Reverse Dependencies of defusedxml
The following projects have a declared dependency on defusedxml:
- social-auth-core — Python social authentication made simple.
- social-auth-core-tweaked — Forked form social-auth-core to fix a bug with PYJWT
- solnlib — The Splunk Software Development Kit for Splunk Solutions
- somesy — A CLI tool for synchronizing software project metadata.
- sosse — Selenium Open Source Search Engine
- specify-lmpy — Package of commonly used and shared Lifemapper objects and tools
- sphinx — Python documentation generator
- sphinx-argparse-cli — render CLI arguments (sub-commands friendly) defined by argparse module
- sphinx-autodoc-typehints — Type hints (PEP 484) support for the Sphinx autodoc extension
- sphinx-book-theme — A clean book theme for scientific explanations and documentation with Sphinx
- sphinx-design — A sphinx extension for designing beautiful, view size responsive web components.
- sphinx-exercise — A Sphinx extension for producing exercises and solutions.
- sphinx-needs — Sphinx needs extension for managing needs/requirements and specifications
- sphinx-new-tab-link — Open external links in new tabs of the browser in Sphinx HTML documents
- sphinx-proof — A Sphinx extension for producing proofs, theorems, axioms, etc.
- sphinx-rust — Sphinx plugin for documentation of Rust projects.
- sphinxcontrib.datatemplates — Sphinx extension for rendering data files as nice HTML
- sphinxcontrib-mermaid — Mermaid diagrams in yours Sphinx powered docs
- sphinxcontrib-moderncmakedomain — Sphinx Domain for Modern CMake
- sphinxcontrib-opendataservices-jsonschema — Sphinx extension to define data structure using JSON Schema
- sphinxcontrib-qthelp — sphinxcontrib-qthelp is a sphinx extension which outputs QtHelp documents
- sphinxcontrib-video — Allows embedding of HTML5 videos in sphinx
- sphynxml — no summary
- splunk-add-on-ucc-framework — Splunk Add-on SDK formerly UCC is a build and code generation framework
- splunksplwrapper — Package to interact with Splunk
- splunktalib — Supporting library for Splunk Add-ons
- — A simple Python package to gather live sports scores
- sruthi — SRU client for Python
- ssb-altinn-python — SSB Altinn Python
- ssb-altinn3-util — A small library package containing various tools and utilities
- ssb-metamock — Generate synthetic data from datadoc metadata
- SSLProxies24 — Obtenha e valide vĂ¡rios Proxys diariamente com este pacote. (Thread).
- stepup-reprep — StepUp RepRep is the StepUp extension for Reproducible Reporting
- stkclient — Send To Kindle
- stormshield.sns.sslclient — SSL API client for Stormshield Network Security appliances
- — A stream library for Python inspired by Java Stream API
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- superverse — A set of easy-to-use utils that will come in handy in any Computer Vision project
- supervision — A set of easy-to-use utils that will come in handy in any Computer Vision project
- suretime — Handle IANA timezones and fully resolved timestamps and intervals on all platforms
- SurfaceTopography — Read and analyze surface topographies
- surfactant — Modular framework to gather file information, analyze dependencies, and generate an SBOM
- svg2ssa — Converts subset of SVG 1.1 to SSA v4+
- sym-api-client-python — Symphony REST API - Python Client
- symphony-bdk-python — Symphony Bot Development Kit for Python
- Table2JSON — Convert Tabular Data to JSON
- Table2XSV — Convert Tabular Data to XSV
- tableauserverclient — A Python module for working with the Tableau Server REST API.
- tabpymigrate — Python project to download and deploy objects to Tableau Server via REST API.
- tacosdedatos-utils — Una coleccion de herramientas para facilitar el analisis y visualizacion de datos por @tacosdedatos.
- Task-4-5-Maihitooy — A task
- tasklit — A task scheduling app build on streamlit.
- tbwk-opener — An tool to open tbwk files generated by NanoDrop 2000
- teamvault — Keep your passwords behind the firewall
- technote — Rubin Observatory's framework for Sphinx-based technote documents.
- teladduser — This is a CLI with the aim to add new users from a spreadsheet at a Telegram supergroup.
- telegram-crypto-price-bot — Telegram bot for displaying cryptocurrencies price
- telegram-payment-bot — Telegram bot for managing payments
- telegram-periodic-msg-bot — Telegram bot for sending periodic messages
- tempest — OpenStack Integration Testing
- tensorflow-ml — Tensorflow ML
- TFOD-Automatic — Automated Object detection for Beginner using python and Tensorflow
- tgclients — TextGrid Python client library for repository access.
- th2-data-services-utils — th2_data_services_utils
- tiatoolbox — Computational pathology toolbox developed by TIA Centre.
- tid-home-prices-prediction — Train a xgboost model to predict housing prices in Bangalore
- tid-salary-survey-prediction — Train a gradient boosted tree to predict the salary of US residents from a salary-related survey dataset
- tifffile — Read and write TIFF files
- tmp-jira-with-fix-template-name — Python library for interacting with JIRA via REST APIs.
- tmxiterparse — An iterable parser for TMX files, intended to handle extremely large files without needing to keep the entire thing in memory, or pra the entire thing in one operation.
- tokyo-lineage — Tokyo Lineage
- tomoco — A CNN Channel Pruning System
- track-viz — Visualize Tracking Data
- training-grounds — The framework for featurization and model training
- transunion — TransUnion Python API
- trialtracker — Methods to extract and transform clinical trial data
- tribler — Privacy enhanced BitTorrent client with P2P content discovery
- trip-kinematics — ...
- tripoli — IIIF document validation.
- trytond — Tryton server
- ts-scan — TrustSource PM scanner
- tspq0 — Travelling salesman problem by qiskit
- tvrenamr — Rename tv show files using online databases
- ucdp-ipxact — Unified Chip Design Platform - IPXACT
- unanimous — Extension to make running pyspelling in CI easier. Maintains a common word exception list of technical terms so that every project does not need to exclude words like PyPi and GitHub etc..
- untangle — Converts XML to Python objects
- upf-tools — Tools for handling .upf (Unified Pseudopotential Format) files
- ur-material — no summary
- ValgrindCI — Tools to integrate valgrind into your Continuous Integration workflow.
- VASPsol — A VASPsol python helper package to simplify calculations and analysis
- vbcore — VBCore common helpers and components
- velocycle — Bayesian model for RNA velocity estimation of periodic manifolds
- verinfast — This tool safely and securely analyzes applications for benchmarking.
- viadot2 — A simple data ingestion library to guide data flows from some places to other places.
- virttop — A top like utility for libvirt
- vitamin-model-checker — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vitamin-model-checker-test — The VITAMIN model checker python package
- vmcenter — Vulnerability Management Center
- volpy — volpy: Volume calculations in Python
- vsvmafxml — Store per-frame score from log of VMAF as a frame property in clip for VapourSynth