Reverse Dependencies of ffmpeg-python
The following projects have a declared dependency on ffmpeg-python:
- m3loader — A tool to download and merge M3U8 segments into an MP4 file.
- m3u-manage — Tools to create amd manage an m3u playlist
- m4a2text — Convert M4A audio files to WAV and transcribe speech to text using Azure Speech API.
- maling — Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- manim-present — Configuration-based HTML presentation producer using Manim.
- manim3 — A personal variant of manim
- Marketingtool — A tool module to help you do marketing
- marlin-pytorch — Official pytorch implementation for MARLIN.
- martin-test-package-11122 — A small example package
- mcp-server-whisper — An MCP server for transcribing audio files using OpenAI Whisper and GPT-4o
- mdlsum-cli — A CLI tool to download, transcribe, and summarize YouTube videos.
- media-manager — Manage your media!
- MediaMagic — A powerful and extensible all-media downloader for videos, audio, and more.
- meme-checkr — a hello world example
- metavid — Tool for adding metastimuli to videos
- mextractor — mextractor can extract media metadata to YAML and read them
- mflowm — MotionFlowMulti - A multi-resolution colorful motion detection video filter.
- Mime-Codec — get mime codecs for media purposes
- mimikit — Python package for generating audio with neural networks
- miniplayer — An mpd client with album art and basic functionality.
- missav-toolbox — no summary
- Mix50 — Fast and simple DJ and audio effects in Python with Librosa
- mixdev — Elegant, modern and asynchronous Telegram MTProto API framework in Python for users and bots
- mixport — CLI tool for transcoding Mixxx recordings
- mmchallenge — Challenge package for MagicMakers Python
- mmkit-features — A multimodal architecture to build multimodal knowledge graphs with flexible multimodal feature extraction and dynamic multimodal concept generation.
- modelscope — ModelScope: bring the notion of Model-as-a-Service to life.
- moocxing — anzhi
- moocxing-lite — anzhi
- moonrise — Test suite creation toolset with additional quality of life upgrades for using the selenium test framework.
- motionpicture — Make animations with Python
- mp4-tools — no summary
- msa-toolbox — MSA Toolbox
- mtl-agent — MTL agent for media processing
- mumbleice — Mumble bot for streaming to Icecast
- musicbird — Convert your music library on-the-fly!
- Mydia — A simple and efficient wrapper for reading videos as NumPy tensors.
- nagatoai_core — Nagato-AI is an intuitive AI Agent library that works across multiple LLMs
- namer — A namer of video files based on metadata from the porndb.
- narizaka — Tool to make high quality text to speech (tts) corpus from audio + text books.
- NehorayRapid — Rapid base tools package
- NehorayRapid1 — Rapid base tools package
- nndownload — nndownload allows you to process videos and other links from Niconico.
- nominal — Automate Nominal workflows in Python
- nts-everdrone — NTS Radio downloader tool
- nucleus-sdk — The building block for decentralized media
- nussl — A flexible sound source separation library.
- objection-engine — Library that turns comment chains into Ace Attorney scenes, used in several bots
- objective-metrics — Command line tool for Image and Video Quality Assessment including MDTVSFA, FAST-VQA, VMAF, MUSIQ and more...
- ogg4osu — Converts audio to OGG Vorbis for the purposes of osu!
- omakase-media-tools — A CLI utility and samples for creation of sample media and temporal metadata tracks for use with the Omakase Player framework
- opencv-calibrate — A simple OpenCV checkerboard camera calibration python package
- openlrc — Transcribe (whisper) and translate (gpt) voice into LRC file.
- openscenesense — A video analysis toolkit using OpenAI and Openrouter vision models
- openscenesense-ollama — Offline video analysis using Ollama models and local Whisper
- opinionated-streaming-media-processor — Generate, Manipulate, Transcode and Package - the simple way
- orca-hls-utils — Collection of utilities for getting Orcasound HLS data
- panasonic-concat — Convert camera's video files into a single mp4 file
- parrot1 — A tool for writing a recap mail or report from a video recording of a call
- perception — Perception provides flexible, well-documented, and comprehensively tested tooling for perceptual hashing research, development, and production use.
- phdl-py — Experimental CLI implementation of a video collecter information for the a website.
- phosphobot — The AI-ready robotics dev kit, with built-in remote control.
- photo-replay — Makes a movie from a photo library
- physion — Vision Physiology Software
- piano-visualizer — A python library that allows you to export a video in which a piano is playing the music you give it.
- pikaraoke — Youtube-based Karaoke machine for Raspberry Pi, OSX, Windows, and Linux
- pipepal — PipePal is a Python package that simplifies building pipelines for speech and voice analysis.
- pixano — Data-centric AI building blocks for computer vision applications
- pixe — A digital helper to keep your files neat and tidy
- playbacque — Loop play audio
- pm-process-video — Process Python Morsels screencast file for publication
- pms-encoder — no summary
- pod-gpt — Package for building podcast search indexes.
- Podflow — A podcast server that includes YouTube and BiliBili
- pomodorotk — no summary
- precisetranscribe — Utilities for transcribing audio files using the Whisper API.
- predpca-py — PredPCA: Predictive Principal Component Analysis
- Presage-Physiology-Preprocessing — A Python helper package used for preprocessing video before sending it to Presage Technologies Physiology API.
- prestream — Interactive script for streaming with yt-dlp and ffmpeg.
- project-to-installer — no summary
- prpy — Collection of Python utils for signal, image, and video processing
- psifx — Psychological and Social Interactions Feature Extraction
- py-data-juicer — A One-Stop Data Processing System for Large Language Models.
- py-m3u8-to-mp4 — Python package to convert m3u8 playlists to mp4 videos using FFMPEG
- py-pde — Python package for solving partial differential equations
- py-ssvad-metrics — Single Scene Video Anomaly Detection Metrics
- py-tomfoolery — SoundCloud / YouTube / Bandcamp downloader /w a GUI
- pycord — Convenient wrapper on top of FFmpeg
- pydmd — Python Dynamic Mode Decomposition.
- pygis — A Python package for installing optional dependencies for geemap and leafmap.
- pyhearingai — Library for transcribing audio conversations with accurate speaker identification
- pyliveatc — no summary
- pylizmedia — Personal python library for media utilities.
- pymeshview — Minimalist mesh viewer for python powered by opengl
- pyqflow — API for creating async workflows.
- pyreelmaker — A Python package for creating short video reels.
- pyStreamRead — video stream reading
- PySubtitle — A python library to generate subtitles from a video
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-vcon — vCon conversational data container manipulation package