Reverse Dependencies of flake8-debugger
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-debugger:
- actk — Automated Cell Toolkit
- agave-pyclient — A Python client for the Agave 3d volume renderer
- aics-tf-registration — Rigid registration algorithm for generating training/testing data for transfer function model
- aicscytoparam — Cytoplasm parameterization using spherical harmonics
- aicsimageio — Image Reading, Metadata Conversion, and Image Writing for Microscopy Images in Pure Python
- aicssegmentation — Part 1 of Allen Cell and Structure Segmenter
- aicsshparam — Spherical harmonics parametrization for 3D starlike shapes
- aide-validation — Validation tool for AIDE (AguaClara Infrastructure Design Engine).
- aioemonitor — Asyncio Python lib for SiteSage Emonitor
- alto-xml — A Python parser for alto XML files, for handling OCR outputs
- bertagent — Quantify linguistic agency in textual data.
- bioio-types — Typing, base classes, and more for BioIO projects.
- brew-search — Search CLI tool for Homebrew (support sorting by popularity)
- catalyst-codestyle — Catalyst.Codestyle
- cdp-backend — Data storage utilities and processing pipelines to run on CDP server deployments.
- cdptools — Tools to interact with and deploy CouncilDataProject instances
- cef_logger — ArcEvent -- Class for creating events for logging.
- cell-feature-data — A Python package for creating a dataset for the Cell Feature Explorer.
- cellpack — algorithm to pack molecular recipes
- cogsys — cogsys package
- commercetools — SDK for Commercetools
- commercetools-ratdev — Ratan's fork of SDK for Commercetools
- cosmics — Tools for an event-driven design following Cosmic Python
- CslBot — An easily extensible, modular irc bot.
- cvapipe-analysis — Analysis pipeline usinf in Integrated intracellular organization and its variations in human iPS cells
- cylc-flow — A workflow engine for cycling systems
- cylc-rose — A Cylc plugin providing support for the Rose rose-suite.conf file.
- cylc-uiserver — Cylc UI Server
- dado — Dado: Data Driven Test Decorator.
- devpi-private-mirrors — devpi plugin prevent mixing packages using both private and public mirrors
- didatictests — Build simple tests to validate functions prints and outputs with configurable args, kwargs and simulated user inputs
- din — Dunder Mixins
- discogs-track — no summary
- django-aws-xray — Django AWS X-Ray
- django-cognito-jwt — Django backends for AWS Cognito JWT
- django-datahooks — Django datahooks
- django-djcopyright — Django reusable app to show pretty formatted copyright years
- django_healthchecks — Simple Django app/framework to publish health checks
- django-humans-txt — Handle humans.txt
- django-mcadmin — Easily run Django management commands from admin
- django-opensearch — Handle opensearch.xml
- django-perms-provisioner — Provision django instances with usergroups and permissions
- django-perms-provisioner-fuxy — Provision django instances with usergroups and permissions
- django-po2xls — Convert gettext .po files to .xls
- django-postcode-lookup — Pluggable postcode lookup endpoint
- django-project-version — Django reusable app to show your project version
- django-rangepaginator — Nice paginator for Django
- django-read-only-admin — Really full Django read only admin implementation
- django-security-txt — Handle security.txt
- django-session-timeout — Middleware to expire sessions after specific amount of time
- django-session-timeout-joinup — Middleware to expire sessions after specific amount of time
- django-xicon — Django reusable application to handle modern bunch of site icons
- django-xls2po — Convert django-po2xls generated .xls files to .po files
- drytoml — Keep toml configuration centralized and personalizable
- — DTB: Base dev tools
- easy-caesar — an cipher encrypter and decrypter
- echoflow — Normalizing flows for generative modeling of tabular datasets.
- efficientbioai — efficientbioai is a python package for efficient deep learning in bioimaging
- envoy-reader — A program to read from an Enphase Envoy on the local network
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flake8-aggressive — Flake8 aggressive plugins pack
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-config-yoctol — no summary
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flake8-hangover — flake8 plugin to prevent specific hanging indentations
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- flask-pydantic-api — Pydantic based API support for Flask
- flict — FOSS License Compatibility Tool
- flux-led — A Python library to communicate with the flux_led smart bulbs
- folge-cli — Client for the folge project
- fwd — fwd: forward
- godspeed — Python Boilerplate Project contains all the boilerplate you need to create a Python package.
- graphene-gino — no summary
- gte — gte: ground truth establisher
- homewizard-climate-websocket — API/Websocket to control Homewizard Climate devices
- hydev — Common tooling and configuration for pythonic development
- idin — IDIN Module
- iex-api — Unofficial Python IEX Cloud Api.
- image-classifier-3d — Python package for building 3d image classifier using deep neural networks
- image_slicer — Split images into tiles. Join the tiles back together.
- imitation — Implementation of modern reward and imitation learning algorithms.
- intxeger — Generate unique strings from regular expressions.
- ismartgate — iSmartGate and GogoGate2 API
- juice-geopipeline — no summary
- juice-phs — no summary
- leginorma — Python wrapper for Legifrance API
- leonardo-toolset — Leonardo: an LSFM image processing toolset
- levenshtein-package — Package for calculating Levenshtein distance and similarity
- lsfm-destripe — A PyTorch implementation of LSFM DeStripe method
- lsfm-fuse — A fusion algorithm in LSFM
- metricx — A library for managing, exploring, and analyzing benchmark data.
- microscope-automation — Automation software for the AICS Microscopes.
- midas-dev — no summary
- mmv-im2im — A python package for deep learing based image to image transformation
- mocksftp — Mock SFTP server for testing purposes
- money-to-prisoners-common — Django app with common code and assets for Money to Prisoners services
- mvn — mvn: nvm
- napari-aicsimageio — AICSImageIO bindings for napari
- napari-mri — A simple plugin to use with napari for 3D-viewing of Magnetic Resonance Imaging file formats
- netcenlib — Network centrality library