Reverse Dependencies of configparser
The following projects have a declared dependency on configparser:
- crwlr — Data Mining artifact for publication dbs
- cryptdomainmgr — Software managing certificate, dkim and domain updates automagically.
- crypto-licensing — The crypto-licensing module implements Ed25519-signed license checking and automatic issuance after cryptocurrency payment
- csghub-sdk — no summary
- csr_azure_utils — Utilities for csr1000v on Azure
- csync — Syncs code to machines on code changes
- ctcloudsdkcore — CtCloud SDK Python Core
- curvesimulator — CurveSimulator generates a video of the movements and eclipses of celestial bodies and the resulting lightcurve.
- custodia — A service to manage, retrieve and store secrets.
- custos-sdk — Apache Custos Python SDK
- cybs — REST API
- cygnods — Small library to handle most frequent CYGNO dataset operations with python
- cykle — CLI for the happy coding process
- cyrating — Python wrapper for
- cytominer-database — no summary
- d3r — Drug Design Data Resource CELPP Runner is an application to run the filtering, docking, and evaluation of new sequences from wwpdb
- daami-cli — cli to create additional things for daamireview
- dagonstar — DAGon* is a simple Python based workflow engine able to run job on everything from the local machine to distributed virtual HPC clusters hosted in private and public clouds.
- dame-cli — A execution manager cli for execution
- damster — Reports and metrics for Atlassian Tools
- dankbot — Slack bot for posting dank memes from Reddit
- databricks-azure-ad-sync-provider — Default template for PDM package
- databricks-cli-uc — A command line interface for Databricks with Unity Catalog extensions
- databuri — All-in-one Python package for Thailand's public APIs and datasets
- datadog — The Datadog Python library
- datadotworld — Python library for
- datalab — Google Cloud Datalab
- datanator-query — A python API to for querying datanator DB server
- datanator-query-python — A package to query and format the data in the integrated Datanator database
- dayan-contextcapture — A Python-based API for Using Dayan cloud rendering service.
- db-az-sync-provider — A PDM package to sync Azure users, roles and service principals to Databricks
- db-cache-manager — Custom database connector and cache manager with default support for fingerprinting and fingerprint lookups, DAG-like chains of identical rows, and cache tables that reference each other.
- dbnd — Machine Learning Orchestration
- DDFacet — Facet-based radio astronomy continuum imager
- ddpro — Data Discovery Pro for Automated EDA and ML
- ddv-settings — Module for easily reading and exporting settings from files
- dearwatson — Visual Vetting and Analysis of Transits from Space ObservatioNs
- decoil — EcDNA reconstruction from long-read nanopore data
- deepint — deepint is a python package to work with Deep Intelligence in a more easy and intuitive way.
- deepsurveysim — An astrological survey simulation designed for testing MDP-style algorithms
- defy — A command line tool to lookup balance on blockchain network
- delayed-queue-manager — Flask application which send the message after a delay implemented using socket
- demisto-sdk — "A Python library for the Demisto SDK"
- DeployBlueprint — A basic tool to deploy AWS Instances and MongoDB Atlas Clusters for when using Cloud Formation, Terraform, Habitat, or others is overkill.
- depth-armory — Armory is a tool meant to take in a lot of external and discovery data from a lot of tools, add it to a database and correlate all of related information.
- desktop-banner — Display the classification of the system on the desktop
- devex-sdk — Dish DevEx open source SDK
- devops-menu — Menu system for Managing AWS Accounts
- dhpcclient — Distributed High Performance Cluster Client for a heterogen Operating System environment
- diconfig — 一个简单的配置管理工具(A simple dictionary configuration management tool),dict <-> config file [json, toml, yaml, ini, xml]
- dictfile — Command Line Interface for manipulating configuration files
- diffphot — DiffPhot library. Differential photometry pipeline for astronomy.
- DigCNV — DigCNV: Discriminating True CNVs from artifacts from genotyping without further visualisation
- digly — Tool for automated Instagram interactions
- dj-arp-storm — play network traffic as sound
- django-bower-cache — A Django app implementing a local caching proxy for Bower packages.
- django-develop — Django development for humans
- dlmy — Yet another Spotify Downloader ...
- dmenutrello — brings trello to dmenu
- dockerutils — Docker Utilities/Patterns for Python Projects
- docx-utils — Creation and manipulation of Open XML documents (mainly docx).
- dodevops — Devops tool for deploying and managing resources on DigitalOcean
- dokr — A Docker and AWS utility package
- dokr199 — A Docker and AWS utility package
- dooblr — Duplicate data received over MQTT to InfluxDB
- dpx-control — DPX control software
- dripconfig — configuration loading utilities for common process setup tasks
- droidlysis — DroidLysis: pre-analysis of suspicious Android samples
- dsmr-data-logger — DSMR data logger
- dyna-gsm-module — GSM modules required for dynaslope 3 project
- dynamic-cli — A Modern, user-friendly command-line HTTP client for the API testing, and if you're stuck - Search and browse StackOverflow without leaving the CLI
- dynamodb-csv — A utility that allows CSV import / export to DynamoDB on the command line
- dyz — dyz
- e3v3se-display-klipper — no summary
- easierai-trainer-library — This library contains AI code for training purposes.
- easy-vault — Secure vault files that are easy to use
- easylogging2 — Simple Python logging lib
- easysparkcli — Command Line Tool created with the purpose of ease the use of Apache Spark, allowing users to deploy/delete a Spark Cluster and submit batch jobs easily through different options.
- eazyconfig — Easy configuration of input files for Air Quality department
- ebfe — EBFE Binary File Editor
- ec2list — Lists your ec2 instances in the command line.
- ec2rdp — Automatically populate rdp file from ec2 instance and put the password in the clipboard
- ECRScan — ECR scan utility
- ecs-connect — Seamlessly connect to containers running in ECS.
- ecsctl — kubectl-style command line client for AWS ECS.
- ecstools — Utilities for AWS ECS
- EdaSpiffWorkflow — A WF Manager for EDA with Spiff
- edpanalyst — The python API to the Empirical Data Platform.
- edu-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- eegsynth — Converting real-time EEG into sounds, music and visual effects
- ejpcsvparser — EJP CSV parser for building article objects.
- elifecrossref — eLife Crossref deposit of journal articles.
- elifepubmed — eLife PubMed deposit of journal articles.
- elodie — Your Personal EXIF-based Photo, Video and Audio Assistant
- emipy — Python package for emission data analysis based on the E-PRTR database.
- encoo — no summary
- epiphani-ecube — epiphani CLI for registering connectors & executing scripts in a sandbox
- eql — Event Query Language
- es-logging-machine — This library can be used to log data to your elasticsearch
- esa-cci-sm — Reading and reshuffling of CCI soil moisture