Reverse Dependencies of docker
The following projects have a declared dependency on docker:
- Megalus — Command line helpers for docker and docker-compose
- mellarikat-alo — ALO (AI Learning Organizer)
- merlin-sdk — Python SDK for Merlin
- metabeaver — Beaverish about data. Metabeaver originally started as a "glue" project to bring together commonly used code. It has since expanded to contain common operations, metaprogramming, and Computer Sci resources. It is intended a resource to learn computer science, Python, and limit the need to rebuild the wheel. For development operations, please see Operation Beaver.
- metaendpoints — Devision Meta Endpoints
- metal-cli — Docker wrapper: Forget about your bare-metal and get started right away.
- mexca — Emotion expression capture from multiple modalities.
- mgcont — Creates an exercise grading container
- mhagenta — MHAgentA allows you to design and run simulations with containerized Modular Hybrid Agents.
- miarec-smbfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SMB using pysmb
- miarec-sshfs — Pyfilesystem2 over SSH using paramiko
- michaelvll-skypilot — An intercloud broker above the cloud
- miley — TBD
- minerva-etl — no summary
- mines-data-engineering — Helper package for the Data Engineering course at Colorado School of Mines
- miniboss — Containerized app testing framework
- minihai — A small shark
- mining-control — A package that stops mining when the python program starts and restart mining when the python program exit
- miniogre — miniogre: from source code to reproducible environment, in seconds.
- minionize — Massively Parallel operations made easy
- minipresto — A command line tool that makes it easy to run modular Presto environments locally.
- minitrino — A command line tool that makes it easy to run modular Trino environments locally.
- miniwdl — Workflow Description Language (WDL) local runner & developer toolkit
- mirantis-metta — Python Toolbox for testing mirantis products
- missinglink — Command line tool and SDK for platform
- missinglinkai-resource-manager-docker — Resource Manager - Docker version
- mk-feature-store — Python SDK for Feast
- ml-benchmark — ml_benchmark - A ML-Job for Benchmarking.
- ml-deploy-lite — A library to simplify your ML model deployments
- ml-pipelines-sdk — A dependency-light distribution of the core pipeline authoring functionality of TensorFlow Extended (TFX).
- ML2 — Machine Learning for Mathematics and Logics
- mlbaklava — no summary
- mlbench-core — A public and reproducible collection of reference implementations and benchmark suite for distributed machine learning systems.
- mlcommons-box — no summary
- mldock — A docker tool that helps put machine learning in places that empower ml developers
- mlem — Version and deploy your models following GitOps principles
- mlflow-by-ckl — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization
- mlflow-by-johnsnowlabs — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization
- mlflow-by-johnsnowlabs-v2 — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization
- mlflow-knative — MLflow plugin adding a Knative deployment target
- mlflow-saagie — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization - forked for Saagie
- mlflow-ste — MLflow: An ML Workflow Tool
- mlflow-tmp — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization
- mlipdockers — Request to docker containers in which the python enviroments for different machine learning potential usages are implemented. Using this package, one can get the predicted potential energy for any structure using any MLIP without needing to change python environments.
- mljet — minimalistic ML-models auto mljetnt tool
- mlops-local — Package to test preprocessing and ML scripts locally before pushing to the MLOps platform
- mlops-tempo — Machine Learning Operations Toolkit
- mltrace — Lineage and tracing for ML pipelines
- moby — Tool to automate running commands in docker.
- mockerpy — Mock client for Docker-py
- modelconv — Converter for neural models into various formats.
- modelos — An operating system for machine learning
- modulesbuilder — Build tools for Environment Modules
- mohit — Imports the mohit
- moitoi-docker-hive — MoiToi Docker Hive is simple dockrized containers manager
- molecule — Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
- molecule-docker — Molecule aids in the development and testing of Ansible roles
- molecule-plugin-lxd — Molecule LXD Plugin
- molecule-plugins — Molecule Plugins
- momba — A Python library for quantitative models.
- monarch-py — Python package for interacting with Monarch Initiative knowledge graph
- mongs-kfp — KubeFlow Pipelines SDK
- monit-docker — monit-docker
- moonai — Cutting-edge framework for orchestrating role-playing, autonomous AI agents. By fostering collaborative intelligence, moonai empowers agents to work together seamlessly, tackling complex missions.
- moriarty — moriarty
- moto — no summary
- moto-ext — no summary
- moto-letigre — A library that allows your python tests to easilyi mock out the boto library
- mozi-ai — 墨子AI:军事人工智能领航者, developed by HSFW
- mp.cobblestone — A user-friendly tool to create a database-abstraction REST API.
- mrp — no summary
- mse-cli — Command Line Interface for Microservice Encryption
- mse-cli-core — Utils for MicroService Encryption Python CLIs
- mtda — Multi-Tenant Device Access
- mtpylib — The funniest joke in the world
- mtxcli — The funniest joke in the world
- mtxp — The funniest joke in the world
- mtxzm — The funniest joke in the world
- multinode — Multinode's Python client
- my-cont — no summary
- mydomuk.dbalance — Docker Balance Tool to help moving Services in a Swarm between Nodes
- myhand — MyHand Bot, an advanced AI assistant, leveraging the capabilities of ChatGPT, capable of engaging in conversations, executing codes, and assisting you with a wide range of tasks.
- mypyautogen20240904 — Enabling Next-Gen LLM Applications via Multi-Agent Conversation Framework
- myst_libre — A Python library for managing source code repositories, interacting with Docker registries, handling MyST markdown operations, and spawning JupyterHub instances locally.
- nanami — no summary
- naz — Naz is an async SMPP client.
- nb-workflows — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- nb2workflow — convert notebook to workflow
- nbreproduce — Reproduce Jupyter Notebooks inside Docker Containers.
- ncomp — A wrapper for docker-compose that adds a network to all services.
- nebuchadnezzar — OpenStax Nebu publishing utility
- nekro-agent — 更智能、更优雅的代理执行 AI
- neo4j-haystack — Integration of Neo4j graph database with Haystack
- neofs-testlib — Building blocks and utilities to facilitate development of automated tests for NeoFS system
- neoload — A command-line native utility for launching and observing NeoLoad performance tests
- neon-diana-utils — Utilities for administration of Neon DIANA
- nethsm — Python Library to manage NetHSM(s).
- netunicorn-connector-containernet — ContainerNet connector for netunicorn
- netunicorn-connector-docker — Local Docker connector for netunicorn
- neuralnoise — An AI-powered podcast studio that uses multiple AI agents working together.