Reverse Dependencies of django-cms
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-cms:
- aldryn-apphooks-config — Namespaces based configuration for Apphooks
- aldryn-bootstrap3 — Adds Bootstrap 3 components as plugins.
- aldryn-bootstrap3-resurrected — Adds Bootstrap 3 components as plugins.
- aldryn-django-cms — An opinionated django CMS setup bundled as an Aldryn Addon
- aldryn-events — An events app for Aldryn
- aldryn-faq — FAQ addon for django CMS
- aldryn-forms — Create forms and embed them on CMS pages
- aldryn-jobs — Publish job openings on your site
- aldryn-newsblog — Adds blogging and newsing capabilities to django CMS
- aldryn-people — Aldryn People publishes profile pages for people in your organisation including team members, collaborators, partners, clients, and so on, including photographs and address information.
- aldryn-reversion — Support for django-reversion on models with translatable fields and django-cms placeholder fields.
- aldryn-search — An extension to django CMS to provide multilingual Haystack indexes
- awesto-djangocms-carousel — A carousel plugin for djangoCMS
- barbeque — Helper and tools collection
- cmsplugin-articles-ai — Articles management app for Django CMS
- cmsplugin-carousel-ai — Image carousel plugin for Django CMS
- cmsplugin-catalog — Django CMS page catalog plugin
- cmsplugin-css-background — A django CMS plugin for managing CSS background styles
- cmsplugin-feed-ai — Social media feed plugin for Django CMS
- cmsplugin-filer — django-cms plugins for django-filer
- cmsplugin-filer-resurrected — django-cms plugins for django-filer
- cmsplugin-form-handler — Easy plugin forms for django CMS
- cmsplugin_gallery — DjangoCMS image gallery plugin with drag&drop reordering in admin, support for thumbnails and jQueryTOOLS overlay.
- cmsplugin-google-maps-ai — Google Maps embed plugin for Django CMS
- cmsplugin-section-ai — Django CMS Section Plugin
- cmsplugin-slick — Django-CMS plugin for slick carousel
- cmsplugin-yandex-maps — Rich functionality Yandex Maps plugin for Django-CMS
- corebytecms-forms — Create forms and embed them on CMS pages
- correctiv-sortabletable — Sortable Table Django CMS Plugin
- django-academic-community — A Django app to manage members, topics and more in an academic community
- django-app-helper — Helper for django applications development
- django-cms-articles — django CMS application for managing articles
- django-cms-bootstrap-grid-builder — Your project description goes here
- django-cms-forms — Set of Django CMS plugins for creating forms
- django-cms-helpers — django-cms-helpers is a collection of helpers when working with django-cms.
- django-cms-tools — Tools/helpers around Django-CMS
- django-crunch — A data processing orcestration tool.
- django-danceschool — The Django Dance School project: a modular, reusable set of designed to integrate all of the regular functions of a social dance school with the Django CMS content management system
- django-oscar-moysklad — Django oscar moysklad support
- django-shop — A RESTful e-commerce framework based on Django
- django-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- django-simple-notes — Store simple notes linked to Django(-cms) pages. Supports apphooks (but not custom apps)!
- djangocms-ads — Google ads for django-cms
- djangocms-aldryn-forms — Create forms and embed them on CMS pages.
- djangocms-aldryn-forms-bootstrap4-templates — Bootstrap 4 templates.
- djangocms-aldryn-search — An extension to django CMS to provide multilingual Haystack indexes.
- djangocms-aldryn-translation-tools — Collection of helpers and mixins for translated projects.
- djangocms-algolia — no summary
- djangocms-alias — no summary
- djangocms-animate-on-scroll — Allows you to add the animate on scroll plugin to a cms page
- djangocms-apphook-setup — Library to auto setup apphooks
- djangocms-attributes-field — Adds attributes to Django models.
- djangocms-audio — Adds audio plugin to django CMS.
- djangocms-background-media — A Django CMS plugin that provides responsive, full screen background media with text.
- djangocms-blog — The blog application for django CMS
- djangocms-bootstrap4 — Adds Bootstrap 4 components as plugins.
- djangocms-bootstrap5 — Adds Bootstrap 5 components as plugins.
- djangocms-bulma-content — small plugin with implement content layout
- djangocms-calameo — Django CMS Calaméo is a plugin for Django CMS that allows you to add Calaméo widgets on your site.
- djangocms-cameraslider — A Django CMS image slider plugin that uses Camera Slider/Slideshow.
- djangocms-cascade — Build Single Page Applications using the Django-CMS plugin system
- djangocms-catalog-books — DjangoCMS Catalog of Books
- djangocms_charts — DjangoCMS Plugin to add and edit ChartJs charts
- djangocms-code-prettify — Allows you to add Google Prettify formatted code as plugin text
- djangocms-column — Column Plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-column-fork — Column Plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-concurrent-users — Django-CMS Plugin for blocking pages which are edited by another user
- djangocms-conditional — django CMS plugin that shows content based on user group membership.
- djangocms-custommenu — Adds custom menu plugin to django CMS.
- djangocms-dag-jetcode — Django CMS DAG Jetcode is a plugin for Django CMS that allows you to add DAG System's Jetcodes on your site.
- djangocms-darksky-api — This djangocms plugin allows you to add a weather indicator on your pages, using the Dark Sky API (
- djangocms-education — Adds a Plugin for embedding your Resume to your website.
- djangocms-equation — DjangoCMS plugin to write equations, utilizing KaTeX
- djangocms-events — Events list and calendar for django CMS
- djangocms-export-page — Export a Django CMS page or a model view to a DOCX document
- djangocms-faq — DjangoCMS FAQ let you create FAQ plugins that contains other plugins and provide an API to get questions/answers from keywords!
- djangocms-file — Adds file plugin to django CMS
- djangocms-flexslider — A Django CMS image slider plugin that uses FlexSlider.
- djangocms-form-builder — Adds a form editor to the structure board of django CMS.
- djangocms-forms-maintained — The easiest and most flexible Django CMS Form builder w/ ReCaptcha v2 support!
- djangocms-frontend — Adds abstract User Interface items as plugins to django CMS.
- djangocms-fullslider — Full page slider plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-geoplaceholder — Plugin for Django CMS that renders child plugins only for visitors from certain locations identified by GeoIP
- djangocms-gist — Gist Plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-git-md-page — no summary
- djangocms-googlemap — Adds Google Maps plugins to django CMS.
- djangocms-grid — Grid Plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-haystack — aldryn-search inspired Haystack index for djangoCMS projects
- djangocms-headings — djangocms plugin that implements HTML headings
- djangocms-helper — Helper for django applications development
- djangocms-highlightjs — highlight.js plugin for django CMS 3.0
- djangocms-history — Adds undo/redo functionality to django CMS
- djangocms-honeypot-captcha — # Djangocms Honeypot Captcha
- djangocms-html-tags — # HTML Tags
- djangocms-htmlsitemap — A Django CMS plugin for building HTML sitemaps showing organized lists of CMS pages.
- djangocms-icon — Adds icon plugin to django CMS.
- djangocms-jq — DjangoCMS jq - Show JSON value
- djangocms-katex — Provides plugin to render formulae in django CMS
- djangocms-lab-carousel — A Django app for adding a carousel of recent papers, etc. to a Django site with django CMS-specific features
- djangocms-lab-members — A Django app to extend django-lab-members with django CMS-specific features