Reverse Dependencies of defusedxml
The following projects have a declared dependency on defusedxml:
- lib4sbom — Software Bill of Material (SBOM) generator and consumer library
- libertem — Open pixelated STEM framework
- librespot — Open Source Spotify Client
- libweb — Python Web Service Parsing Library
- lintML — A security-first linter for machine learning training code.
- lisaorbits — LISA Orbits generates orbit files containing spacecraft positions and velocities, proper pseudo-ranges, and spacecraft proper times.
- loci-checkmarx — The official Loci Notes Checkmarx results importer.
- loci-spotbugs — The official Loci Notes SpotBugs results importer.
- LongTermBiosignals — Python library for easy managing and processing of large Long-Term Biosignals.
- lp-Aicloud — this a aicloud
- lsst-resources — An abstraction layer for reading and writing from URI file resources.
- ludvig — A simple vulnerability scanner
- luis1996 — my description
- luisito1996 — my description
- luisito19963 — my description
- m9s-trytond — Tryton Server
- maci — The easy to use library for your data, configuration, and save files
- magia-flow — Design flow integration and automation with Magia
- MAGINE — Package to analyze biological data.
- majora — Majora is a python library that automates common tasks in your exploratory data analysis.
- maldump — Multi-quarantine extractor
- manila — Shared Storage for OpenStack
- maptasker — Utility to display your entire Android 'Tasker' configuration on your Desktop.
- mapyllary — Unofficial Mapillary API
- Marine-Traffic-API — Marine Traffic Client Api
- maxbot — Maxbot is an open source library and framework for creating conversational apps.
- maxframe — MaxFrame operator-based data analyze framework
- mdml — Application of Deep learning on molecular dymanamics trajectories
- mdreftidy — CLI to tidy ({renumber,move-to-bottom,sort,clean}) up {image,link} references for markdown.
- mdremotifier — Remotify local links in; Make markdown READMEs self contained for publication to sites other than GH, such as npm, pypi.
- media-filesize-estimator — Estimates media file size in different formats w/o actually converting the file
- metaindex — Utilities to tag files
- MethodicConfigurator — A clear configuration sequence for ArduPilot vehicles
- metro-sp-mdp — no summary
- midea-local — Control your Midea M-Smart appliances via local area network
- milkfrog — Prototyping a Quality Assessment Tool with Parameterized Quality Models
- mimic_hand_middleware — Joint-to-motor level control API for mimic robotics AG's robotic hands.
- minchoc — Minimal Chocolatey-compatible NuGet server in a Django app.
- Mini-AMF — AMF serialization and deserialization support for Python
- minisignxml — Minimal XML signature and verification, intended for use with SAML2
- mkdocs-kroki-plugin — MkDocs plugin for Kroki-Diagrams
- mkstd — Make standards compatible with HDF5/JSON/XML/YAML.
- ML-Navigator — ML-Navigator is a tutorial-based Machine Learning framework. The main component of ML-Navigator is the flow. A flow is a collection of compact methods/functions that can be stuck together with guidance texts.
- mne-bids — MNE-BIDS: Organizing MEG, EEG, and iEEG data according to the BIDS specification and facilitating their analysis with MNE-Python
- model-optimizer — no summary
- modoboa-automua — Autoconfigure mail clients from Modoboa
- modoboa-dmarc — DMARC related tools for Modoboa
- modulename — this is a description
- mofh — API wrapper for
- moptipyapps — Applications of Metaheuristic Optimization in Python.
- mridc — Data Consistency for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- msticnb — MSTIC Notebooklets
- mtgdeck — MTG deck list decoder and encoder library and application
- muni-is-api — Python wrapper for the IS MUNI API
- murfey — Client-Server architecture hauling Cryo-EM data
- museumpy — Client for MuseumPlus
- muzzle — A tiny xmlparser
- mwcp — A framework for malware configuration parsers.
- myprss — rss reader for terminal
- myst-docutils — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- myst-parser — An extended [CommonMark]( compliant parser,
- natlas-libnmap — Python NMAP library enabling you to start async nmap tasks, parse and compare/diff scan results
- nautobot-plugin-chatops-panorama — Nautobot Chatops plugin for Panorama
- nba-analytics — A package for collecting and analyzing NBA player data.
- nbconvert — Converting Jupyter Notebooks (.ipynb files) to other formats. Output formats include asciidoc, html, latex, markdown, pdf, py, rst, script. nbconvert can be used both as a Python library (`import nbconvert`) or as a command line tool (invoked as `jupyter nbconvert ...`).
- neno — NeNo (Network Notebooks) is a tool that allows you manage and trigger your Jupyter notebooks remotely over the network using HTTP.
- nessus-py — Nessus API for Python
- netgate-xml-to-xlsx — Translate Netgate firewall rules to spreadsheet for review.
- networking-mlnx — Mellanox Networking
- neurocat — Interface Design for Neurocat's Research Engineer Test
- new2 — Optimizing the payment process of e-commerce
- nodejsscan — Static security code scanner (SAST) for Node.js applications
- nolanm-portfolio-package — no summary
- nollama — A terminal-based interface for interacting with large language models (LLMs)
- notion-apilib — This library allows developers to call Notion API using custom DSL Pydantic-validated classes and API methods
- nPDyn — Python package for analysis of neutron backscattering data
- ntdgotv-langtools — # ntdGoTV_langtools
- nwb4fp — Description of my package
- nwb4fprobe — Description of my package
- nxp-codecheck — Simple set of checking tools for accepting code quality for NXP python projects
- oae — Optimal Action Extraction for Random Forests and Boosted Trees
- oaklib — Ontology Access Kit: Python library for common ontology operations over a variety of backends
- oarepo — CESNET, UCT Prague and NTK wrapper around Invenio v3.
- oct-to-tiff — A command line tool for converting optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) data.
- odcs — On Demand Compose Service
- oem — Python Orbit Ephemeris Message (OEM) tools
- officelyTest — A brief description of your package
- oic — Python implementation of OAuth2 and OpenID Connect
- omdenalore — AI for Good library
- oms-cms — A high-level Python Web CMS
- onixcheck — ONIX validation library and commandline tool
- onnxtr — Onnx Text Recognition (OnnxTR): docTR Onnx-Wrapper for high-performance OCR on documents.
- open-api-tcbs — Library connect Open-API of TCBS
- open-variant — OpenVariant provides different functionalities to read, parse and operate different multiple input file formats, being able to customize the output.
- openbadges_bakery — A python utility for baking and extracting Open Badges metadata from images.
- openbb-nightly — OpenBB
- openbb-oecd — OECD extension for OpenBB
- openimis-be-tools — The openIMIS Backend Tools reference module.
- openmc-dagmc-wrapper — Perform a set of standard neutronics simulations with OpenMC and DAGMC
- OpenREM — Open source patient radiation dose monitoring software