Reverse Dependencies of decorator
The following projects have a declared dependency on decorator:
- rft-core — RobotFramework Toolkit
- ridepy — Simulates a dispatching algorithm serving exogenous transportation requests with a fleet of vehicles. Does not simulate the universe, unlike MATSim. Batteries are included.
- robobo-emotion — Librería para detectar emociones en imágenes y audio usando Robobo
- robotframework-appiumflutterlibrary — Robot Framework Mobile flutter app testing library for Appium Client Android & iOS & Web
- robotframework-appiumlibrary — Robot Framework Mobile app testing library for Appium Client Android & iOS & Web
- robotframework-pageobjects — no summary
- rocksdbserver — RocksDB Server
- role-pattern-nlp — Build and match patterns for semantic role labelling
- rookify — Enable Ceph-Cluster migrations to Rook
- rtm-fast — A fast unification ds code package
- rtv — A simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Reddit Terminal Viewer)
- rtv2 — A simple terminal viewer for Reddit (Reddit Terminal Viewer)
- runtime-stats — Python decorator function to track runtime stats on function calls
- rvtools-python — Simple app to collect information from vSphere
- s1-cns-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- s1-shift-left-cli — SentinelOne CNS CLI is an extension of our vision to shift-left security with SentinelOne CNS.
- s3pathlib — Objective Oriented Interface for AWS S3, similar to pathlib.
- s3reqs — Uploads zip file to S3 of requirements for Python AWS Lambda apps to get around 50MB limit.
- sabcom — SABCOM is an open source, easy-to-use, social network, agent-based, model that can be used to simulate the effects of different lockdown policy measures on the spread of the Covid-19 virus in several (South African) cities.
- sabhi-utils — Self rolled utils to be used with the Sabhi ML Services
- — CLI tool to deploy and manage WordPress applications on DigitalOcean
- sangreal-odo — Data migration utilities
- scdna-replication-tools — Code for analyzing single-cell replication dynamics
- scenestats — A PyTorch port of the Freeman-Simoncelli model introduced in J. Freeman and E. P. Simoncelli, “Metamers of the ventral stream,” Nat Neurosci, vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1195–1201, Sep. 2011, doi: 10.1038/nn.2889.
- schalter — Fast and simple configuration
- ScholarlyInfrastructure — 所谓大学者,非谓有大楼之谓也,有大师之谓也。
- science-optimization — A framework for optimization.
- scifit — Scientific Fit for Python
- scikit-net — Machine Learning in Complex Networks
- scikit-rt — Toolkit for analysis of radiotherapy data
- scirisweb — Scientific webapps for Python
- sconce — Model Compresion Made Easy
- scprep — scprep
- scProject — Transfer learning framework for single cell gene expression analysis in Python
- scraper-project-rami — no summary
- scrapfly-sdk — Scrapfly SDK for Scrapfly
- sdmbc — Sub-Daily Multivariate Bias Correction (SDMBC)
- sdss-marvin — Toolsuite for dealing with the MaNGA dataset
- seclea-ai — Seclea integration.
- secretstore — Python package for Parity's Secret Store API calls and sessions.
- self — @self decorator makes method return self (jQuery-like chaining)
- sentinel-downloader — A Python package for downloading and processing Sentinel satellite images.
- serialbox — Serial Number Distribution Made Easy.
- Sevenpack — no summary
- SFLvault-client — Networked credentials store and authentication manager - Client
- SFLvault-server — Networked credentials store and authentification manager - Server
- shaarpec — Client for SHAARPEC Analytics API.
- shakah — no summary
- shapeaxi — Shape Analysis Exploration and Interpretability
- shot-detector — Python shot detector based on PyAV
- shplat — no summary
- shs-identification — no summary
- sideseeing-tools — A set of tools to load, preprocess and analyze data collected through the MultiSensor Data Collection App
- simgen — no summary
- simple-mockforce — A companion package for simple-salesforce that enables the testing of code that interacts with Salesforce's API
- simple-youtube-api — A python YouTube API wrapper
- simpleBDB — A simple wrapper for bsddb3
- simpleiot-cli — SimpleIOT command line interface
- singletrader — a package for backtesting and factor analysis
- singularitytechnologies.easymodelskeras — Easy to use Keras Machine Learning Model
- site-conn-check — Package to check status code and response time of websites
- Sixpack — A/B testing framework under active development at SeatGeek
- sklearn-evaluation — scikit-learn model evaluation made easy: plots, tables andmarkdown reports.
- skyatc — no summary
- smipyping — A pure Python client for SNIA SMI test support.
- smk_python_sdk — Smarkets Python SDK - API clients and utility library
- snowflake-snowpark-python — Snowflake Snowpark for Python
- snowland-authsdk — snowland-authsdk, oauth 2.0 framework for
- social-gpt — Social gpt
- solarkat — Solar imaging pipeline for solar interference mitigation in MeerkAT
- somenergia-generationkwh — OpenERP module and library to manage Som Energia's Generation kWh
- SOMGraySclae — Using mainifest to improve a grayscale method based on Color-to-gray conversion using ISOMAP [Cui et al. 2010]
- somutils — Tools we use at Somenergia and can be useful
- song-and-spell — A configurable, mutable toddler radio that encourages spelling
- sonosco — Framework for training deep automatic speech recognition models.
- sparkstrader — python api for
- sparselandtools — A package for sparse representations and dictionary learning
- specific — Specific - spec-first web framework
- spherical-dev — Set of tools used in Spherical development
- spherogram — Spherical diagrams for 3-manifold topology
- sphinxcontrib-shellcheck — Sphinx extension to lint shell code blocks
- sphynxml — no summary
- spike-starter — spike-starter creates project from blueprint template
- sql_connectors — A simple wrapper for SQL connections using SQLAlchemy and Pandas read_sql to standardize SQL workflow.
- sqlalchemy-migrate — Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
- sqlalchemy-migrate-hotoffthehamster — Database schema migration for SQLAlchemy
- st-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- st-menu-component — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developes
- sta-awscli — MFA for AWS CLI using SafeNet Trusted Access (STA)
- stashy — Python API client for the Atlassian Bitbucket Server (formerly known as Stash) REST API
- stats-comp — A package to explore and visualize huge data sets
- steinwurf-tasker — A tool for handling automated tasks in Steinwurf.
- stelar-spatiotemporal — Spatiotemporal data processing for the STELAR project
- stkml — stkml is a transpiler for stckml language to generate output for different backend as diagram, drawio, map.
- streamAPI — basics utility and stream processing functionality
- Streamlined — Make ML or generic pipeline more streamlined
- Streamlit-menu — Customizable menu component for the streamlit developers
- stuned — Utility code from STAI (
- subaligner — Automatically synchronize and translate subtitles, or create new ones by transcribing, using pre-trained DNNs, Forced Alignments and Transformers.
- subwaylinegraph — no summary