Reverse Dependencies of flake8-debugger
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-debugger:
- ninjin — no summary
- nsdlib — Network source detection library
- nvm — Plenty little helpers.
- OpenFisca-France-Fiscalite-Miniere — French mining tax system for OpenFisca
- osadl-matrix — OSADL license compatibility matrix
- param-store — Parameter store for secrets
- pathmind — Python Simulations
- pattern-feedback-tool — Design Pattern Feedback Tool
- plugger — Plugger: A simple setuptools-entrypoints-based plugin manager.
- pocketwalk — Pocketwalk: Watch/Run/Commit.
- pre-commit-config-shellcheck — Tool for checking entry points in the pre-commit config with ShellCheck.
- procustodibus-agent — Synchronizes your WireGuard settings with Pro Custodibus.
- procustodibus-broker — Pushes events from Pro Custodibus into your security management systems.
- pugh-torch — Functions, losses, and module blocks to share between experiments.
- py-pepe — use python scripts in unix pipes
- pydantic-enhanced-serializer — Pydantic extension that allows user selection of object fields or expansions inline when serializing models
- pyproject-pre-commit — pre-commit hooks for python projects using pyproject.toml.
- pytest-bdd-splinter — Common steps for pytest bdd and splinter integration
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-zeep — A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests
- rototiller — no summary
- runcon — Manage a multitude of runs through hierarchical configuration
- scikit-cache — Pickle-based caching library with SKLearn estimators supports
- sdv-installer — Package to install SDV Enterprise.
- seals — Suite of Environments for Algorithms that Learn Specifications
- seedflow — no summary
- segmenter-model-zoo — scripts and API for running Deep Learning models from segmenter
- simularium-metrics-calculator — Calculate plot metrics from spatial agent data
- simulariumio — Simularium Conversion helps convert simulation outputs to the format consumed by the Simularium viewer.
- softlayer-zeep — A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests
- speakerbox — Speaker Annotation for Transcripts using Audio Classification
- sqlalchemy-pagination — A small utility to paginate SqlAlchemy queries.
- tesseract-ocr-utils — Python tools for interacting with Tesseract
- test-task-client-eugen — no summary
- text-diff — Python text differences computer
- vanta — Blacker than black
- versie — Client for the versie project
- wagtail-2fa — Two factor authentication for Wagtail
- wagtail-2fa-new — Two factor authentication for Wagtail
- wagtail-audit-trail — Wagtail audit trail
- wagtail-personalisation — A Wagtail add-on for showing personalized content
- wagtail-personalisation-molo — A forked version of Wagtail add-on for showing personalized content
- wagtail-site-check — A Wagtail app to check the configuration of Wagtail Sites.
- wagtail-site-inheritance — Site Inheritance for Wagtail
- wagtail-tag-manager — A Wagtail add-on for managing tags.
- wagtailstreamforms — Wagtail forms in a streamfield
- web2vec — Website to vector representation library
- weirwood-pyfinance — Python API for downloading stock prices and fundamental accounting concepts
- wemake-python-styleguide — The strictest and most opinionated python linter ever
- wsgi-aws-unproxy — Simple wsgi middleware to unproxy AWS
- wsgi-basic-auth — Simple wsgi middleware to provide basic http auth
- wsgi-basic-auth-isl — Simple wsgi middleware to provide basic http auth
- wsgi-django-media — WSGI middleware to serve media for faster Django development
- xmlsig — Python based XML signature
- zeep — A Python SOAP client
- zeep-adv — A modern/fast Python SOAP client based on lxml / requests + Corentin Remaud silly edit
- zeep-bold — A fork of Michael van Tellingen of python-zeep