Reverse Dependencies of flake8-black
The following projects have a declared dependency on flake8-black:
- modoboa-automua — Autoconfigure mail clients from Modoboa
- mongo-tfrecords — mongo-tfrecords - Library that exports mongodb data to tensorflow files (tf-record)
- Mopidy — Mopidy is an extensible music server written in Python
- Mopidy-Advanced-Scrobbler — Mopidy extension for comprehensive management of scrobbles
- Mopidy-BigScreen — Mopidy frontend for big screens
- Mopidy-Discord — Discord Rich Presence for Mopidy
- Mopidy-dLeyna — Mopidy extension for playing music from Digital Media Servers
- Mopidy-FM — Mopidy extension for pifmadv Radio
- Mopidy-Hearthis — A mopidy backend to stream music from
- Mopidy-InternetArchive — Mopidy extension for playing music from the Internet Archive
- Mopidy-Jamendo — Mopidy extension for Jamendo
- Mopidy-Listenbrainz — Mopidy extension for recording played tracks as listens to Listenbrainz
- Mopidy-Local — Mopidy extension for playing music from your local music archive
- Mopidy-MPD — Mopidy extension for controlling Mopidy from MPD clients
- Mopidy-ORFRadio — Mopidy backend to access the Austrian ORF radio stations.
- Mopidy-Podcast — Mopidy extension for browsing and playing podcasts
- Mopidy-Podcast-iTunes — Mopidy extension for searching and browsing podcasts on the Apple iTunes Store
- Mopidy-Progress — Remember and restore playback progress for specified tracks.
- Mopidy-Qobuz-Hires — Mopidy extension for playing Hi-Res/Lossless music from Qobuz
- Mopidy-SoundCloud — Mopidy extension for playing music from SoundCloud
- Mopidy-Spotify — Mopidy extension for playing music from Spotify
- Mopidy-Syncprojects — Mopidy extension for playing music from Syncprojects, forked from Mopidy-SoundCloud
- Mopidy-Tubeify — Mopidy extension for playing streaming service playlists using mopidy-youtube
- Mopidy-TuneIn — Mopidy extension for playing music from TuneIn
- Mopidy-Webhooks — A simple Mopidy extension that sends webhook notifications to a remote URL.
- mstrio-py — Python interface for the MicroStrategy REST API
- multiconsumers-queue — Wrapper for queue based producer/consumers parallel tasks execution
- multivolumefile — multi volume file wrapper library
- mysfire — Fast (and opinionated) data loading for pytorch
- napari-basicpy — BaSiCPy illumination correction for napari
- napari-geojson — Read and write geojson files in napari
- ner-eval-dashboard — Dashboard for Quality-driven NER.
- nerevu-api-utils — Flask API utility library
- networkx-stubs — Typing stubs for NetworkX
- ni-python-styleguide — NI's internal and external Python linter rules and plugins
- nikefy — This python library acquires metadata from products in the website
- NiMARE — NiMARE: Neuroimaging Meta-Analysis Research Environment
- northstar-agent — Agent that can help post metrics data for EC2 instance to ELK
- nyc-prop-prediction — property price predictor
- opentelemetry-container-distro — An OpenTelemetry distro which automatically discovers container attributes
- opentelemetry-resourcedetector-docker — An OpenTelemetry package to populates Resource attributes from Docker containers
- opentelemetry-resourcedetector-kubernetes — An OpenTelemetry package to populates Resource attributes for Kubernetes pods
- opentelemetry-resourcedetector-process — An OpenTelemetry package to populates Resource attributes from the running process
- Orange3-Bioinformatics — Orange Bioinformatics add-on for Orange data mining software package.
- panoptes-aggregation — Aggregation code for Zooniverse panoptes projects.
- pattern-feedback-tool — Design Pattern Feedback Tool
- perspective-python — Python bindings and JupyterLab integration for Perspective
- picast — A simple wireless display receiver/sink for Raspberry Pi
- point-annotator — Package for annotating the data with types (e.g. cell types).
- polysplit — A Python library implementing a method for splitting a polygon into regions
- pro-football-reference-web-scrape-v2 — Stats web scraper of Pro Football Reference
- project-2023 — An example python project
- py7zr — Pure python 7-zip library
- pybcj — bcj filter library
- pybids-reports — pybids-reports: report generator for BIDS datasets
- pybolt-client — "REST API Client for Passbolt servers."
- pyclugen — Multidimensional cluster generation in Python
- pyee — A rough port of Node.js's EventEmitter to Python with a few tricks of its own
- pyEX — Rest API to IEX
- pygogo — A Python logging library with super powers
- PyHearThis — A python client for the music community API
- pyinfra — pyinfra automates/provisions/manages/deploys infrastructure.
- pyinfra-docker — Install & configure Docker with `pyinfra`.
- pyinfra-forked-by-stone-w4tch3r — Custom version for developing pyinfra
- pykakasi — Kana kanji simple inversion library
- PyMARE — PyMARE: Python Meta-Analysis & Regression Engine
- pymerum — Hor library
- pyobjectify — Bridging the gap across the different file formats and streamlining the process to accessing ingested data via Python objects
- pypatchmatch — This library implements the PatchMatch based inpainting algorithm.
- pyppmd — PPMd compression/decompression library
- pysketcher — Geometric Sketching Utility for Python
- pySPFM — A python package for Paradigm Free Mapping (3dPFM and 3dMEPFM).
- pytest-opentelemetry — A pytest plugin for instrumenting test runs via OpenTelemetry
- pytest-ot — A pytest plugin for instrumenting test runs via OpenTelemetry
- python-dev-tools — Needed and up-to-date tools to develop in Python
- python-graphql-client — Python GraphQL Client
- pytorch-benchmark — Easily benchmark PyTorch model FLOPs, latency, throughput, max allocated memory and energy consumption in one go.
- pytorch-stream — Building blocks for Continual Inference Networks in PyTorch
- quokka-project — Quokka: A Fast and Accurate Binary Exporter
- ragelo — RAGElo: A Tool for Evaluating Retrieval-Augmented Generation Models
- rails-6-to-7-with-sprockets — A tool to help you upgrade your Rails 6 app to Rails 7 with Sprockets
- raster-forge — Raster Forge is an package for the manipulation of raster data. It includes a library and a graphical user interface (GUI) application.
- reportlab-stubs — Typing stubs for ReportLab
- ride — Training wheels, side rails, and helicopter parent for your Deep Learning projects using Pytorch
- riko — A stream processing engine modeled after Yahoo! Pipes.
- rimseval — Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry (RIMS) Data Evaluation for CRD Files.
- rocketPy — Advanced 6-DOF trajectory simulation for High-Power Rocketry.
- scimma-client — A client library for SCiMMA
- scludam — Star cluster detection and membership estimation based on GAIA data.
- sentry-syslog — Send syslog messages to Sentry as events
- serobj — Python objects serialization
- server-monitor-agent — Utility to run checks on a server and send notifications.
- service-logging — Python logging configurations done The Right Way for programs that may run in the foreground or background
- sgn — A framework to help navigate buffers through a graph. The buffers must flow.
- sgn-ligo — LIGO Extensions for the SGN Framework
- sgn-ts — TimeSeries Extensions for SGN Framework
- sgnl — Inspiral Search Pipeline using SGN Framework
- shapelyAcad — Draw shapley objects in AutoCAD
- shapelyM — Linear referencing for shapley LineStrings
- shelmet — A shell power-up for working with the file system and running subprocess commands.