Reverse Dependencies of django-cms
The following projects have a declared dependency on django-cms:
- djangocms-lab-publications — A Django app for adding sets of scientific publications with PubMed metadata to a Django site with django CMS-specific features
- djangocms-lang-chooser — Language chooser as a Django CMS plugin
- djangocms-layouttools — Adds layout Section and other plugins to django CMS.
- djangocms-leaflet — django CMS plug-ins for the JavaScript map library Leaflet
- djangocms-light-gallery — Light Gallery plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-link — Adds a link plugin to django CMS
- djangocms-link-all — no summary
- djangocms-link-manager — An extensible means of checking for broken links in virtually any django CMS plugin.
- djangocms-link2 — django-cms link/-structure management plugin with filer file support
- djangocms-listyle — Adds a plugin to embed an ordered or unordered list to Django CMS. Children are automatically wrapped in <li> tags.
- djangocms-local-navigation — Display menus based on the HTML structure of the pages
- djangocms-mdeditor — Text Plugin for django CMS using Martor for Markdown-enabled text-editing.
- djangocms-meta-og — DjangoCMS HTML Meta tags for OpenGraph.
- djangocms-modules — Adds copy/paste capabilities to groups of plugins
- djangocms-multimenus — Multiple named menus support for DjangoCMS
- djangocms-multisite — django-multisite supporto for django CMS
- djangocms-named-menus — Allows you to add and edit custom named menus similar to Wordpress menus
- djangocms-nbrender — Render notebook in Django
- djangocms-oembed — A set of oembed plugins for django CMS.
- djangocms-oidc — Plugin OIDC (OpenID Connect) into Django CMS.
- djangocms-oidc-form-fields — Plugin OIDC (OpenID Connect) for Aldryn form fields.
- djangocms-opensystem — A plugin for Django CMS that displays OpenSystem widgets.
- djangocms-page-image — django-cms page and title extensions providing image and teaser text
- djangocms-page-meta — OpenGraph, Twitter Card and snippet tags for django CMS 3 pages
- djangocms-page-sitemap — django CMS page extension to handle sitemap customization
- djangocms-page-tags — Tagged pages for django CMS 3
- djangocms-parallaxjs — A Django CMS plugin that creates parallax effects
- djangocms-photo-gallery — no summary
- djangocms-picture — Adds an image plugin to django CMS
- djangocms-plugie — Export/import django-cms plugins across applications.
- djangocms-popup — DjangoCMS-popup let you create small popups that contains other plugins!
- djangocms-qrcode — Django CMS content plugin that allows to put QR codes in the pages
- djangocms-redirect — A django CMS enabled application to handle redirects
- djangocms-rest — API endpoints for django CMS
- djangocms-revealjs — django CMS plugin to create reveal.js presentations
- djangocms-rosetta — Link to the rosetta interface in the Django CMS Toolbar
- djangocms-scrape-google-photos-album — django-cms plugin to scrape a Google Photos public album link for photo urls.
- djangocms-semantic-ui — Semantic UI components for django CMS
- djangocms-seo — A Django CMS extension to manage SEO meta tags for web pages.
- djangocms-shiny-app — A Django app for adding R Shiny apps to a Django site with django CMS-specific features
- djangocms-simple-admin-style — Adds pretty CSS styles for the django CMS admin interface.
- djangocms-slick-slider — A Django CMS Slider Plugin with Slick
- djangocms-slider-easy-uploadcare — A slider plugin for djangocms that lets you arrange slides like any other djangocms plugin. Fork of urga/djangocms-slider, but using uploadcare.
- djangocms-snippet — Adds snippet plugin to django CMS.
- djangocms-socialshare — no summary
- djangocms-style — Adds style plugin to django CMS
- djangocms-testing — Testing utilities for Django CMS
- djangocms-text-ckeditor — Text Plugin for django CMS with CKEditor support
- djangocms-text-mediumeditor — Text plugin for Django CMS which uses Medium editor
- djangocms-themata — A set of themes for Django CMS projects.
- djangocms-thumbnail-slider — Thumbnail slider plugin for Django CMS
- djangocms-time-wizard — Simple plugin with django-time-wizard relation
- djangocms-timed-new — Timed addon for django CMS
- djangocms-transfer — Adds import and export of plugin data.
- djangocms-twitter — Twitter plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-typedjs — A Django CMS plugin that implements the Typed.js jQuery plugin.
- djangocms-unitegallery — unitegallery grid Plugin for django CMS
- djangocms-versioning — no summary
- djangocms-video — Adds video plugin to django CMS.
- djangocms-xliff — XLIFF Import and Export for the Django CMS
- djangocms-youtube — YouTube embed plugin for your django-cms powered site with options for custom video thumbnails, analytics, SEO and more.
- djangocms-zb-filer — Zibanu Filer Plugin for Django CMS
- djangocms-zb-organizations — Zibanu Organizations Plugin for Django CMS
- djangofwd-news — A simple Django app to conduct Web-based news.
- djangoshop-shopit — Fully featured shop application built on djangoSHOP framework.
- djcms-custom-menu — An extension for Django CMS that allows you to create and edit multiple menus like Wordpress. This is compatible for Python 3.6, Django 2.1.9, django-cms 3.6.0
- emencia-contact-form — A reusable app to add a basic and configurable contact form.
- geoluminate — no summary
- giant-mixins — A mixins app that provides some standard mixins for Giant projects
- giant-redirect-import — Reusable package which adds an option to bulk import redirects from a csv file
- giant-search — Provides a nice abstraction layer on top of the django-watson search library.
- giant-utils — A small reusable package that adds small commonly used functions to a project
- ilmo-app — Django app for event registration
- leprikon — Django CMS based IS for education
- richie — A CMS to build learning portals for open education
- ripiu.cmsplugin-articles — Articles
- ripiu.cmsplugin-columns — Liquid columns
- ripiu.cmsplugin-filer-svg — Use SVG images in a Django-cms site
- ripiu.cmsplugin-filer-video — Self hosted videos
- ripiu.cmsplugin-fup — Fast Undetermined Presentation
- ripiu.cmsplugin-iubenda — Django CMS Iubenda integration
- ripiu.cmsplugin-lasagna — Lasagna
- ripiu.cmsplugin-rototalc — A plugin for Django-CMS to display galleries, based on Slick carousel
- ripiu.djangocms-aoxomoxoa — Unite gallery on django cms
- simpelerp — Simple djang based ERP
- sortabletable — Sortable Table Django CMS Plugin
- taccsite-cms — DjangoCMS backend for the TACC ACI-WMA Core-CMS Codebase.