Reverse Dependencies of colorama
The following projects have a declared dependency on colorama:
- wyrdle — Wordle and bot in Python
- wyvern — A flexible and easy to use Discord API wrapper for python 🚀.
- x5 — x5 NexT Gen Project Manager
- XAccess — Communication with the server using server and client
- xappt — eXtensible APPlication Toolkit.
- xarg-python — Simple command-line tool based on argparse.
- xavdid — Terminal-based intro card
- xbdown — 强大的种子下载工具,优化性能与美观终端输出
- xbeastx — A package that imports all required dependencies.
- xcat — A command line tool to automate the exploitation of blind XPath injection vulnerabilities
- xd — a list of useful commands which makes life easier
- xdcc_dl — An XDCC File Downloader based on the irclib framework
- xDisHook — A tool for generating and checking Discord Nitro codes
- xdoctest — A rewrite of the builtin doctest module
- xdutools — 西电相关工具和 CLI
- xenon-lfp-analysis — Xenon LFP Analysis Platform
- xenoslib — Xenos' common lib
- xgbsearch — An implementation of grid search, random search for XGBoost with eval_set and early stopping support.
- xgram — The telegram api
- xiaogpt — Play ChatGPT or other LLM with xiaomi AI speaker
- xiaoranli-quiz — A quiz application
- xiaxinghe — 一个Python库,用于个人娱乐整蛊
- xin — xin Python Library
- xiwa-modules — xiwa modules for tool creator
- xjfx — Collection of simple utility functions and classes that extend standard library functionality.
- xkcd-python — A wrapper for's API. Built Using Python.
- xkits — Python toolkit.
- xlsx2sqlite — Generate a Sqlite3 database from a Office Open XML file.
- xoa-utils — Xena OpenAutomation ANLT Utility provides a shell-like command-line interface for users to do ANLT tests interactively.
- xontrib-readable-traceback — Traceback easier to see for xonsh.
- xontrib-xgit — Git exploration utilities for xonsh.
- xposer — Xpose your functions as microservices over arbitrary channels using standardized logging and configuration
- xprint — xprint
- XSS-Checker — XSS-Checker is a tool used to Check / Validate for XSS vulnerabilities
- y2mate-api — Download youtube videos and audios by title or link
- yacfg — Template based configuration files generator based on jinja2 and yaml.
- yahoofantasy — An SDK for the Yahoo! Fantasy Sports API
- yahpdf — A CLI tool for analyzing PDF files
- yak-yurt — A tool for deploying Django Web Apps to remote servers
- yalesnotes — A deamon querying new marks for UPMC/Sorbonne Université students
- YAMDOG — Yet Another Markdown Only Generator
- yaml2 — Lobby bot.
- yandexdirectpy — no summary
- yapapi — High-level Python API for the New Golem
- yaq-traits — package defining yaq traits
- yark — YouTube archiving made simple.
- yaslha — A Python package to handle SLHA (SUSY Les Houches Accord) files.
- yatta — Yet Another Time Tracking Application
- yawast — The YAWAST Antecedent Web Application Security Toolkit
- ybt — Yet another Build Tool
- yeetsmenu — A colored menu builder
- yehua — Yet another a project template tool for an organisation.
- yenta — Yet 'Nother Taskrunner
- yes-chef — A command-line tool for managing recipes and making shopping lists.
- yewtube — A Terminal based YouTube player and downloader. No Youtube API key required. Forked from mps-youtube
- yiflow — Workflow library with configurable modules
- ykdl — a video downloader written in Python
- YmHandler — no summary
- yocto-oebuild — no summary
- yoctobuild — no summary
- yokadi — Command line oriented todo list system
- YolikLogging — 自定义logging
- yolov5-E — Simplified yolov5 version
- youchoose — YouChoose is an open source recommendation library built on PyTorch.
- youngersibling — An educational OSINT toolkit for research and analysis.
- Youtiao — Micro Service Scaffold Generator and Toolkit
- youtube-analyzer — Analize vídeos do youtube
- youtube-clipper — Tool for finding clips in YouTube videos
- Youtube-Comment-Export — Export a YouTube channel Comments in a nice Excel format.
- youtube-dl-cli — A tool that can download the video from youtube and easier to use.
- youtube-download-cli — no summary
- youtube-video-upload — Youtube video uploader
- youwol — YouWol as a desktop application
- yoyopkg — A modular package manager
- yt-ripper — Project with Python to download videos and mp3 files of youtube in the terminal
- yt-thumbnail-creator — Generating Thumbnail for everyone
- yt2mp3 — Simplifies the process of searching, downloading and converting Youtube videos to MP3 files
- yt5 — Download YouTube Videos and Audios
- yt6 — Download audio and video from YouTube.
- ytam — A commandline utility that enables the creation of albums from Youtube playlists.
- ytcl — CLI frontend for ytdl-server
- ytcompdl — Script to download and segment youtube videos automatically.
- ytdl-sub — Automate downloading metadata generation with YoutubeDL
- ytdlmusic — ytdlmusic is a command-line program to search and download music files from YouTube without use browser.
- ytget — Easily get data and download youtube videos, focused on speed and simplicity.
- ytgrep — CLI tool to search youtube captions
- ytmdl — Youtube Music Downloader
- ytml-toolkit — no summary
- ytsort — Arrange downloaded youtube videos
- ytstreamer — Script that streams music (or audio) from youtube
- ytube-api — Unofficial wrapper for
- yuan-tool — some common components for personal use
- yule — A logging package for python
- yuritasks — Task automation tool, automate those boring and repetitive tasks.
- yutto — 🧊 一个可爱且任性的 B 站视频下载器
- yvestest — An open-source simplifies ETL workflow with Python based on Spark
- yymake — A cross build dsl make tool
- yyyutils — A light weight command line menu that supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux
- z0scan — Z0SCAN Web Application Scanner
- z2n-periodogram — A package for interative periodograms analysis.