pyfilesystem integration
- domauto — The domauto project. Automatic DOM status plotting and autopsy
- efs — A simple wrapper around fs to work with flask and switch between local and s3fs
- elm-fluent — Fluent i18n solution for Elm
- enbios — Enbios 2
- eo-grow — Earth observation framework for scaled-up processing in Python
- eo-learn — Earth observation processing framework for machine learning in Python
- extract-from-url — Download and extract files on-the-fly (ZIP files too)
- filepass — Wrapper around fs libraries to synchronized files between different system types including SMB, SFTP, FSTP.
- final-code-203 — no summary
- fitbit-downloader — A CLI and Python tool for downloading Fitbit data
- flask-filer — A Flask extension that integrates PyFilesystem2
- flaskerize — Python CLI build/dev tool for templated code generation and project modification. Think Angular schematics for Python.
- flywheel-cli — Flywheel Command Line Interface
- flywheel-metadata-toolkit — Flywheel Metadata Toolkit
- flywheel-migration — Flywheel Migration Toolkit
- fontFeatures — Python library for manipulating OpenType font features
- FontTools — Tools to manipulate font files
- forensicstore — Python library for forensicstore files
- foundry-dev-tools-transforms — Seamlessly run your Palantir Foundry Repository transforms code on your local machine.
- fs.anvilfs — PyFilesystem2 AnVIL plugin
- fs.archive — Enhanced archive filesystems for Pyfilesystem2
- fs-azureblob — Azure blob storage filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- fs-code — PyFilesystems for GitLab, GitHub, and Git
- fs-dimzipfs — Pyfilesystem2 implementation for DAZ Install Manager Packages
- fs.dlna — Youtube Filesystem for PyFilsystem2
- fs.dropboxfs — Pyfilesystem2 implementation for Dropbox
- fs-encrypted — An encrypted filesystem for python using PYFilesystem2
- fs.googledrivefs — Pyfilesystem2 implementation for Google Drive
- fs.imapfs — Pyfilesystem2 implementation for Imap
- fs-miniofs — MinIO S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- fs-omero-pyfs — OMERO PyFilesystem2 filesystem
- fs.onedatarestfs — Onedata REST-based filesystem for PyFilesystem
- fs.onedrivefs — Pyfilesystem2 implementation for OneDrive using Microsoft Graph API
- fs-ossfs — AliCloud OSS filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- fs.proxy — Miscellaneous proxy filesystems for Pyfilesystem2
- fs.rclonefs — Pyfilesystem interface to control rclone remotes.
- fs-s3fs — Amazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- fs-s3fs-forked — Amazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2, forked from
- fs-s3fs-ng — Amazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2, with streaming and non-strict by default
- fs.smbfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SMB using pysmb
- fs.sshfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SSH using paramiko
- fs-synapse — A Synapse implementation of the PyFileSystem2 interface
- fs-wrapcifs — Pyfilesystem2 wrapper for case insensitive access to a filesystem
- — Youtube Filesystem for PyFilsystem2
- fs2 — A cmd tool based on pyfilesystem2 lib
- fss3wrap — A python class to wrap fs and fs-s3fs (WIP)
- fstpy — Bridging FTP and cloud storage
- fusefs — FuseFS: FUSE <-> pyFilesystem adapter
- galaxy-files — Galaxy file source framework and default plugins
- gcloud-storage-emulator — A stub emulator for the Google Cloud Storage API
- gcp-storage-emulator — A stub emulator for the Google Cloud Storage API
- gdp-time-series — no summary
- geovisio — GeoVisio API - Main
- gitfs2 — Python file system 2 over GitPython
- gitlab-arc-fs — An experimental and GitLab filesystem extension for PyFilesystem2.!
- globalsearch — globalsearch is a collection of Python modules and command tools for the Global Search pipeline.
- hathor — A lua script combobulator aimed at roblox
- hpc-rocket — A tool to run Slurm sbatch commands over SSH
- httpfs — Read file over HTTP protocol via python file system 2 interface
- hugg — My short description for my project.
- ibmpairs — open source Python modules for the IBM Environmental Intelligence Geospatial APIs platform
- instaLooter — Another API-less Instagram pictures and videos downloader
- invenio-files-rest — "Files download/upload REST API similar to S3 for Invenio."
- jinja2-fsloader — A Jinja2 template loader using PyFilesystem2
- jsz.rapidbuild — Helper script for building C++ projects.
- jupyter-fs — A Filesystem-like mult-contents manager backend for Jupyter
- jupyter-pyfilesystem — Jupyter Notebook PyFilesystem Contents Manager
- jy_lib — Python SDK for jyfund