Reverse Dependencies of fs
The following projects have a declared dependency on fs:
- kitt-shell — A portable containerized shell
- langur — Langur makes it simple to build consistent, observable, and portable LLM agents
- latextools — A collection of tools for building, rendering, and converting Latex documents
- liiatools-dagster — Children's Services Data Tools - Utilities for cleaning and normalising CS data by Social Finance
- lp-backup — Script to create local backups from Lastpass
- mantik — mantik for mlflow
- manualindex — Generate autoindex-style HTML for your directory listings.
- metastore-lib — A library for abstracting versioned metadata storage for data packages
- miarec-ftpfs — FTP filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- miarec-s3fs — Amazon S3 filesystem for PyFilesystem2
- miarec-smbfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SMB using pysmb
- miarec-sshfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SSH using paramiko
- mig-utils — Minimum Intrusion Grid (MiG) Utilities library
- migration-toolkit — Flywheel Migration Toolkit
- moban — General purpose static text generator
- moclo — A Python implementation of the MoClo system logic.
- monito-tools — Tools for Monito
- moya — web development platform
- msaBase — General Package for Microservices based on FastAPI like Profiler, Scheduler, Sysinfo, Healtcheck, Error Handling etc.
- msaFilesystem — Agnostic Abstract Filesystem API which allows to use S3, GCS, Azure Datalake, your local FS, Youtube etc Optimized for use with FastAPI/Pydantic.
- mzml2isa — mzML file parser and converter to ISA-Tab
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oc-art-to-ftp — Artifactory to FTP
- oc-delivery-apps — Models and controllers for dlcontents application
- oc-ftp-upload-worker — Delivery upload worker
- oc-ldap-client — Base classes for LDAP objects
- oc-portal-commons — Common code, static files, settings and testing tools used at all portal variants
- oc-pyfs — PyFilesystem interfaces
- ocfl-py — ocfl-py - A Python implementation of OCFL
- odoo-addon-manager — A tool to install and update odoo addons
- odoo9-addon-external-file-location — External File Location
- omniblack.repo — Tooling for interacting with monorepos.
- onegov.core — Contains code shared by all OneGov applications.
- openedx-django-pyfs — Django pyfilesystem integration
- overboard — Pure Python dashboard for monitoring deep learning experiments
- passx — A Password manager using GNUPG
- pathways — Scenario-level LCA of energy systems and transition pathways
- pcloud — A client library for pCloud
- plateaukit — Python library and utility for 3D city models by MLIT Project PLATEAU
- ptermtools — pgierz's organizational tools
- pulpo-dev — pulpo package for optimization in LCI databases
- pyfatfs — FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 implementation with VFAT support
- pyfsftpserver — A simple ftp server for serving PyFilesystem2 filesystems.
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pyl2d — This is a simple project to recreate love2d for python, its mostly just for personal use
- pypifs — Read files from python packages
- pytigon-lib — Pytigon library
- QTPYGUI — A Simple Python Declarative User Interface Wrapper Around Pyside6
- ramp4 — A simple library to make mp4 movies with matplotlib.pyplot. It use RAM instead of disk storage for the temporary images.
- relic-tool-chunky-core — Core files used to read/write Relic Chunky files.
- relic-tool-sga-core — Core files shared by versioned SGA files.
- relic-tool-sga-v2 — A plugin for Relic-Tool-SGA, which allows reading & writing Relic's SGA (V2.0) archive files.
- remcmp — Extensible program to compare local and remote directories.
- robotslacker-sqlcli — SQL Command test tool, use JDBC/ODBC
- robotslacker-sqlcli-noodbc — SQL Command test tool, use JDBC
- robotslacker-testcli — Test Command tool
- rsm-markup — ReStructured Manuscript (RSM) markup language
- salure-helpers — Files with helpful code, developed by Salure
- score.pyfilesystem — no summary
- seismicio — Read and write .su files for seismic data
- semspaces — Package for working with semantic spaces.
- sentinelhub — Python API for Sentinel Hub
- sf-pipelines-test — no summary
- sf-pipelines-test2 — no summary
- — Test Project1
- simfile — Modern simfile library for Python
- singer-sdk — A framework for building Singer taps
- snakeless — Write true serverless apps with joy
- snakeless-provider-gcloud — no summary
- starwhale — An MLOps Platform for Model Evaluation
- stelar-spatiotemporal — Spatiotemporal data processing for the STELAR project
- stored-agent — A framework for building agents that persist state between interactions.
- storyverse — A version control system for interactive, branching time-travel stories
- sufficiency-data-transform — temp repo for liia sufficiency data transform
- synophotos — Command Line Interface Client for Synology Photos
- tendril-connector-tally — Tally XML interface connector for tendril
- tendril-dox-render — Core document rendering primitives for tendril
- tendril-dox-wallet — Tendril Document Wallet
- tendril-framework — An open-ended framework for handling information, to aid development, management, and production cycles
- tendril-server-fs — XML-RPC Filesystem Server using Twisted and Pyfilesystems for Tendril
- tendril-utils-fsutils — Filesystem utilities for tendril
- tendril-utils-www — Internet utilities for tendril
- tilekiln — A set of command-line utilities to generate and serve Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVTs)
- triad — A collection of python utils for Fugue projects
- tune — An abstraction layer for hyper parameter tuning
- typhoon-orchestrator — Create asynchronous data pipelines and deploy to cloud or airflow
- umk — Unimake is a set of development tools and frameworks for project maintaining. This tools makes it easy to organize development routines (such as building, testing, linting, running, etc)
- urge — You've got the Urge to write some code ,so go ahead
- uv-metrics — Shared tooling for Blueshift research.
- vuefinder-wsgi — WSGI app to use PyFilesystem2 with vuefinder
- webspace — Utils for web
- weldx — Python API for the WelDX file format and standard
- ws-web-aiohttp — web server for web-sheets project
- XBlock — XBlock Core Library
- xmldirector.connector — xmldirector.connector supports mounting storages like S3, Webdav backend or local filesystem into Plone
- xrootdfs — XRootDFS is PyFilesystem interface to XRootD.
- xrootdpyfs — XRootDPyFS is a PyFilesystem interface for XRootD.
- ygt — A graphical hint editor for TrueType fonts
- yubikey-pivfs — A FUSE filesystem for YubiKey PIV
- zetsubou — FASTbuild generator for the helpless