Reverse Dependencies of colorlog
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorlog:
- 10dulkar17-s3-aws — Python library for dashboard
- aamt — 基于pytest的接口自动化测试工具模板
- abci — Python based ABCI Server for Tendermint
- abodepy — An Abode alarm Python library running on Python 3.
- access-undenied-aws — Access Undenied on AWS by Ermetic - parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable fixes.
- achatbot — An open source chat bot for voice (and multimodal) assistants
- acom-music-box — An atmospheric chemistry box model. Powered by MUSICA.
- actinia-core — Actinia Core is an open source REST API for scalable, distributed, high performance processing of geographical data that uses mainly GRASS GIS for computational tasks
- actinia-module-plugin — A (RESTFUL) Flask application which adds module self-description and process-chain-template management to actinia-core
- adaptio — Adaptio 是一个基于 Python asyncio 的智能并发控制工具。它借鉴了 TCP 拥塞控制算法的思想,可以根据系统负载动态调整并发任务的数量,从而优化任务吞吐量并防止过载。此外,还提供了一个装饰器,当任务因系统过载失败时自动重试。
- ADLES — Automated Deployment of Lab Environments System (ADLES)
- adoc — Python code documentation generator
- aelog — An simple, async, full package name path, log rotating, different colored log library.
- aetherling — Aetherling: a DSL for compiling data-parallel programs to hardware accelerators.
- agency — A fast and minimal framework for building agent-integrated systems
- agentverse — A versatile framework that streamlines the process of creating custom multi-agent environments for large language models (LLMs).
- agentware — A framework that can be used to easily build agents that has memory and knowledgebase
- aggmap — Jigsaw-like AggMap: A Robust and Explainable Omics Deep Learning Tool
- AGKit — Python开发工具库
- ai-code-reviewer — Useful classes extending langchain library
- ai-flow — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-flow-nightly — An open source framework that bridges big data and AI.
- ai-object-detection — AI Object Detection
- aicoder — This is a tool to generate code using OpenAI api.
- aigor — AIgor is an assistant for oldshol unix users.
- AILog — Library that provides configurable colored and formatted logging with sane defaults
- aioamazondevices — Python library to control Amazon devices
- aiocomelit — Python library to control Comelit Simplehome
- aiomisc — aiomisc - miscellaneous utils for asyncio
- airflow-config — Airflow utilities for configuration of many DAGs and DAG environments
- airflow-supervisor — Supervisor operators and configuration for long-running tasks
- airoot — Suite of generation models for text, image, audio and video.
- AirStuff — Utilities to speedup AIR (Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca) document upload, for HEP users
- aiv-logging — Aiv_logging make by AI Academy Viet Nam
- Akatosh — Discrete event simulation framework supports real-time simulation without time step!
- akinoncli — CLI for Akinon Cloud Commerce
- album — album is a tool for unifying computational tools across frameworks, languages, and environments
- aliopts — A hyperparameter optimization framework
- all_package_resolver — This package is for those who need to download a package, with ALL of its dependencies. Not install, download only.
- AmazonSmartScraper — A package to scrape Amazon product information
- AMDirT — amdirt: AncientMetagenomeDir Toolkit
- Amplo — Fully automated end to end machine learning pipeline
- AndroidFridaManager — A python API in order to install and run the frida-server on an Android device.
- aniworld — Cross-platform command-line tool to download and stream anime from
- anjani — Telegram group management bot
- ankipandas — Load your anki database as a pandas DataFrame with just one line of code!
- ansit — Sophisticated tool for testing configuration managment
- antinex-client — AntiNex Python client
- antinex-core — AntiNex publisher-subscriber core for processing training and prediction requests for deep neural networks to detect network exploits using Keras and Tensorflow in near real-time.
- antinex-utils — AntiNex Utilities for Keras and Tensorflow
- aomaker — An api testing framework
- apache-airflow — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- apache-airflow-zack — Programmatically author, schedule and monitor data pipelines
- api-eagle — no summary
- api42lib — A Python library for interacting with API (v2 and v3). Maintained by 42 Berlin.
- apimd — A Python API compiler for universal Markdown syntax.
- ApiMeter — One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.
- apkutils — 一个APK解析库
- app-skellington — app_skellington CLI framework
- appget — A package management tool
- arcor2 — ARCOR2 base library
- argo-tugboat — Streamline your Argo Workflows with precision and confidence
- argus-toolbelt — A framework for creating interactive commands with Argus' APIs
- arkas — Library to evaluate ML model performances
- arxiv-dl — Command-line Papers Downloader. Citation extraction and PDF naming automation.
- ashishdotme-utils-lib — Python library for dashboard
- ASMRManager — download, manage and play the voices on
- assigner — Automatically assign programming homework to students on GitLab
- assisted-ticket-search — A temporary package for testing
- astrosource — Analysis script for sources with variability in their brightness
- asyncTaskmini — Lightweight asynchronous distributed task library
- atap_corpus — Corpus mini-framework allowing for memory-efficient slicing and provides a standardised base corpus structure for the collection of ATAP tools.
- atb-lib — A Python package for Advanced Trading Bot
- athenaeum — no summary
- athina — Python SDK to configure and run evaluations for your LLM-based application
- athina-evals — Python SDK to configure and run evaluations for your LLM-based application
- atomicnlp — Atomic Natural Language Processing
- atomnlp — Atomic Natural Language Processing
- ats-base — Test Script Development Library
- attackmate — AttackMate is an attack orchestration tool that executes full attack-chains based on playbooks.
- aud — Quick tools for audio busy-work
- aurelio-sdk — Aurelio Platform SDK
- auro-utils — Auro Utils is a utility package offering various practical supports for the Auromix application, such as enhanced logging capabilities and more.
- autodailycheckin — yaoys_checkin
- AutoGPT-Forge — no summary
- autolab-core — Core utilities for the Berkeley AutoLab
- automate — General purpose Python automatization library with nifty real-time web UI
- autopilotml — A package for automating machine learning tasks
- avaris — Task execution engine for data management and monitoring
- aws-access-undenied — AWS Access Undenied by Ermetic - parses AWS AccessDenied CloudTrail events, explains the reasons for them, and offers actionable fixes.
- aws-okta-keyman — AWS Okta Keyman
- aws-pcluster-bootstrap-helpers — Helpers to bootstrap a AWS PCluster + SLURM + Custom AMIs
- aws-pcluster-helpers — Helpers to generate different configurations for PCluster
- azkv — CLI client for the Azure Key Vault data plane
- AztClient — AztQuant Server Python Client
- azvaultcopy — cmdline tool to copy Azure Key Vault certs and secrets from one vault to another in same or a different tenant
- badger-mk — Makes badges from templates
- basisopt — Automatic basis set optimization for quantum chemistry
- batframes — 可以配置将多个可执行文件和内部命令串接成一个完整命令执行的框架工具。(命令支持 多个option选项)
- baymax — A simple telegram bot framework on top of Python asyncio