Reverse Dependencies of docker
The following projects have a declared dependency on docker:
- kubesync — Kubernetes Host to Pod Synchronization Tool
- kubetools — Kubetools is a tool and processes for developing and deploying microservices to Kubernetes.
- kumo-cli — Ferramenta CLI para build e deploy em orquestradores de containers
- kunefe — A Python package to run containers on HPC systems
- l3ns — L3 Network Simulator
- l3ns-dev — Simple Docker based Network Simulator
- laai — no summary
- lab-partner-utils — Utilities used to embed Lab Partner into python projects
- labfunctions — Schedule parameterized notebooks programmatically using cli or a REST API
- labgrid — embedded systems control library for development, testing and installation
- lactolyse — Django package for lactate threshold analyses
- laebelmaker — Generate traefik labels easily
- laipvt — laiye private deploy basement
- lambda-deploy-krhobeck — Makes AWS Lambda deployment more fluent
- lambda-packer — A tool to package Python AWS Lambda functions with zips, Docker containers, and layers.
- lambdipy — A tool for building and packaging python packages for AWS Lambda.
- latch — The Latch SDK
- launchflow — Python-native infrastructure for the cloud: LaunchFlow provides a Python SDK that automatically creates and connects to production-ready infrastructure (such as Postgres, Redis, etc..) in your own cloud account. LaunchFlow completely removes the need for DevOps allowing you to focus on your application logic.
- lava-test-plans — Generate LAVA job definitions for different devices and tests
- lazycluster — Distributed machine learning made simple.
- lb-catwalk — no summary
- lcci — Continuous Integration tool
- ldap-hooks — A set of Jupyter Spawner pre_spawn_hooks for creating/retrieving LDAP DIT entries during spawn
- ldimbenchmark — no summary
- Lean — A CLI aimed at making it easier to run QuantConnect's LEAN engine locally and in the cloud
- leapy — Real-time inference pipelines
- learnware — The learnware package supports the submission, usability testing, organization, identification, deployment, and reuse of learnware.
- legion — Legion
- leider — Manages services in Docker for all your local apps.
- lemur — Certificate management and orchestration service
- leruli — Use from command line and Python code.
- letigre-moto — A library that allows your python tests to easily mock out the boto library
- letta — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letta-nightly — Create LLM agents with long-term memory and custom tools
- letterparser — Decision letter and author response document parser.
- levatas-alira-cli — Alira CLI
- leverage — Binbash Leverage Command-Line tool.
- lftools — Linux Foundation Release Engineering Tools
- lgw — Configure an AWS Gateway in front of a Lambda function.
- libertai-client — CLI for LibertAI products
- libreeye — WIP
- lightex — LightEx: A Light Experiment Manager
- lightning-app — Use Lightning Apps to build everything from production-ready, multi-cloud ML systems to simple research demos.
- lim-cli — LiminalInfo command line app.
- lintML — A security-first linter for machine learning training code.
- lintreview — Lint Review, an automated code review tool that integrates with github. Integrates with the github API & a variety of code checking tools.
- linux-vm — A package to manage a Docker-based Linux VM and start a web server.
- lions-410e-midyear-2022-common — Common libraries for applications related to the 2022 Lions District 410E Midyear Conference
- lions-410e-midyear-2023-common — Common libraries for applications related to the 2023 Lions District 410E Midyear Conference
- litepipeline — LitePipeline: distributed pipeline system
- lithopscloud — Interactive tool for generation of lithops configuration
- llama-index-vector-stores-wordlift — llama-index vector_stores wordlift integration
- llm-made — multi-agent development
- llm-sandbox — Lightweight and portable LLM sandbox runtime (code interpreter) Python library
- lmcmlflow — MLflow: A Platform for ML Development and Productionization
- lmn — LMN: A simple launcher
- lnbits-extension — LNbits, free and open-source Lightning wallet and accounts system.
- localstack — LocalStack - A fully functional local Cloud stack
- localstack-core — The core library and runtime of LocalStack
- localstack-utils — Utils for testing with LocalStack
- logikal-utils — Common Python utilities used at Logikal
- loko-cli — no summary
- loktar — ci
- lookout-sdk-ml — Lookout Python SDK for stateful source code analyzers, typically using Machine Learning.
- lookout-style — Machine learning-based assisted code review - code style analyzers.
- lorrystream — A lightweight and polyglot stream-processing library, to be used as a data backplane-, message relay-, or pipeline-subsystem.
- lpw — Using Local Packet Whisperer (LPW, Chat with PCAP/PCAPNG files locally, privately!
- lsoft-docker — high level docker functions
- lsquery — The project is used to spin up docker game servers
- ltldoorstep — Doorstep: Project Lintol validation engine
- lug — Run Python functions locally or in the cloud.
- luma — A CLI to interact with the Lumavate platform
- lumeny — A cli and tui based personal management app for Lumen Young
- lumeo — Helper library for Lumeo video analytics platform
- luxonis-ml — MLOps tools for training models for Luxonis devices
- lxm3 — LXM3: XManager launch backend for HPC clusters
- lytekit — Flyte SDK for Python
- lzdeb — LzDeb - Build debian packages the lazy way
- m360-middleware — M360 middleware library for Python Django and Flask
- m4-utils — Biblioteca com funções de uso comum em projetos de aprendizado de máquina e ciencia de dados.
- macgrind — A containerized version of Valgrind for OSX.
- macrostrat.dinosaur — Diff-based database migrations
- madam-mam — MADAM (TM) Multi Agent Digital Asset Manager - a MAM server for Docker Swarm to handle higly distributed media processes
- magnus — A Compute agnostic pipelining software
- make-us-rich — Cryptocurrency forecasting 📈 training and serving models made automatic
- managecor — no summary
- managedtenants-cli — A CLI tool commonly used by MT-SRE projects at Red Hat
- mantik — mantik for mlflow
- marina — marina manages docker instances
- marinabox — An open-source toolkit for deploying containerized desktops and browsers tailored for AI agents
- mauto — Automate deployment of monitoring tools
- maxwell-tools — Set of tools for the Maxwell framework
- mc2-symmetry — Symmetry - A cluster management system for micro-clusters
- mciwb — Minecraft Interactive world builder
- mcwb — A Minecraft world builder library.
- md410-2022-conv-common — Common libraries for applications related to the 2022 Lions MD410 Convention
- md410-2023-conv-common — Common libraries for applications related to the 2023 Lions MD410 Convention
- md410-2024-conv-common — Common libraries for applications related to the 2024 Lions MD410 Convention
- md410-common — Common libraries for applications related to Lions MD410
- medium-speech — Medium posts as Markdown to Speech.