Reverse Dependencies of ffmpeg-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on ffmpeg-python:
- toycoronagraph — Toy!!
- transcribe-zh-en — A package to transcribe Chinese subtitles and remove audio from videos
- transcribe-zh-en-p1 — This package is a part of a larger pipeline. This is package (PART:1). A package to convert Video containing spoken Chinese audio and Chinese written text and convert it into spoken English and English written text.
- transcribe-zh-en-p2 — This package is a part of a larger pipeline. This is package (PART:2). A package to convert Video containing spoken Chinese audio and Chinese written text and convert it into spoken English and English written text.
- transcribe-zh-en-p3 — This package is a part of a larger pipeline. This is package (PART:3). A package to convert Video containing spoken Chinese audio and Chinese written text and convert it into spoken English and English written text.
- transcribr — Effortless Audio / Video Transcription and Subtitle Generation.
- tsclient — Talkscriber Python Client
- tts-arranger — Simplifies arranging text fragments with multiple speakers and processing it with TTS
- TubeDL-Land23 — Command-line tool to download youtube videos
- tubex — Command Line Interface to download MP3 from youtube and MP4 from oreilly
- tweetinstone — A CLI and GUI tool to automate the capture of tweets in the form they are actually displayed
- two-to-tango — Tango automatically detects duplicate bugs that are captured in bug reports that contain videos detailing the bug
- uberlimb — Generative art with CPPN networks.
- ultima-scraper-collection — no summary
- unmixer — Create and explore isolated tracks from music files
- ur-audio-sub — Generate text captions for audio files & youtube video using OpenAI Whisper. Multiple languages support.
- uripoint — A flexible Python library for endpoint management and URI processing
- usoptimize — A Python CLI UltraStar Song Converter to optimize song files for the web.
- v2v — # Video2Video
- vcplayerbot — VC Player Bot
- vid-cleaner — Tools to transcode, inspect and convert videos.
- vid-mng — sort videos by duration and resolution
- vid2aud — A python module to extract audio from a video
- video-audio-recorder — A package to record video and audio simultaneously
- video-compressing — Package to compress multiple large .MOV or .MP4 videos into a single light .mp4 video.
- video-curator — Your own youtube assistant
- video-diet — no summary
- video-representations-extractor — Video Representations Extractor (VRE) for computing algorithmic or neural representations of each frame.
- video-reuse-detector — The video reuse detector
- video-to-ascii — It is a simple python package to play videos in the terminal
- video-upscaler — A package for resizing videos using Automatic1111 web UI
- video2dataset — Easily create large video dataset from video urls
- video2gif — a simple program that converts a video to gif. it will also download a video for you using yt-dlp. Depends on ffmpeg
- video2numpy — Video reading into numpy
- videoio — Module for saving and loading images and depth as H.264 video
- videojitter — Tools for physical measurement of video frame presentation timing
- videomap — Tools to create,, export and share video maps
- videomonkey — no summary
- VideoScripy — Collection of video processes such as Optimize, Upscale and Interpolation.
- VidFlow — making videos at lightspeed
- vidmaker — A python library which simplifies creating and exporting videos.
- vidoptim — ffmpeg backed video optimizer
- vidtoolbox — A Python toolbox for managing and processing videos efficiently.
- vipy — Python Tools for Visual Dataset Transformation
- VisionAPI — no summary
- vmaker — no summary
- vst — VST - Voice Simple Tools
- vxpy — vxPy - Vision experiments in Python
- WannaCRI — Criware media formats library
- warp-beacon — Telegram bot for expanding external media links
- wav-ytdw — A basic python script to download audio the web.
- wdoc — A perfect AI powered RAG for document query and summary. Supports ~all LLM and ~all filetypes (url, pdf, epub, youtube (incl playlist), audio, anki, md, docx, pptx, oe any combination!)
- web-youtube-dl — A web version of youtube-dl
- webvid — download videos from multiple websites
- westworld — Multi-agent simulation library in Python
- wf-camera-capture — Capture code for rapspi cameras
- wf-camera-utils — utilities for wildflower cameras and raspberry pi
- wf-pose-labelbox — Tools for creating Labelbox projects involving 2D and 3D pose data
- wf-process-pose-data — Tools for fetching, processing, visualizing, and analyzing Wildflower human pose data
- wf-video-io — Library for working with video files and interacting with the wildflower video-service
- whatsapp-wrapper — Integration layer for WhatsApp Cloud API with Firestore for easy message storage and management.
- whisp — Whisper package
- — Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- whisper-mic — Whisper for your microphone
- whisper-openai — Robust Speech Recognition via Large-Scale Weak Supervision
- whisper-realtime-transcriber — Let whisper models transcribe in realtime.
- whisper-voice-commands — Execute scripts with Whisper for your microphone
- whispercpp-kit — A toolkit for whisper.cpp with audio processing and model management
- whisperer-ml — Go from raw audio to a text-audio dataset with OpenAI's Whisper
- whisply — Transcribe, translate, annotate and subtitle audio and video files with OpenAI's Whisper ... fast!
- wiutils — Exploration utilities for Wildlife Insights projects.
- wmc — Watch me coding, a toolbox
- xeno-canto-utils-nbm — Utility functions to interact with the Xeno Canto API with python
- xklb — xk library
- xpounder-autogen-ext — AutoGen extensions library
- xvdl — Experimental CLI implementation of a video collecter information for the a website.
- xvideos-dl — CLI to download videos from
- yandex-tts-free — Free use of YandexSpeachKit in Russian language
- YoungLion — It is a library whose main purpose is to make the work of YoungLion developers easier.
- youtube-dl-scraper — Python 3 library for downloading YouTube Videos.
- youtube2text — Convert youtube urls to text with speech recognition
- yt-dlp-expand — 説明
- yt-extractor — Add your description here
- yt2doc — Transcribe any YouTube video into a structural Markdown document
- ytcompdl — Script to download and segment youtube videos automatically.
- ytcon — yt-dlp pseudo-graphical console interface (TUI) ✨
- ytdl-1080p — ytdl is a command line tool to search and download videos in 1080p from yt using the command line.
- ytmdl — Youtube Music Downloader
- zou — API to store and manage the data of your animation production
- zyjj-open-sdk — 智游剪辑开放平台python sdk