Reverse Dependencies of colorama
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorama:
- z3log — Paper Title: ErrorEval: an Open-Source Worst-Case-Error Evaluation Framework for Approximate Computing
- ZAmino.fix — Aminofix update.
- zana-ai — A package for PHIND chatbot functionality
- zaowr-polsl-kisiel — A simple Python package used by me and my friends at university in the 'Advanced Image, Video and Motion Analysis' course.
- zarinpal-py-sdk — A Python SDK for Zarinpal Payment Gateway
- zarrify — no summary
- zas-rep-tools — This Tool-set helps to make a repetitions analysis in social media corpora much comfortable
- ZBRO1 — Lobby bot.
- ZBRO2 — Lobby bot.
- ZBRO3 — Lobby bot.
- ZBRO4 — Lobby bot.
- zbuilder — Create VMs
- zcommons — A collection of common utils for python.
- zcts — ZD Converter 2000 python SDK
- zebra-qa — ZEBRA: Zero-Shot Example-Based Retrieval Augmentation for Commonsense Question Answering
- zed-assistant — Zed is an LLM-based CLI assistant built with python and Chat GPT
- ZEEIHBOT — Lobby bot.
- zef — A data-oriented toolkit for graph data
- zegami-cli — Command Line Interface for Zegami
- zeigen — Find water networks in atomic-resolution crystal structures
- zeitig — time tracker and reporter
- zelos — A comprehensive binary emulation platform.
- ZenDataStorage — A Python package for processing data from .zenf files.
- zengl-extras — no summary
- zenif — Various utilties to enhance your projects
- zenkly — CLI for Zendesk admin tasks
- zenlogger — logging lib
- zenmai — toy language on yaml or json
- zenomatic — Get the Zen of Python in your Applications
- zenplate — A pluggable CLI templating tool leveraging the powers of Jinja2 and YAML
- zernipax — Includes functions to generate Zernike modes and Calculate Zernike polynomials and their derivatives using JAX.
- zero-knowledge-access-pass-authorizer — A `Tahoe-LAFS`_ storage-system plugin which authorizes storage operations based on privacy-respecting tokens.
- ZeroLogger — My Own Logger Package to throw done/warn/error/critical(error + exit) messages
- zest.releaser — Software releasing made easy and repeatable
- zetsubou — FASTbuild generator for the helpless
- zeus-server-app — A server for controlling gamepad inputs and managing HWIDs.
- zeusback — A tool to fetch archived files from Wayback Machine
- zfit — scalable pythonic model fitting for high energy physics
- zfs-autobackup — ZFS autobackup is used to periodicly backup ZFS filesystems to other locations. It tries to be the most friendly to use and easy to debug ZFS backup tool.
- zftracker — Python library for tracking group of zebrafish
- zgautomation — A Powerful Module To Interact And Manipulate Browser
- zhixin — no summary
- ziginstall — A simple CLI to install the Zig programming language on your system and manage versions.
- zimra — Unofficial Python wrapper for the ZIMRA FDMS API by Tarmica Chiwara
- ziti-router — A description of your package
- zkappsumstadcli — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zkappumstad — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zkumstad — CLI AI Agent for zkApps Developers
- zlai — A LLM Agent Python package.
- zlocated-central-repo-updater — The tool to update the central repository of the ZLocated DNSMasq project.
- znlib — no summary
- zns-logging — A simple and flexible logging library for Python
- zonic — Extendable python port scanner
- zoomeye — Python library and command-line tool for ZoomEye (
- zoomeyeai — Python library and command-line tool for ZoomEye (
- zosedit — FTP-based MVS Dataset Editor
- zse — A CLI tool that allows UNSW students to submit work to CSE machines.
- zsh-startify — Fancy start screen for zsh w/ tmux integration and more!
- zsx-pack — 自用包,主要是为了logger无法屏蔽第三方包日志而开发的
- zuicorn — A WSGI server designed & developed for ZYLO Python web Framework.
- zuss — ZD USB Shifter SDK
- zybats — Automation Technical Service
- zygoat — no summary