Reverse Dependencies of flake8-black
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-black:
- agenet — Age of Information Model for wireless networks
- air2phin — Air2phin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- airphin — Airphin is a tool for migrating Airflow DAGs to DolphinScheduler Python API.
- aleksis-builddeps — AlekSIS (School Information System) — Build/Dev dependencies for apps
- AlgoSolver — A library to help developers use complex algorithms without having to code it themselves
- algotradepy — Python Auto-Trading Framework
- ansible-modules-pm2 — Ansible module to manage processes via PM2
- aqtinstall — Another unofficial Qt installer
- arrakis-python — Arrakis Python client library
- atlas-framework — Class-based famework for quickly creating robust Python apps.
- autonav — Research software for navigating a UAV in indoor environments
- bagofchips — All that and a bag of
- BaSiCpy — A python package for background and shading correction of optical microscopy images
- batteryopt — battery operation optimization
- berkeleydb-stubs — Typing stubs for Python Bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
- bfb-delivery — Tools to help plan deliveries for Bellingham Food Bank.
- bidsschematools — Python tools for working with the BIDS schema.
- Blauwal3-Bioinformatics — 用于数据挖掘的蓝鲸生物信息学附加组件。
- BlueWhale3-Bioinformatics — 用于数据挖掘的蓝鲸生物信息学附加组件。
- BoostCLI — BoostCLI
- bulk-mv — An example python project
- cacheout — A caching library for Python
- camera.ui-pyee — A rough port of Node.js's EventEmitter to Python with a few tricks of its own
- censys-bigquery-cli — A command line tool for Censys Enterprise Customers that allows BQ access via the command line.
- censys-maltego — This package provides an interface into Censys from Maltego.
- cff-from-621 — Generates metadata in the Citation File Format for Python projects from their PEP-621 compliant package definition. Includes a CLI.
- clip-bbox — Python library for detecting image objects with natural language text labels
- comb-utils — Handy utils for Python projects.
- commit-tracker — Commit Tracker analyzes Git repositories to present comprehensive statistics.
- connPFM — no summary
- continual-inference — A Python library for Continual Inference Networks in PyTorch
- corider — Tiny configuration library tailored for Deep Learning project and the Ride.
- cos-ruleengine — no summary
- cryptopyutils — High-level Python3 cryptography library using `cryptography` with sensible defaults and CLI scripts.
- cubids — Curation of BIDS (CuBIDS): A sanity-preserving software package for processing BIDS datasets.
- cybersf — A Modular Penetration Testing Framework
- dagred3 — An example python project
- data-metrics-connectors — no summary
- dbnomics-fetcher-toolbox — Toolbox of functions and data types helping writing DBnomics fetchers.
- ddmra — A Python package for distance-dependent motion-related artifact (DDMRA) analysis.
- deel-datasets — Dataset loader for DEEL datasets
- deel-lip — TensorFlow 2 implementation for k-Lipschitz layers
- deel-torchlip — PyTorch implementation for k-Lipschitz layers
- dev-dependencies — An opinionated library of dev-time dependencies
- DirectReport — Direct Report
- django-blogorama — Blogging App to add to any project
- django-react-tools — Tools for helping integrate ReactJS into a Django project.
- django-release-manager — A Release Manager for Embedded Apps in your website, such as an SPA.
- django-vendor — Django App Toolkit for selling digital and physical goods online.
- django-vendor-promo — Extension to Django Vendor to add Promo Code capabilities
- dpop — Dancing Pile-Of-Poo Gif Generator
- dreg-client — API client for Docker Registries
- dtw-sofar — dynamic time so far warping utility
- dummy-localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- egrader — Auto-grader for Git-based programming exercises
- epx — Client for running simulations with Epistemix Platform Cloud.
- eurocropsml — EuroCropsML is a ready-to-use benchmark dataset for few-shot crop type classification using Sentinel-2 imagery.
- examply — Example python packaging
- ez-parse — A Python library for parsing PDFs of LinkedIn profiles
- ezflakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- fairsense — This library allow to compute global sensitivity indices in the context of fairness measurements.
- flake8-codes — CLI tool to introspect flake8 plugins and their codes.
- flake8-dunder-class-obj — A flake8 plugin to report on double underscore class objects
- flake8-ls — super fast flake8 language server
- flake8-no-implicit-concat — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flake8-no-implicit-str-concat-in-list — Flake8 plugin that forbids implicit str/bytes literal concatenations
- flakehell — Flake8 wrapper to make it nice and configurable
- Flask-SQLAlchemy-compat — Support the compatibility between Flask-SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlchemy-Lite.
- fly-tracker — The Fly Tracker library lets you monitor the flight prices for any route. The user has the option to set up notifications for the tracked route which can help him book tickets when he wants to.
- fnc — Functional programming in Python with generators and other utilities.
- folio-data-import — A python module to interact with the data importing capabilities of the open-source FOLIO ILS
- freiner — Generic rate limiting solution for python applications, supporting various strategies and storage backends (redis and memcached).
- fsociety — A Modular Penetration Testing Framework
- gather-vision — Obtain, extract, organise, and store information.
- gather-vision-gov-au-plugin — A gather-vision plugin for obtaining data from Australian governments.
- gcd-talker — A Grand Comics Database API talker for ComicTagger a cross-platform GUI/CLI app for writing metadata to comic archives
- genespeak — A library to encode text as DNA and decode DNA to text.
- get-my-palette-from-image — get-my-palette-from-image is a python library for extracting and manipulating palettes from images
- go-flag — A port of Go's flag package to Python
- gradec — Meta-analytic gradient decoding
- gval — Flexible, portable, and efficient geospatial evaluations for a variety of data.
- hiplot-mlflow — HiPlot fetcher plugin for MLflow experiment tracking.
- histdatacom — A Multi-threaded/Multi-Process command-line utility and python package that downloads currency exchange rates from Imports to InfluxDB. Can be used in Jupyter Notebooks.
- hmp-aviel — no summary
- imxInsights — python imx insights module to get information from imx files
- inflate64 — deflate64 compression/decompression library
- insight-git — Insight Git analyzes Git repositories to present comprehensive statistics.
- ipyregulartable — ipywidgets wrapper around regular-table
- ipython-nord-theme — An arctic, north-bluish theme for the IPython interactive prompt.
- jupyter-autoversion — Automatically version jupyter notebooks on save
- kubernetes-typed — Collection of mypy plugins and stubs for kubernetes
- leukeleu-django-checks — Additional deploy checks and other tools to validate if a Django project is set up correctly.
- leukeleu-django-gdpr — leukeleu-django-gdpr is a tool to generate GDPR documentation based on the project's models.
- leukeleu-thumbor-multidir — Thumbor file loader that support multiple source paths
- llm-docstring-generator — Code to generate docstrings for Python code using GPT-4 etc.
- localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- mahon — Linear regression of data sets with correlated and uncorrelated uncertainties.
- main-wrapper — Set up global environment and run another script within, ala pdb, profile, etc..
- mapca — Moving Average Principal Component Analysis for fMRI data
- measured — Fast and Pythonic library for working with measurements and quantities