Reverse Dependencies of decorator
The following projects have a declared dependency on decorator:
- pukhlya — Pukhlya is AIOHTTP simple and ready-to-go admin for SQLAlchemy models
- punctuation-stylometry — This package represents the code used for the publication of the article
- pushjet — A Python API for Pushjet. Send notifications to your phone from Python scripts!
- putil — no summary
- PW-explorer — An Extensible Possible World Explorer for Answer Set Programming
- pwh-pyramid-routes — Route helpers for Pyramid
- pwh-pyramid-session — Session helpers for Pyramid
- py-image-dedup — A library to find duplicate images and delete unwanted ones
- py-vcon-server — server for vCon conversational data container manipulation package
- py2ls — py(thon)2(too)ls
- py4cytoscape — Cytoscape Automation API
- PYB11Generator — PYB11Generator is a code generation tool which generates pybind11 code for binding C++ to Python. Documentation is available at
- pybeagle — Beagle is an incident response and digital forensics tool which transforms data sources and logs into graphs
- PyCHAM — PyCHAM: CHemistry with Aerosol Microphysics in Python
- PyContracts-mirror — INCOMPATIBLE FORK OF CURRENT PYCONTRACTS ON GITHUBThe version on pypi is stale, this is a fork that is updated from github andwith added support for jax. No guarantee that this will be kept up to date, or developed furtheror kept compatible with the original.See the original repo here:
- pycronorg — a simple sdk
- pycrostates — A simple open source Python package for EEG microstate segmentation.
- pydisconet — analyzing the co-authorship network of researchers in the field of biology
- pyethapp — Python Ethereum Client
- pyfund — no summary
- pygraphedit — Graph editor for Jupyter
- pyIcarus — Tools library for Security Research
- pylabnet — Client-server, python-based laboratory software
- Pylons — Pylons Web Framework
- pyluna-common — Transformation functions and services for multi-modal oncology data
- PyMLST — python Mlst Local Search Tool
- pymondo — python wrapper for mondo
- pyphi — Python library for computing integrated information.
- pyplatex — A scalable and versatile ANPR package leveraging YOLO for detection and multiple OCR options to accurately recognize license plates.
- pyPPG — pyPPG: a python toolbox for PPG morphological analysis.
- pyramid-helpers — Helpers to develop Pyramid applications
- pyrebrickable — no summary
- pyrediscore — Low-level decorators for redis instance I/O operations
- PyREM — Python Remote Experiment Runner
- PySmartShell — PySmartShell is a quick context creator provider for command creation
- pysted — STED image simulator in Python
- pyswarms — A Python-based Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) library.
- pytest-filedata — easily load test data from files
- pytest-in-robotframework — The extension enables easy execution of pytest tests within the Robot Framework environment.
- pytest-mypy-plugins — pytest plugin for writing tests for mypy plugins
- pytest-relaxed — Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest
- pytest-twisted — A twisted plugin for pytest.
- pytest-zy — 接口自动化测试框架
- python-adjutant — An admin task workflow service for openstack.
- python-core — there is no description available
- python-cyborgclient — Python client for cyborg API
- python-filmaffinity-fork — Simple python scraping for the FilmAffinity.
- python-magnumclient — Client library for Magnum API
- python-oauth-token-manager — API for managing stored OAuth credentials.
- python-snippet — Python and Data Science Snippets on the command line
- python-venusclient — Python client for venus API
- python26datadog — The Datadog Python library
- pytimers — Measuring time to run functions, methods or blocks of code made easy.
- pytoolkit928 — A General Use Python Tookit.
- pytorch-vision-classifier — This library is to help you train and evaluate PyTorch classification model easily and quickly
- pytreaty — PyTreaty is a hard fork of the PyContracts library from Andrea Censi. This fork has been updated to allow multiple contract definitions on a function, as well as removing Python 2.x support and other updates.
- pytunegrab — no summary
- pytwoway-pkg — Two way fixed effect models in python
- pyu — pyu, python utilities, util.
- pyuac — Python library for Windows User Access Control (UAC)
- pyul — Python Utility Library - A library of utilities for python development
- pywbem — pywbem - A WBEM client
- PyWebTools — A collection of helpers for use with Pyramid, Kajiki, Formencode, and SQLAlchemy
- pyxiv — Pixiv Private API Wrapper
- pyxllib — 厦门理工模式识别团队通用python代码工具库
- qc-benchmark-dwave — caict qc benchmark tooklit for Dwave Leap cloud
- qgmap — Interactive map widget for PySyde/PyQt4
- qiskit-aws-braket-provider — A provider for qiskit to access quantum devices through AWS Braket
- qiskit-ionq — Qiskit provider for IonQ backends
- qless-with-throttles — Redis-based Queue Management
- qsmap — Package provides functionality for working with geographical data, routing, and mapping
- qtrio — a library bringing Qt GUIs together with ``async`` and ``await`` via Trio
- quant1x — Quant1X量化交易框架
- quantgov — A Policy Analytics Framework
- quantumflow — "Cross compiler for gate based models of quantum computing"
- quartic-sdk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- quartic-sdk-gsk — QuarticSDK is the SDK package which exposes the APIs to the user
- qwgc — Graph classifier based on quantum walk
- ra-crypto — A python module with encryption and decryption algorithms for RSA based IBE and AES
- raid-tool — RAID: Rapid Automated Interpretability Datasets tool
- randydata — Tools for SQL or Excel of observational data handling.
- rangy — rangy helps you with the efficience of shell scripts in Python.
- rapy-genius — a python api to collect data from using their API
- raster2tiles — no summary
- ratelim — Makes it easy to respect rate limits.
- rbf — Robot Framework test library for automation of Web, REST APIs, SOAP Services, zOS, FTP, DB, Desktop Applications
- RCAEval — no summary
- readet — LLM based tools and agents to fascilitate scientific research
- redasher-ja — Manage Redash objects as files, enabling version control and development environments. This is a Japanese specialized version of redasher.
- reddit-tts-bot — A module that facilitates the creation of short form content from Reddit posts.
- render-python — a python API to interact via python with render databases see
- reqless — Redis-based Queue Management
- res-access-crypto — A python module with encryption and decryption algorithms for RSA based IBE and AES
- research-access-abac — Implementation of ABAC for research data files
- retry — Easy to use retry decorator.
- retry-async — no summary
- retry-sh — Easy to use retry decorator.
- retry2 — Easy to use retry decorator.
- rezolve-ai-ingestion — A private package for ingesting and processing SharePoint data with AI capabilities
- rf — Receiver function calculation in seismology